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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Just testing netti..but I dont think we can get rid of it...this one's done useing


Yep, its better with tinypic netti.(:-)
I am now completely lost ...All I keep getting is a red naked woman....and as for that other site where you write in things like Shaney loves Jeremy Paxman are a complete mystery.
Oh well ---it passes a boring wet afternoon getting myself tied up in knots and having to close everything and start again
I tried that DVC eurostar puzzle and gave up after the second step..all too confusing !!
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oooooooooooh I've just pulled off a bit of raggy skin next to my fingernail & it's ripped up to me elbow !
shaney does that qualify for body & soul emergency advice?

Good fun this


Thats robinia, shaney...she posed in the nude tut tut...mind cost me 2 jam dougnuts(:-)

I've got to go now just when it's getting funnier ... see you all later Bye!! :o)
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Jude you can't leave me here, I'm bleeding to death

my hand

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oh nooooooooo.....drawing around my hand has given Vinny ideas.......


I must get to grips with this but at the mo' i have to get to grips with these men and their muddly ideas of packing....back later !
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I shall now spend the night in the naughty tent
where I will reflect deeply & remorsefully on my immature behaviour today.......... shuffles away....

Hahaha very clever robinia....i will return....hehe(:-)
Answers it doesn't ! I spent bloomin' ages as well drawing a piccie ..doh !
I doomed to being a computer dunce !
I must away to my I have to get up at the crack of dawn to see the menfolk off on their trip. They have driven me to distraction today with packing and unpacking and indecision about what to pack and what not to pack .Plus it's the first time my son will be driving on the continent. I shall be a nervous wreck until I know they have arrived safely.
Anyway Goodnight all sleep well.x
oh my, aren't biddies getting arty? Everyone probably thinks we sit round rubbing our chilblains, little realising we are in training to be multimedia maestros. Anyway, wonderful work everyone under the masterful tuition of Professor Vinny.
Well I must be the Professors worst pupil and have to sit at the back with a dunces hat. I should have paid more attention at school.
Morning all... very dull,windy and chilly here.The Chuckle Brothers have left the building and are on the way to Harwich.I don't envy them on the high seas today.
Right ..where's my paintbrush ..I will get to the bottom of this...goes off muttering ....

Well I'm not getting arty - I'm not getting anything - can't even open up your arty piccies SSOOOO no more art as I'm getting very left out.

lightly overcast here at mo but no doubt the sun will shine with gusto in about an hour.

The sun !! You mean that big round yellow thing ....
Well at least it's shining somewhere. The forecast here is for more of the same ..wild wet and windy ....just like Vinny !! He he !
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squelches in......morning BogBiddies.....not much to say about about the weather except UGH! did you have a storm last night? it gave me a headache which I woke with at 5.30 & I still have it....happy monday...

Oh neti you can't see the artwork? that's a shame (phew!) at least you'll be seeing the sun today, I think we might be due for a sighting one sunday next month.

we'll be expecting you to be in charge of the camp fire cookpot then shaney with your family away, hope they have a safe journey.....

oh well, chin up mi dears things could be worse .....
I see Ed has her usual post-weekend happiness mountain to climb today......

true... we picked the wrong month to camp out. Oh well, when I take off these waders that I've been sleeping in, the Ed can borrow them to get stuck into cleaning the stables...

morning biddys

Lovely day the Bahama's..!!. Blimey,Ive been called a lot of things in me life...but never a professor..hehe...We've got blooming floods round these parts..Any room for another one in them waders!!thats a shame netti....robinia done a lovely pic of a di** i mean a cactus...tut tut....right got to go and find me canoe...(:-)

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