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House Plant Problem

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gessoo | 21:25 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
345 Answers
I have a thick, very sticky white substance on some of my conservatory plants. I presume it is from an insect as it doesn't look like mould. I have sprayed it with insecticide but nothing shifts it. Any ideas welcome. Should I get rid of the plants?


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Morning Folks....and..


Yep,we have had a nice drop of rain through the night and this morning.(cant believe Im saying this,after the shocking weather we had a couple of weeks back).its lovely and cooler now.Hope you get cool soon as well everybody.nice to hear from you you sound very sexy robinia....he he...(:-)

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Hi Dolly and Vinny! Have just checked my outside thermometer and its 32.5 degrees!!! My inside one in the coolest room of our cottage (which is usually chilly!) says 25.5 degrees. Skinny dipping Vinny! I'll have to sit in the bird bath!!!

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Robinia, I felt sure I had wished you and family congratulations on the arrival of James. In fact, I know I did, but it didn't appear - well at least I can't find it.

Anyway, I was so pleased to hear the news. I shall be about 95 if I ever have the pleasure to be a granny!!!!

Morning gessoo.....oh you poor a cold bath..that's what I did on saturday morning.I could have swore you posted congrats to robinia as well...mind you ..I didnt mention skinny it the heat...he he..!!(:-)

back again - hi Dolly, I think we'll be looking like the Aussie outback here if this is par for the course this summer, it's amazing how quickly the gardens shrivel up. Hope you're wearing your tiara & you've got your flag out for the queen.

thanks gessoo don't worry about your post. I reckon there must be a huge skip full of lost posts from the past few days outside the Eds office. 32 degrees! the heat's not much fun when you've aches & pains is it? I have to sit down every 10 mins - instead of the usual 15 ;o) The rain didn't last long, it's hot & sunny again so it might be heading your way....

Vinny you might not have mentioned it but I bet you thought about it....

skinny dipping

ha ha ha...You sure thats not jno on holiday...robinia..!!(:-)ive got a pic of me on a camping holiday years ago...with nothing on but a large lettuce leave covering me bits....why do I get this feeling I shouldnt have said that??
um...leafs even.....(:o)

Hiya Vinny Gessoo Robinia and Dolly. Hope I can get this on now. I've done system restore like Brian suggested so keeping my fingers crossed. How's your grandson Robinia. I have two grandchildren.A granddaughter 18 and grandson 22. My youngest son hasn't any yet but he is getting married next year. It's lovely again here and colled down just a bit with a nice breeze. Been to see my musical brother this morning for a cuppa. He has a little cottage type house in Borrowash near here. Don't see him very often as he's away a lot but not got much on this week.Going to have my lunch now and get ready for the footie. Might have a read of my book first. I'm reading about the group R.E.M. at the moment. I like them very much but they are a bit of an enigma expecially Michael Stipe.

See you all later have a good day :o)

Vinny !!! show us the picture at once or I'm sending the guys in

<<<<<< sprouts thattaway

(better still fellas, eat the lettuce leaf!)

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The lettuce leaf will only feed one of those fella Robbie. It from from a 'little gem'! Runs and hides...........................................................
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I am having trouble with my sssssssss's

and I stutter stutter.

Go back to bed Gessoo.................

Jude mum & baby are going home today, I'm waiting to hear from them. You'd get along famously with my youngest son REM are one of his favourite's too....probably repeating myself again. I love Borrowash, there's a brilliant nursery there lol! (plants not baby!)

lol gessoo - you're doomed. Hope it's not a tinypic hehe
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Favourite REM tune 'Night Swimming'.

Did you know that Tom Yorke (Radiohead) and Michael Stipe and really close friends. I love REM. Well I did until they got stuck in a rut. Prefer the ever challenging Radiohead!!!!!!!

oooh you've started me off.... plays shiny happy people.....

oh no - can't sing yet, I'm yodelling again....

Wow!! I'm pleased there are some R.E.M. (don't forget the dots) fans on here. I can't always understand what they're singing about but I like Nightswimming too Gessoo. I like Everybody Hurts as well but have to be in a certain mood to listen to that one. It makes me cry sometimes (me being the pessimistic character I am) so I have to be careful when I put it on. Robinia my brother lives on a st. in B/wash that isn't a nightmare!!!

Cheeky monkey gessoo..hahaha...oh there's gonna be no more colours...(:(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..but it looks like the techies will sort the probs out...(:-)

ooh you beat me to it Vinny - bit swings and roundabouts isn't it?

no more italics - how are we going to sneak in & out or whisper........??

where's that piccy then? I've been waiting all afternoon...

Sorry robinia I forgot...(:-)

lick slowly

Oh.....That piccy...!! soon.....but I want to see one of you to....without the lettuce leaf...hehe..(:-)goes up the loft and drawls through tons of could take days...(:-)

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