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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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You can't beat an episode


and the Cybermen

to cheer you up on a freezing cold raining Saturday night.

Oh no Jude ..I cannot bear Dr.Who !!
A Time Lord in trainers??? I don't think so, Jude! In my day they had all the experience and gravitas of... well, William Hartnell, actually, none of this pandering to the teenybopper audience.

Ooooh I like it. Wouldn't do for us all to like the same though would it!

My favourite Dr.

hmm, I have to admire a man who superglues his dinner plates to the wall Jude!
Dr Who????(:-)
Jno What do you mean? About dinner plates!
in the photo you posted Jude... have a look...
I'm getting a bit paranoid. I think I'm a bit odd compared to some of my biddy friends. What with liking Dr. Who, reading Stephen King, Rocking and Rolling, watching football and not liking housework, gardening, walking anywhere I must be! :o)
I get it now Jno. Lol!
I'm right with you on not liking housework Jude
Well that's me done for the day I'm off to bed now Goodnight All See you tomorrow afternoon. :o)
brrr... more orrible weather. I'm planning an expotition to Chelsea on Wednesday but it's supposed to be still raining then. I blame the EU superstate.

I'm having a go:

lost soul

Hmmm not too bad but needs improvement.
It's dire here too again ..I blame my staff ..they have forgotten to clean my wellies and I am still waiting for the butler to iron my newspaper.
Ooh well done Neti ..I looked at that site and couldn't make head nor tail of it .
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I've gone into hibernation, it's 'orrible.

Morning Biddys...well done it your putta playing up...give us a sign...(:-???
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scroll it Vinny :o) ^ ^ ^

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