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Have I upset someone

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ruby27 | 21:39 Sun 14th Oct 2007 | Site Suggestions
115 Answers
I have just noticed that all the questions I have recently answered have ended up in suggestions.

I am incredibly flattered that anyone has taken the trouble to do this



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if i ever do find out weho bogeyman is, i will personally assassinate them at point blank range, they are not elvis, nor me, so that eliminates two.
well i buy my tic tacs from the same petrol station and the same burly bird serves me will she think im after her? i even said thanks when recieving my change liverpool must have won the night before
Dot I have just checked in the kids toy chest , found some of those spy glasses - so you can see what is happening behind you ... shall I post 'em?
did u shake yer tic tacs at her bob?
well you see dahmer wasnt very sociable if he was on ab he wouldnt post very often and wouldnt be very friendly, i do see potential bundys, charles sobrajs rev jim jones and david koreshs on here though
no sense I think we have a set,
Seriously, you think I'm stalking you dot?
I think Bogeyman's post was bang out of order and e-mailed the Ed. Was pleased to see nobody had replied which is what he was probabaly hoping for.
and indeed jimmy carters wife once described john wayne gacy "as a lovely man" where have we seen that before
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Well whoever it is that has spent so much time moving the threads and posts, I hope it has been worth your effort. You know and I am fairly sure who it is.

Mind you I am not to sure what is has acheived other than I guess my orginal question hit the spot in some way

In which case I hope you do seek out some sort of help

if he didnt have smelly floorboards then he would still be a lovley man
Hi weeal dear :)
in my local lidls they dont have shelves is that normal
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Hi beads, feels like we've been on here all day lol
I shop in Tesco Bob, they have shelves!!!!!x
ruby27 - how do you think someone outside the techies of AB can move posts? Sorry but if you have not put your posts in this section, then it is AB that has. Awful lot of paranoia on this thread isn't there?
katie - our Tesco has nothing ON their shelves lol
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