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House Plant Problem

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gessoo | 21:25 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
345 Answers
I have a thick, very sticky white substance on some of my conservatory plants. I presume it is from an insect as it doesn't look like mould. I have sprayed it with insecticide but nothing shifts it. Any ideas welcome. Should I get rid of the plants?


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Afternoon Bidds,congratulations robinia..james...glad they called him after me...blimey...imagine calling him gessoo or shaney...phew!!!!!Hiya dolly...are you in winter over there now??hey jude...cleaned some lovely cottages in berrynarbour..this morning...there gardens are magic...surrounded by rolling hills and the sea..second half...catch you later.dudes.(:-).

grrrr.....attempt no 3......

A'noon all - hope you're not all burnt to a frazzle...nice breeze here which made it lovely & fresh last night.

Hope all the footie fans are satisfied with outcome if not thrilled by the game...hahaha, listen to me, trying to sound as though I know sommink......

.....Thanks for all your son has sent me some pics, baby looks like a footballer, dark spiky hair, a very handsome, robust little man he is (expect his hair will become very blonde as we all were.....well, mine still is, funny that)

Sorry I sound like I'm yodelling, I'm a little hoarse today. Yeh, yeh Vinny, we know, you're a stallion ;o)

What's going on I've just done a longish post and it's just disappeared.!
I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Second try disappeared as well. Second half now started so see you later :o)
Evening has been a lovely day here..just right ..pleasantly warm with a nice breeze.
Have been very lazy sitting around in the garden ..have just had the hose out and watered everywhere. Had a nice surprise this morning ...won a bottle of brandy in a crossword comp.
Take care all ..see you later.xx
Morning all 'It' wont let me do a long post so I can't have a moan about things like I want to, so I will just say hope you all have a lovely day. :o)
Hi Jude & all, not worth typing much if it's not running properly, just as well I'm sooo tired I can hardly think......what a hot afternoon yesterday & an awful sticky night it was. Bit better now there's a little breeze....pump some sea air over here please, even if there's a whiff of sprouts in it.
hope everyone is well.....
hurray, first time lucky.....
Hiya,sunny and my son on the big-screen at cambridge during Englands game..he was the one who had a placard"send more money dad"hehe..only joking about last bit.Hope yer all a...okay(:-)blows breeze over towards derby.....its okay havent had any sprouts......only cabbage..hahaha..!!
Here you go Robinia ..a nice sea breeze from Gorleston flavoured !!

Vinny that breeze is a long time getting here...looks like you've had more cloud & manageable temps today...

shaney what a lovely pic - using it as my desktop to make me feel cool when I switch on. I'd have given anything to be able to get a lungful of that air today & a paddle with me flowery skirt tucked in me bloomers....

Evening Biddies - Congratulations Robinia sorry I missed the big day , good wishes to the family. Hope you are feeling better. Hope everyone is all, I am fine, just too lazy to get on here at present - weather flaming hot again and today I went in the pool, it was lovely. I'll be back soon - love to you all esp Dolly in Oz.
Evening folks..hiya robinia....its cloudy this afty and got cooler...which is a relief...perhaps are get some kip tonight.(hope you do to).my son says its to hot where he is (cambridge)but he's coming home wednesday..for a few weeks....oh no...!!were be fighting over the putta....(:-)hope everybody else is okay..later dudes
Hi neti (& Vinny) & thanks - hope you're feeling better too. I used to cope with heat quite well but this has been too much with not feeling well. My voice sounds like Johnny Vegas....I might wake up looking like him :o)

All my plants in the front garden have scorched. Most were new last yr after having it gravelled & were doing really well...if I have to replant I'll put bloomin' cacti in....

oooh think there might be a storm-a-comin....

Hello All I hope this works. Been to see The Midnight Pumpkin Trucks tonight. Brilliant night but to hot to let out hair down and dance all night.

Been very lazy this weekend watching footie and sunbathing. Didn't even do a hot dinner today so Dad had to do with one out of the freezer.

Goodnight now see you tomorrow! xx

Hooray it works at last!!!!!

morning all, bit early but I've been awake since least I got 5hrs sleep tho'.
After those 2 weeks in Biddycamp I never thought I'd say hurray, it's raining but it is. Thunder in the distance too. Hope you didn't get washed away in the night Vinny - see you had plenty of rain in the night.
Glad you had a good night Jude - you didn't seem too happy yesterday.

do I sound sexy...? no, probably not :o)

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Please, please send us the rain. I am dying of heat exhaustion and have been awake since 2.30am.......................................................

Hi all ,I hope you weren't skinny-dipping when you were in the pool neti ! My better half and I are thinking of coming over for a holiday soon (not sure of the date as yet ) so hang on to that hot weather for us !!! Yes it is Winter here now a beautiful if somewhat chilly in the evenings kind of weather . Queens Birthday holiday today and a lovely day .Still no rain unfortunately. Plants dying ,grass dead and now we can only use buckets filled from a tap(not a hose) to water our gardens ,too old for that so may end up with no garden!

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