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House Plant Problem

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gessoo | 21:25 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
345 Answers
I have a thick, very sticky white substance on some of my conservatory plants. I presume it is from an insect as it doesn't look like mould. I have sprayed it with insecticide but nothing shifts it. Any ideas welcome. Should I get rid of the plants?


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i cnt pst all gs hywire .I am gng to hve sm chs on tst.
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ha ha ha ha ha.

enj yr chs on tst and hve a gss of wiky wth it!!!!

I hve bn a rl pgy tdy. I hve stfd my fce wth lts of dlcius tings.

I gt yr ml. Tks. xxxxx

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dnt fgt. If yu gt rely ft yu wll hve to py mre bldy tx!!!!!!
Lol Lol and more Lol.....Bldy pn in the nk.Hve bn tryin to pst in tht thrd bt no joy .....oooh......grump....grrr and ..bah humbug !! I will get him...never fear !! Mst learn txt spk !
Blimey...everybodys pi**ed??(:-)
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Shny. If yu tpe yr anwr on ntpd or wrd, you can cpy and pst it in sctns.

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Vny. Wre nt pssd, jst vry stpd!!!!!

Just trying to save energy Vinny !

I see they have put a shilling in the meter at last.

Morning all..what a beautiful day ...I am taking my aunt out for lunch so must make a move ..take care all and have a good day .See you later.
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Robbie How are you?

These are for you

and the flowers are quite nice too.

Take care my dear xxxxxxxx

Morning Biddybabes...robinia...I do hope you feel better today..keep on truckin....xxxthese are for you...

with love


Hello everyone. So sorry you are not well Robinia. Hope you feel much better very soon. Haven't been on much last couple of days. been working and then coming home and dossing about in the garden (which is looking much better now)! Going out tonight but don't expect we'll have energy to dance much tooooo hot, but not complaining.

Have a lovely lunch Shaney

I've been reading that thread Gessoo what a horrible person who posted the question!!

Vinny I'm learning quite a bit about gardening now!!

See you all later! :o)

Hi all
Have had a nice day out in the country with my aunt ...we went to a garden centre for lunch and then had a ride across the Reedham ferry and tea at St Olaves on the broads.

My food intake today will be extremely taxable !!

Hope you are feeling better today Robinia ..the mr S's are watching the ruddy football ..the germans are playing !!
I am going to potter in the garden ..Have a good weekend everyone and enjoy the lovely weather xx

There not watching footy are they...tut taste some people...

ooh its second half, must go...he he...(:-).

Met a lady from derby today....she said she use to live in the same road as birds first shop..think she said almond okay robinia..??

well done jude..or should I say percy thrower..hahaha.

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Hmmm, this is more likely than not to be the reason our Jude has taken a shine to gardening. It's not the garden it's the gardener..............


Have a lovely weekend all. And please post Robbie xxxxx

There's some idiot on P&P needs reporting.

Evening all ....totters in a bit wobbly but wearing a big grin ......

The baby's here...and it's JAMES!! (middle name undecided) hurray! born this afternoon at 3.08, 7lbs 12oz mum & babe both doing very well. Hoping to get to see them very soon.

Thanks for the messages & lovely flowers, I've been wobbly & weak today & now have a dry annoying cough. Charlie's still a bit quiet as well. I'm glad it's cooled down tonight.

When's that gardener coming round ? he's better looking than mine.
Hope you're all well, no neti again, hope she's ok.

right, what's been happening on here today then....?

Many congratulations to you and your family Robinia on the birth of your wishes to him for a long and happy life.
Glad to see you are feeling a bit's been hot here today but has cooled down this evening'll have to nip up here and have a paddle in the sea !! That'll set you up a treat.
The only gardners I see round her are old boys in braces and shirtsleeves hoeing their spring onions. No dishy Mellors gamekeepering types !
Take care ..have a nice weekend ..plenty of R&R.xx

Congratulations Grandma Robinia. Pleased everything is ok. And welcome Baby James!!

Been out tonight and had a good night. My friends boyfriend turned up but that didn't stop us dancing. Not too hectically (is that really a word) because it was too hot. We are going tomorrow and Sunday as there are some good groups on. M.P.T on Sunday Robinia. Will your son be going? Or is he the one that's just become a father.

Glad you enjoyed your day Shaney sounds lovely where you went.

I'm off to bed now it's Have to get to Birds early in the morning before Robinia buys all the cream cakes!! :o)

Goodnight All have a lovely weekend!! xxxx

Congratulations Robinia on the birth of your grandsoa James (one of my favourite names ).Wish him a long and happy life from me .Hope you're feeling better soon and anyone else who is not feeling the best .So it's getting a bit too warm for you all ,have you remembered to take off your woolly vests etc.?LOL Enjoy your Summer while you've got it .Bye xxx Just going to watch the England v.Paraguay match ,come on England ,come on !!!!!

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