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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
559 Answers
I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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Blimey Robinia.....your you tell me the name of the vegetable in the middle please.....Thankyou in anticipation....He He...(:-)
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GASP! .......Vincent!

Jude! ... quick! get your hose pipe & give him a good drenching & then you'd better give me one too....there are some half naked workmen at the end of my street...might have to go shopping again later.....
I don't know Vinny it must be the heat.
And Robinia I'm surprised at you workmen indeed :o)

here I come
Its okay...I think its a kumquat .Hahahahahaha...sorry I cant stop Laughing ....!Jude..squirt that hose this way please....its blooming boiling out there...(:-)
Help !!! I don't know what to do now. Watch Murray or Germany v Argentina. Decisions!! Decisions!!
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oh blimey, Vinny's delerious now......

keep the tap running Jude have you seen the temps for us over the next few days....?


amazing what you find when you're looking for something....
2 bars carbolic soap - my neighbour used to give it to me, do you think she was trying to tell me something?
tin mansion polish...hahaha, I never polish owt...
some old tater knives I use for digging weeds out of the lawn
a swirly rubber thing (leave it V) for the tap
the Copydex I'd been looking for....can mend my rubber mac now. Just remembered that my mum had a red rubbery mac in the 50's with gold buttons & a belt with a big gold buckle. Must be where I get it from.....

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Murray Jude - no contest.....
I have no choice.....mine are in the front room waving that ruddy flag again !!
I shall go and see what interesting things I can find in the garden !
Well now that's sorted I can concentrate on the footie. It had better not rain next Wed in Derby my gardener's coming. Mind you I suppose I could find him something else to do in the house!!! :o)
Gawd above ....Gemany have just scored .... Mr S and A .are jumping up and down like a pair of demented lunatics !!
Sips whisky and disappears back to the garden
right, I am going to start a campaign for greater punctuality... all I have to do is paint an E on the end of all my Come on Tim flags...
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morning beige ones- or are you all brown & leathery now?

hahaha good idea jno I'll have a couple of those please - I'm afraid I'm a stickler for punctuality......

speaking of punctuality where was my tea & toast this morning Vinny? - I know you were lurking around at 6.30am

Well I see our local paper is full of ads for pick your own strawberries....if these temperatures last all week it'll be scoop your own jam....

Afternoon all. Been working hard this morning getting all sorted for the Big One. Hope you are all ok and not feeling to hot and bothered with this lovely weather.
See you all later

Well Murray won at least! Pity he's not English!
Didn't mean to offend anybody with my last post - Murray played magnificently. I'm just in a mood :o(
Goodnight All
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testing - done a long post & it won't submit......
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pt 1
Morning....Hurraaaaaaaay!! I'm back on! what do you mean you hadn't noticed I'd gone....? Couldn't get on t'internet all afternoon/evening yesterday ....couldn't you hear me shouting? Not sure what the prob was, I'll ask my son what the error msg meant.....something about ...'remote computer did not respond to connection request....'

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Well, gutted I was, a tear in my eye....gone......Andre's of my all time favourites.....sob.....Murray is good but no charisma whatsoever.....
I am very sorry about the footy too, it was keeping a lot of people happy & off the streets for a few hours....but this thing about ending games with penalties is just ridiculous to me...pah!

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sorry about this but I'm determined to make up for lost time lol.....pt3 grrrrrrr

I had a peek in the W.C. category ( only the 2nd time, first time I was sleepwalking) & I see Dolly has been giving someone an earbashing ...hehe.....btw Dolly is your birthday 13:08:?? or were you born on 1:3:1908???
it's ok you can throw something.......

(lovely cool morning here, we've had a drop of rain......)

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