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Have I upset someone

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ruby27 | 21:39 Sun 14th Oct 2007 | Site Suggestions
115 Answers
I have just noticed that all the questions I have recently answered have ended up in suggestions.

I am incredibly flattered that anyone has taken the trouble to do this



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thats better, let rip a big one, done the trick.

so what is kkk?
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he he!!!!! silly old english plum of a lady i am, thanks for the ders though, thats nice to know.
anyway, i couldnt join, as i have no ID< i am here illegally until i marry some sucker of a uk citizen, i`m a FPFS
I thought you were a bald bloke from Basildon.................??
I think its interesting to guess who is who, also confirms my suspicions that some ppl on here are headbangers..
I thought you were welsh velvet...?
i have many disguises, i am from illegal country where they sent me to prison for preaching god to nutters. so i came here with my looks and big knockers and sucked in a rich uk man. hes fallen for it so, give me time to settle and then i`ll run off with his dosh and his name!! cool plan he?
Question Author
What Whiffey is bald and from Basildon?
welsh? i can be that too with my welsh name

bronwyn zsedwrtyersdt
No, no, no,'s Dagenham!
my 2cv is colins new house katie
geezer, up the apple and pears luv? english enough?

going to have a cool uk name in 3 months,

McCaffery, then i`ll fu******ck off and live in a nice town with my ladys
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well bob, if you cant afford to eat I suggest you make colin a serving suggestion, sell your cv and give the hefty tic tac woman a wink so she will give you free tic tacs..

you have to work it..

velvet lady, MSN ? Please ? You are fabby beyond belief. I really hope you are not a bloke otherwise I am going to look stupid.
Velvet-ruskie is not a 'hot' nymphet.............I reckon the person sitting behind that particular monitor is a lonely, unappealling, bald bloke from Basildon............

And Whiffey - the arch-apologist for Russkie is having one of his periodic sabbaticals from here- isn't even here to leap to her defence..................
you have to stay as a "happily married couple" for 3 years before you can naff off on your own velvet...
jack? who is ruskie? is that your pet dog?
Oops..............hello, Whiffey............the lure was a little too strong, then ?

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