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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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neti I bought those when invited to join the eminent scientists working on the Human Genome Project. I had to dump them when I spotted the typo. Sorry about the clutter.
A sort of gnome-mans land eh jno

now bumping up the gnomelessness statistics neti.

Each time I click on this thread all I see in the Q is 'How's Gladys?' How very biddy.

Ah jno there's no place like gnome!!

Hello all just nipped in to say Goodnight. Been really tired and lethargic today but I just had to say hello to me Biddyfriends. Hope you've had a good day whatever you've been doing.

See you tomorrow. Goodnight sleep tight x

sweet dreams Jude!

... ah, but not for gnomads, gneti

Nighty night jude....(-:-)


jude hehe

oh no...jude's having a night mare...hahaha(:-)


Dont worry about the mime box jude...if it appears...just press the X...does a quick runner..whoosh>>>>>>>>>>>>>(:-)

Good morning gardeners -

Gessoo I am feeling much better today, so would now like to ask how was your stay in Menorca? At that time here in Ibiza we had several rainy days, was it the same for you. I have never been there, and have heard that it's very flat compared to the rest of Spain, is there much to do and places of interest to visit? Maybe Mr N and I will visit there.

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morning all - but it's certainly not a good one, wild, wet & windy.....

oh gnome! not that lot again - had terrible trouble with them a few years ago, said they were looking for somewhere to build a millennium gnome.....never mind, one glimpse of Vinny's sprites and they'll be off.....

Jude there must be something in the air, I can't keep awake this week....makes me wonder what's drifting over from spondon sometimes....

glad you're feeling better neti, you can start pruning that lonicera fragrantissima please.....I asked this fella but all I got was.....


Morning Biddycampers....wakey wakey.....are new toilets have arrived...

cash and carry

(:-)must go to work fer a couple of hours>>>>>>whoosh.catch you later...hope your all spiffing.

HEHE...I just met his brother robinia..must run in the family...(:) bye.


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see ya Vin

btw jno - Gladys is a gunnera

oh... plays for Arsenal then Robinia? She'll be hanging her head... am off to see the Da Vinci Code at lunchtime (free ticket otherwise I wouldn't have bothered) Hope all biddies are refreshed after a quiet night's sleep and the weather... well, it's chill out, as the young 'hipsters' say...

Hi Everyone.

What an absolutely dreadful day!!! Wind rain and not very warm.

Neti. This was my third visit to Menorca and I absolutely love it. It is very quiet compared to the other islands and has committed itself to being 'green' so is remaining unspoilt. There are a few resorts where it is somewhat touristy - but not too bad - but in 1993 most of it stopped and now any development conforms to its strict standards. It is quite flat in areas but the North West of the Island is quite rugged with some quite high hills and it is very green with quite a lot of agriculture. The people are just lovely. We went into a national park on the North West corner and it was idyllic - we spent time watching colonies of bee eaters! The beaches are to die for lots of little hideaway sandy coves with rocky outcrops.

The old capital of Cuitadella is beautiful and well worth a visit and Mahon is quite interesting especially around the harbour.

It's a very, very clean island indeed. Now I have talked myself into wanting to return.

To be continued................................


Our first two days were sunny but reasonably cool and then we had four really lovely days. Our last day was rainy, which was a shame, but it certainly didn't spoil our holiday. We had a really lovely villa with a pool - but I didn't try the pool - water was just too cold!!!

I am glad you are feeling better, Neti.


Hello everyone. Glad you're feeling a bit better Neti. I've just finished my weekly stint at work been a bit weary this week probably because I was off 11 days before and had to get back into my stride.

I've always wondered about Spondon Robinia. There have been a lot of cases near me that it could have been responsible for.

Great sound effects Vinny but i wouldn't know if it was me or not I have nobody to tell me if I snore or not. I do have the odd nightmare though!

All being well Jno I'm going to see The Da Vinci Code on Sunday. Let me know what you think. I haven't read the book so I don't quite know what to expect.

I've been to Menorca Gessoo. I stayed in a place call S'Algar.I found it very quite but had a good time. We went right to the top to the highest point where there is a monastery I think or it could have been just a church I'm not sure.

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oooh sounds lovely gessoo. You could have had a dip in my pool but seems that a certain person has already been there....

wonder who?

Jude, yep, you do snore....we can hear you over here... :o)

I've discovered where shaney's disappeared to...seems she's been giving free lessons

gnome skills

Hi Jude and Robbie.

Just trying to get inspired to do some work when really I want to go to sleep. Am feeling better but far from perfect. Just so tired, like you Jude, at the moment. My bed is only a staircase away and seems very tempting.

Repeat after me, Gessoo,

I must do some work, I must do some work,............................................

LOL at the picture of your pool Robbie!!

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