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House Plant Problem

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gessoo | 21:25 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
345 Answers
I have a thick, very sticky white substance on some of my conservatory plants. I presume it is from an insect as it doesn't look like mould. I have sprayed it with insecticide but nothing shifts it. Any ideas welcome. Should I get rid of the plants?


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ah, here's a little light reading for gessoo ... goodness, look at the time, I think I shall pack up and go home.

Ha ha's OK ...Vinny can come out now .Stop skulking in the vegetable patch .!
Morning all ..bright and sunny at the moment .Hope we are all fairly well aches and pains.I am off to weighed shortly ..groan .... to be told I may have lost at least another ounce no doubt ! Instead of consuming quite a large amount of whisky last night I should have been eating little gem sandwiches instead.!!
Have a good day all.

morning all - lovely day, bright but fresh.
how are your gardens doing? (sorry Jude - hope you enjoy your footie today) all the flowering shrubs are doing so well in my garden this year - the bubble gum tree (buddleia globosa) is lovely. I'll take a pic when the sun moves round later.

mmmm, so where's Vinny disappeared to? I think that Ed has seen his little gem & has him in the naughty corner....the very naughty corner... ahem

oooh I'm very disappointed about losing bold & italics etc...if we do a Biddy sit-in do you think they'll reconsider?

we shall not be moved

hahaha.... well, not without the syrup of figs.....

Afternoon all. Is this a joke about bold and italics or have I missed something.

Going to surprise you Robinia My flowering currant (there you go I know the name of one) has flowered and I have 3 more bushes one pink flower one red flower and one with yellow flowers on almost ready to flower what they're called don't ask me he he!!! They're all about 6 fot high and very bushy.

Going to get my lunch now and then it's a toss-up whether I watch footie or sit in the garden!! I think footie may just win....

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I have just spent an hour in the dentist's chair! I am dribbling and have a headache!!! 1/4 of the way through my appointments now to fit a new crown.

Buddleia Globosa Robinia. Lovely bush, trouble is ours is absolutely humungous. I just love all buddleii(!) that gorgeous honey fragrance. Have just bought a Clematis 'Freckles' on the market for �3.50, together with a cauliflower and some broccoli. The last of the big spenders. Have decided to only do a little work (if any). I can't talk to people on the phone today with a dribbly mouth and slurring my words!!!

I need this

Gorgeous weather!!!!


Question Author

jno. Thanks for the reading material!!!! No comment!

Jude. Send us a picture of your bushes and we will tell you what they are. Vinny, no rude remarks please!

OOOh I say .....I've got a Buddleia Globosa...I pinched a bit from one in the park not long after we moved here and rooted it in a bottle of water ..shoved it the ground and it's about five foot high now !! Well I presume this is what it is
Any offers ?
Hope your toothy aches soon clear up Gessoo !
Vinny is conspicuos by his absence ..I expect the Ed has him locked away in a dark room !!
Been to weighed and have lost a couple more pounds .Slow but sure ! Usual pep talk about drinking and smoking .
Question Author

Yes, Shaney, that's a globosa alright. Very nice, but I should tell you that ours is approximately 12' high with about a 25' spread (and I cut it right back last year!!). Master G used to have a den in the middle of it when he was young. We have actually taken it right back to the ground on occasions. It's in our wild bit of garden so it gives plenty of cover for the birdlife.

Tooth feels alright, thanks, but I am now extremely tired so will not work today.

Have been sitting in the garden eating strawberries and ice cream!!

Well, pour yourself a whiskey Shaney, my dear, and have a fag!!!

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Apologies, Shaney - more like 12' with a 35' spread!

Gessoo's Globosa

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Question Author

Try again


ha ha !!
That's a whopping globosa there is hope for my sprig yet ! I did notice the one which I pinched said cutting from in the park is rather large! Still it will fill that corner out nicely if they grow so big.
Hope you enjoyed your strawbs and cream ...I bought some this morning to have later. The ones on my plants are ripening up but the blackbirds keep eating them ! I caught this little chap this afternoon having a bath

ooh I've started something now....lovely pics ladies, mine's a whopper too. It has special memories & 'a story' too
I've warned the gardeners it needs a slaughtering this yr as soon as it's flowered.

my huge globosas

philadelphus is doing well too, about 12' tall


hope you're feeling ok after your dentist ordeal gessoo

I expect you're watching the footy Vinny but it occurred to me earlier that I never asked if your foot & hand were better now...and you never moan, bless ya. How do you put up with us & our grumbles?

crunch....oops sorry, was that your bad foot?.....I can't walk properly in these new totectors.....

Hi all. Just finished watching England play now I'm catching up with the garden talk. I've just found out some of the names of my bushes! Buddlia, A fuschia Tree from a hedgerow in Devon, Hypericum, Winter Jasmine, and there are two more I don't know yet Ones a red bell shaped flower in clusters and one is a very tiny bell shape flower in little cluster with roundish leaves if that makes any sense!!. Can't send photos as I'm not into digital photography. Please excuse my ignorance. My gardener is coming next Wednesday to finish off sorting me out - garden wise he he!!

Vinny Are you enjoying the footie?

Gessoo Hope your tooth feels better soon. Just had a reminder from my dentist to make an appointment,. It's the first one since he went private so I don't know how much it will cost me.

It's a bit cooler round here now isn't it Robinia?

Shaney and Jno hope you are well.

Im off to the footie now see you later.

Lovely pics robinia bubbleygum are nohwhere near as big as those ..mind you it is in the shade .It has turned chilly this evening and is now raining !
Hi Jude ..hope you are enjoying your footie would do well round here ..mine are obsessed with it !!
I had quite forgotten about Vinnys hand and foot ..perhaps it is bad and he is unable to type ....If so I bet he sitting there reading all this in great frustration
Never mind Vinny ....I'll pop round with a lettuce leaf poultice .He He !!
One or two more pics to cheer us up on this dull evening
Shaney sunbathing

Ferns of some sort


Fir cones
lovely piccies, shaney
Hi jno ..thank you ..Hope you are O.K and that you feel fit and well from your cruise around the Med ....we are awaiting some pictures !
I have been wandering around trying to fathom out what this new editing facility is all about is as clear as the proverbial mud to me ! I don't think it will affect me much though as I can't do all those fancy colours and squiggly bits anyway with Firefox.
Anyhow I am off to my bed so goodnight Jno and all others in Biddyland ....sleep well.
Lovely pictures Jno...I like pictures of churches etc. and love looking round old churches and cathedrals .

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