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cuddleMe | 00:17 Mon 24th Mar 2008 | Site Suggestions
197 Answers
any chance of stopping ppl from scrolling ??? cos its really anoying esp. wen u have a small screen!! waste of time.


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soz i have an auction to win on ebay, I've already missed a bakelite radio with being distracted tut!
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oooooh good night dot, hope you win! I'm off to bed now, being this interesting and funny and original is a LOT of hard work! :)
cazzz, it isnt bickering, i am just asking legend to stop with the scrolling,thats all, quite simple pimple really! he has admitted that he likes to pee folk off with it and he will do as he choses! oh well, if that makes him happy then so be it! i will just continue NOT to read what he writes!
Falls on stoney ground Dot!......
leg end, do you reckon you can keep going until 5am?

I hope so.
I am not a psychiatrist but I seem to recall there is a condition along the lines of narcissistic personality disorder (Sp?)

From memory, and I swear to God I have not googled, the symptoms are

1) Sense of inner self worth leading to over-endulgence in ale and food

2) Sense of grandiose importance

3) History of rejection

4) ALL attention, even negativism, is a bonus

5) Hot and cold mood swings

6) A deep sense of envy. Will try to shatter any worth

7) Sexual perversion to ease guilt.

If anybody can shed further light on the subject, old tubby may get the help he so desperately needs.
legend, i do no service to ab, im am totally selfish , it pi$$es ME off !!!! what dont you get??????? and im julie again am i??? LOL
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I'm prodding you, that's for sure ;)

p.s. lol
I know smudge, it was one of those brown aquare ones we used to use to listne to the top 40 on a sunday night with fluff lol
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no legend, you will never be important enough to overshadow my problems, this is a website, the scrolling is pi$$ing me off, no more no less! Im more concerned with your problems and the fact that you feel you have to annoy everyone with this
On that nostalgic note, I bid ye goodnight pop pickers. xXx
think my Mum inherited it from her Grandma in 1962, but it lasted us til at least 1972!!!
Don't wanna get involved in the abuse being thrown, but the scrolling really p!sses me off too. I don't get the purpose of it, and like many others I end up ignoring what has been written.
then it resolves itself jules, If people dont like the scroll it will get ignored, I aready mentioned in an earlier post that I tend to automatically scroll through not really reading it.

no disrespect leg, I find the large spaces quite irritating on the eye generally and that applies to anyone who uses so much space on posts, lately there have been several posters who have done this apart from you, as always I automatically scroll through barely reading this.

can we not say all this without the rows please???!!!!

we should be more concerned about the man who likes women sitting on skulls jules!!!!
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Ha, ha, dot, I can just imagine you 'scrolling' through the channels - all two of them!!!!

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