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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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well actually it's kinda very kind, it matches my paint.....
Snap again...!
I'll snap sommat in a minute....hehe

on the radio just now....
love it...singalong
btw, Johnny Kingdom was on radio derby yesterday - he'd been in Bakewell (where the puddins come from) signing & I quote "my famous book...." hahaha - barking....& talks more than me....!!
How did he understand the dont talk proper like what we do..!(:o)
my golly yes, neti is now a question author - do you think she'd autograph a page if I printed it out?

Oh bum, my nose is actually dripping on the keyboard, how undignified can you get (to say nothing of gross).
Well....yeee understand I don't yeee Vinny? oooh arrrr......

there you are jno, sorry we're out of the soft stuff
oh, look at that... a personal invitation to a Westlife wedding... do join me...
crikey jno can you see me through cyberspace too??!
I'd just come back on the pooter after finding a wedding supplement (from local newspaper) & discovering we have a Wedding dress place near here & I wanted to see if they had a website..... not that I need them, haven't any intentions in that dept......with all that snoring, burping & f4rting?.....I can't find a man that would put up with it...

it was lovely btw, one of my favourite songs...sob....& I'll have Shane please....
Question Author
Daughter left an hour ago and I am gutted, keep crying, suppose it's empty nest syndrome, when will it get better???
oh bless neti....if it's any consolation I never got over it
of course it will get better, you just kind of adapt. I had been having a difficult time with my youngest when he left (older one had left 2 yrs previously) which upset me 'cos we'd always been like mates. Within a few weeks he was visiting with a totally different attitude & then he met a lovely girl & they've been together since.
Oh my haven't you all been busy since my last visit! Thanks Jude and everyone else for saying welcome, it's really much appreciated.

neti, I don't have any kids, but I sympathize. This roots and wings saying is for you.

I see that some of you have been engaging yourselves in a wee guessing contest regarding my gender and degree of gorgeousness. And here's the answer-book:

1) Oh no Robinia please don't force me to wear that frumpy overall, I'm sporting an all natural fat-suit already, don't need the extra one.

2) I may not remember the war, as you do Dolly1308, but I have vivid recollections of 'A family at war', and that wasn't exactly broadcast yesterday, so...

3) Sorry Robinia, you can put that lurex frock away... In other words, this is the deal. So you can keep your Becks jno, I'm going to sulk 'cause you called me a he without further ado. Then again, if you were to produce a huuuge bottle of Campari, I might let you off the hook. Especially now that you're so miserable and already dripping on your keyboard, we don't want to add to that, do we.

Does everybody around this site know about Swedish food?! shaneystar, where on earth did you learn about 'frukost'?

Are you all in the UK?

Oh I used to love Family at War..that's going back a bit .Upstairs Downstairs that's another one I liked .My butler could do with a few lessons from Mr Hudson.
Frukost ...Daswede ...well not Sweden but I did live in Norway for a while ...Jag talar bara lite svenska and even less Norwegian !! I have visited Stockholm ...beautiful city.

Don't cry Neti old girl..I know how you feel have to let them go at some stage and it isn't easy .I still have one at home and often moan and groan about him and wish he would move out ...but I know that I would miss him dreadfully if he did. Look at this way...less washing !!!
Cheer up ..we are here for you .
shaney, you lived in Norway but speak less Norwegian than Swedish... there's an interesting story in there somewhere...
Hi netti....I always feel a bit down when my son goes back to uni,but it only lasts a few days.Look on the bright side,you can go and visit her on the there any Primarks where she lives?
Hi Da Swede..Yep,we all live in the uk,except netti.and robinia's got her own Planet..hehe..!(((*_*)))
PS keep dreaming Robinia, this is just a little something to keep you busy until the real Swedish hunks enter the scene.
Hi Vinny, I see you've been having fun at YouTube. I should tell you all that nine times out of ten there aren't any headphones at the public computers I use, so if I fail to comment on something you feel I ought to have acknowledged, that's why.

So where are you, netti? Ibiza, for real? Maybe I haven't been reading properly, I'll have to go back...
Hahaha... Daswede ...... ... Beklager.. jeg snakker ikke norsk... was my favourite phrase when I lived there apart from...kan du hjelpe meg ( I needed help !)..takk and ha det !! Not a language I could get my head round I'm afraid and for the year I was there by the time I had learned some of it was time to go.!
Beautiful country though and lovely people.I enjoyed my time there.
Well shaney I'm amazed that you manage to differ between the two languages; you're doing an excellent job of it as far as I can see.

Speaking of 'Upstairs Downstairs', I loved that one so much. I think it may have formed my image of the British... Dear old Angus...
...who was Scottish, of course!

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