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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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Evening all....
blimey,if Id known you were all gonna turn up...I would have got me brownie out of the hok'shop...nice to see you,to see you nice your so much better than last week...said in a brucie style.. think ive put this on before,but its so funny....
hehethe bad news is..
me skittles have gone down the plughole again,the good news is...I can stay in and anoy you lot hehe..!right,must go up the offie and replenish me stocks...later dudes>>(:o)
Vinny bring me a babycham please!

evening's lovely to have almost a full house.
Sorry you've ben feeling down Jude you should have said ....we could have had a biddybus trip to go & annoy your manager.
anyway, I've made you & all the biddies a nice hat for these chilly mornings...
and here comes Miss Ibiza to model it for us....

ooh...ben been feeling down jude....blimey...I know the gardeners done a runner jude...but control yourself woman..hahaha...rushe's in with robinia's babycham...couldnt see a thing out a bloomin pea-souper it waz...oh...then i realized i didnt put me window heater on hehe..!
lovely pics btw jno..i take it your not in the market fer a brownie then......(:o)
wave's al the way to Aussie hiya Dolly...sheila~~~~~:::::(((*_*)):::::~~~~~)
I have just come back from Asda .....if there is any spare Babycham I'll have one please with a dash of whisky. Me poor old pins are killing me.
I don't think it was a pea souper Vinny ..probably yer hat fell over your eyes.
I use to work with an old crow like that Jude when I was at Sainsburys many moons ago .I have never frogotten her ...arrogant mare...until they caught her walking out with stuff she hadn't paid for !!
thanks a lot.....I'd have preferred a cherry
bah - now I am getting a cold; I may not get to bed tonight if I can't breathe any better than I'm doing at the moment - have to try sleeping sitting up. And of course it manages to be totally stuffed up while simultaneously running like a drain. Having a flu jab usually keeps colds at bay for me, but the usual blimmin story, doctor's too busy, he can't give you a jab till Tuesday... so I had one this morning but of course it was too late. So now I am even grumpier than usual if that's possible.

Isn't it time we had a bolshybiddy subsection? I could sit in there on my own snuffling and cursing.

OOOOh it's good to be back. You make me titter Vinny I've had a laugh tonight, been to my young friend's house before I went to the quiz and she's had me posing all over the place trying to take a photo of me for my msn. Didn't do very well cos I'm not photogenic but we finally got one that was ok. Anyway didn't win at the quiz very quite night so I came home early and now I'm going to hit the hay as we used to say many moons ago. See you all tomorrow and thanks for caring. Goodnight all
Robinia....I just love that name....where's me shaney.....hogging the gin methinks....
its magic you know (*_*)HIC
gudnight jude and jno, has me ole grandad use ta say..worse things happen at sea..ey..!he never went in my local then,,,(O:)
Question Author
Morning each and every one of you - quick visit today as I'm off to hospital for shoulder check-up and then my darling daughter is leaving home (yes I tried to youtube "she's leaving home" but couldn't find it) it's rush rush rush so catch up with you all later, much later xxx
Morning Peeps...its raining...!
wakey wakey

yo right,ive got to see a dog about a me dad use to say...hehe..!(o:)
huffing & puffing, wearing surgical mask

morning all.....oophhh...brought a few things for jno....
there you go

get well soon!

Vincent! were you sozzled again last night...? tut! your poor liver, we don't want you to be turning yellow ya know! anyway, can you tell me please, mr bodgitt & scarpa, if I stirred new dulux satinwood (I know it says don't but there was a lot of liquid on the top & that's all I was getting on the brush) would it make it look like gloss on the door?....'cos I did.... and it does.....poop!

byeee, neti's daughter!

Talking of doors,
Right mrs dont do what it says on the tin robinia
isnt satinwood a kind of glossy finish anyway?it would have to be,if its going on a think you should stand in the naughty corner fer half an hour tut tut....hehe..!
oh,and let the paint settle down for a few hours and try again....oh and I was half sozzled,so that makes me a soz..!
neti jnr slips out incognito, or is it incognita

Thank you for those few kind oranges, Robinia, I shall juice them into the tub and have a good wallow before returning to the self-pity subsection. I have just phoned in sick for the next 2 days - I was supposed to be going on a Course tomorrow, but I figured if I gave notice they would have time to put someone else in my place - so there's a silver lining. Nonetheless, as I feared, I had to sleep sitting up in my leather chair last night. Chair is comfy enough but my neck has been pretzelised. Oooh I hate winter. I am off to the sun all January, tickets booked and everything, and it can't come soon enough for me.
oh dear Jno ...get one of the servants to rustle you up some jewish penicillin. As I speak the butler is trundling along the A12 pulling a shopping trolley with a tartan blanket and a wheat pack for your neck...he may get to you by Sunday...he's rather slow.
My two have been batting a cold back and forth for the last month I have not succumbed is a mystery ...perhaps it's the whisky that keeps it at bay !!
I don't blame you for sun seeking ....this cold and damp plays my poor old bones up and I had to take to my bed last night with a hottie and a couple of cocadamol.My hips were screaming as I tottered around Asda .
Take it easy everyone what you are up to with that paintbrush Robinia ..I take it you are painting our lav door ..about time too ! 46.jpg
oh jno I can't sleep sitting up, especially with all this bri-nylon....everytime I nodded off I'd slide under the table.

thanks bodgitt I've used satinwood many times but this is definitely shinier than before. When the slop rises to the top I'll skim some off & then I'll probably have to slap it on with a plastering trowel.

erm, yes shaney - 'course it's the lav door....

oh heck, I've gawn orf all this independant malarkey, I'm much too crackered....what with me 'algia' and all....

now what's it say on this soup?....heat for 3 mins....pah! I'll put it on now, it'll be ready at one....
ooooh,a question author..very poshe..!(:o)
yikes!!! I said I didn't want Vinny turning yellow....but neti has!!!!!
has she eaten all the oranges??

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