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A big chill in the air!

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bum crack | 14:32 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
162 Answers
Woah! So much hostility on this site? Why?
I have used forums and Q & A sites before but I have never come across so much childishness.
I perhaps shouldn't say this seeign as I am new, but why don't you all just grow up and use the site as it is intended. Ask question (valid questions) and receive answers?
It seems quite simple to me but it appears that there are some children on here that cannot follow the rules.


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Most of what bum crack says is correct, but there should be a distinction made between childish and childlike.

And B00 ? Nasty old whiffey eh ? Well let's just say that a number of unusually fortunate things came together today, and I do not say rude things to anybody unless I am entirely sure they are the right sort of resilient user. Most of them are me anyway, apparently.
rasmus i feel like that all the time :-(
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McNoodle, do you meant to tell me that you can excuse you childish (yes, childish) behaviour in telling me to %�$* off? Was there any need to lower the tone?

If I appear clever and articulate that is down to a good education. If I appear attention seeking then I would like to ask how?

If I were wanting to seek attention I could have made up any random question that would have generated interest about ME, but I was and still am genuinely curious as to the reasoning behind some of the replies on here, and �friendly banter� just doesn�t cut it I�m afraid.
I wouldnt say you were nasty whiffey, just a bit of a loner
god what is your problem, most of the time people dont bother me on here but i agree with oldgrape<b/> get a grip. get a sense of humor too. you take it all to heart.

I've got loads of little friends cazzzzzz, all on postit notes.
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Once again, I repeat. It does not bother me. I am curious.
Hey confused,it happens all the time.
BC maybe you should ask a question without insulting the group? Are you sure you know how to do that?? maybe you know much more about rudeness and childishness than anyone here?

You have already shown us your inability to be courteous and pleasant
whiffey, you know i like you, always have, you and ya 50 aliases! However i've noticed a shift from your usual jovial lets poke the wildlife with a stick for a giggle facade to a more nastier name calling jamboree, it's so not our style and i'm puzzled over this change.

bum crack- you've obviously already got your opinions of us preformed, so i'll just leave you to it :-)

Don't be silly, if it's not innocent banter what is it?

What conspiracy do you think is going on with this site that makes it so bad?
sorry hi confused hows it going
wow ive been noticed lol :-)
Most people new found this site by googling a question and being diverted to this site, as far as I can see you haven�t asked a question yet. I find it strange someone just comes on here to browse. Is there any actual questions we can help you with, there�s other sections too you know.
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I have been nothing but courteous and pleasant.

Please give an example of any unpleasantness I have used that was not in retaliation to a number of rude replies I have had.
I think BC is looking for the magic 100+ post target
yer post it notes around your computer with your other usernames on.
Michael Barrymore is,

Bum crack
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My question is the one at the beginning. It is the one asking why there is so much hostility on this site. If you are struggling to read it may I suggest some reading glasses as it is quite plain to see.
though i will say this....

I agree, some of the posts aren't friendly banter, they can be downright evil. Why? No idea, care even less either if i'm honest, you learn to either ignore em or to wade in and give as good as you get, the choice is entirely yours.

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