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Have I upset someone

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ruby27 | 21:39 Sun 14th Oct 2007 | Site Suggestions
115 Answers
I have just noticed that all the questions I have recently answered have ended up in suggestions.

I am incredibly flattered that anyone has taken the trouble to do this



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you will get the feet starers in any walk of life will wring their hands and tell you how awful such and such is but will they do anything about it? not on your nelly they will sit in the shadows smirking
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i woudlnt know!! i woud rather eat cow dung than go in there, i did it once, and was gobsmacked at the smell or wee and BO and fags on the shoppers, vile, and the language of the shopper kids "mum, i need a wee" and mum says "well pi$$$$$$$$ on the floor then, we got to buy some fags and then we`ll eat the �1 for four burgers with the 23p loaf of bread.

then ya dads going to make u go fetch the coal as we are scutters from scuttsville from entering such a shop

phew, thats better

i dont do supermarkets, i have a maid
Sounds like my local Tesco weeal....................Oh my life, have you been following me round Tesco?????????x
im talking about lidls i cant afford to shop in tescos everything is on the floor including the staffs bellies
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Waugh2 (clearly not a new person but not sure who you normally? are)

Initially I thought it was AB, but was puzzled as some of them were clearly about politics, some were most definitely about society and culture, all the places I post most. But, the movement was I believe after a rather spiteful post I asked about someones proclivity to be a drunk, offensive and prolific poster. It may have been that poster, it may not - whoever it was I didn't expect them to go to such an effort - that's all
lol thats why "mums gone to Iceland"
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sorry bob, no offence meant, sorry u r that skint, i should be lucky for wot i`ve got, good looks, pleasant tone, politeness, religion (well, i`m a baptist minister) and my tolerance for hairdressers, honesty and goodness springs to mind too
ha ha weeal, I kind of pop in and out - there's something a bit addictive about this place and all the characters :)but I know what you mean, it has been a long day at the AB office!!
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just off to seek hope from my prayers, anyone need one b4 i go?

got awful wind really, after a huge curry and beer

SFARTed loudly and exited
wots kkk?
well i bought back my cortina for 45 pounds this week so i cant even afford lidls
Question Author
Thank you AB ed
You have moved them all back to their original place. How is that another ABer can do this, I know that 3 reports will move it, are they always moved to suggestions until you have audited the action?
kinky, knaugty and knice knickers>?
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cortina!! love it, retro .

must go to the loo, feel like i`m exploding!�!! excuse me folks,

UGH stinky lady leaves the hse
christ u cant count either lol
What will you be doing with the 2CV Bob???x

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