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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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hideho, feeling a bit better this morning, pills or whatever it was must have worn off. A fairly thoroughly wasted day, yesterday. But today I am definitely going to do something useful. Not just sit in front of a computer, right? joys of spring

Oh dear, looks like Jude's pin-up boy has gone off to pay the bill for his bongos. Those things would make excellent dibblers for the garden.

!Looks like the ED'S got somewhere to hang her hat now...hahaha...!(:-)any more piccys jude...hehe..(:-)
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bloomin' heck you lot make a lot of washing.....the river's only 5 mins away you know (well that's what I say in the brochure) >>>

had to get some friends to help ...they're not best pleased they thought they coming to a whist drive

bless 'em

lol jno, 'dibbling' is never going to quite the same....

Vincent!....what have you been doing in P&P??!! (why did I think of you as soon as I saw that Q I wonder?)

Morning everyone - still feeling yukky, but managing to plod through the day, so won't be on here til feel really better, just no energy, and the weather has got quite hot now, hate it!!! Pool still empty until next week so no relief.
neti you've been poorly for an awful long time, even for Spanish tummy. Have they actually decided what it is yet? You'll understand I'm not actually inviting you to share my pool until you're fully continent at both ends.
Oh jno nothing coming out of either end but just generally dizzy and I wobble to one side when I walk and no I haven't had a kiss let alone a stroke!!!

Afternoon all.

First day back at work today. I'm half asleep since it's the first day I've had to get up at 5.45 for ages.

Neti What can I say to help you to feel better? Get well soon and thinking about you. And anybody else under the weather.

Well I only googled 'sing' and up popped Bongo Bill.! :o)

Will somebody, more computer friendly than me, please tell me something? When you click on a picture on somebody elses post then click on favourites is it your favourites that appear or the person who has sent the post? May sound daft but that is what made me panic! You can all laugh now!! But I would like to know.

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hahaha a'noon Jude - I did something similar once & had to call my son in a panic....I'd posted a pic via image shack & when it was opened it said 'browse all files' at the bottom....nearly poo'd meself. Of course he drew breath & said 'oh no' you haven't ..' ..typically, he was messing & no, no one will see your fave's/pics/files.....except we've fixed Vinny's so we can....oooooh you'd never believe it.....

oh poor neti, I think you need to pop into the first aid tent....I went to St John's ambulance once, soon have you fixed.

Thanks Robinia for putting my mind at rest. So I'm safe putting my favourites back in am I?

Afternoon Biddys,Hope you get better soon netti..dragging on a bit isnt it.jude's piccy would have cheered you up...!ha ha ha....

jude got anymore good site's jude..!!...I lifted this of your files...are save the rest for another day...

nice hair cut jude mean the moony!!..its another clone...tut tut..hehe..quickly changes the subject..thank's for the sprout sandwiches.....>>>>>>>>(:-)

just checking through jude's favourites..cor blimey...who would have thought it..(never mind hanging a hat on could hang a coat on that one..)...(:-)jude..go and stand in the corner at once....(:-)

quickly deletes me own files...hehe..

Vinny What are you like!? :o)

Here's the rest of the group

Blimey...they must be cold ..walking around the pear estate dressed like that jude...hehe..(:-)
Who's going to win tonight then Vinny?

Um.....??scratches its Arsenal..but barca is a tasty team...And robinia's put a big plasma screen in the garden....for us...jude...mind you rather have it inside...its peeing down...haha(:-)


Arsenal 2...Barca..1

Of course Barca are gonna win - Love Ronaldino. oh there'll be fireworks going off tonight whether they win or lose, they are considered to be the local team, well I suppose they are in a way, us being a part of Catalu�
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what???!!!'s peed it down all afternoon, my poor old body is seizing up and there's three and a half hours of footy on the tele aaaaagggghhhh!!!

oh I see there's an Inspector Lickme on t'other side...... mmm, mmm, things aren't too bleak after all.....


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sorry folks the plasma's mine .....

here's your telly

It's been a right mizog day here with the rain. Me pansies are looking all bedraggled


I think Barca will win even though I want Arsenal to do the business. But I'm rubbish at predicting results.

Robinia enjoy your Inspector! I like detective stories but footie has the advantage tonight! :o)

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