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Why use Gravatr??

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netibiza | 08:15 Sun 09th May 2010 | Site Suggestions
51 Answers
Dear Ed, can't you change the way we do our avatars? This gravatar nonsense takes a ridiculous amount of time to change them. On FB and Twitter it's almost instantaneous, here we have to wait for DAYS, and then we don't know if it going to happen???


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well if your email addy already exists your password must be wrong.....
oj change you Answerbank email address, Then register that with Gravatar. It works!
I have just changed mine netibiza, it took about two minutes.
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Well now after control and f5 twice it is now on here, shall think twice before changing it again!!!
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so to change mine fully it has taken 29hrs!
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....and this is my point exactly, it's still not easy for some of us is it?? And it can't be down to me cos I can do it easily on other sites!
oj .. allow your cookies from that site, as an allowed entry.
I would have thought it would recognise you then.
If you delete all the cache, incl cookies, you will need a full login again.
If you have persistent problems, delete all the cookies for that site and try again.
What can one say netbiza.............I'm a non-techy, luddite probs.
Yours is showing as someone in a white dress against a lilac background. On my PC it has been showing that for a few hours at least. If it's only just changed on yours it's an issue with the cache on your PC.
Didn't you say yourself at one stage that it had changed on one of your computers but not on the other
I managed to make 2 changes today -one took 25 minutes, the other took 2 minutes so i'm not convinced that there is a problem with AB .
I've given-up trying to establish an Avatar and fully sympathise with ojread2....I can't get any sense out of Gravatar.....It seems to be that all the site will give to me are 'Black Squares'.

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Well it took all of one minute this time to change, but have not checked on desktop. what can you all see of me?
Hi Neti - just catching up.....

The picture on your thread is of you when you were younger (B+W). But when I click on that, it takes me into your profile & the piccy on there is of an angelic lady with purple background. Quite confusing I agree. ♥
Neti- I can seee a cartoon lady in blue waving a wand
vivandron - yes I've had the black box problem when I've tried to use a picture from my files (Bmp/jpeg) I think it's because the crop facility didn't work. But using pics from the web was no problem
Hi factor30....Thanks for your advice. However, I feel we must all agree with smudge that things are quite confusing......I also see netibiza's 'threaded photograph' as a black and white image of an attractive young lady; but her profile page has a humorous purple picture.

P.S......In Profiles:-

craft1948....Is a dog; AlBags...a hand held furry creature; boxtops...a cat; hippyhoppy..two people in a different pose; and ChuckFickens..appears to be a face painted bollard.

It is all rather strange.
Netibiza, I see a purple happy old cartoon person with a wand.....
You can change it in one minute if you have a choice stored on there.
I just did mine in about 30secs. Then delete cache and refresh.
It's all because of images stored in the cache.
Completely clear your cache using your browser (mimimum Control F5) and all images should be the up to date ones.
For example craft is a dog on his profile- and he's also a dog on my AB screen next to his posts.
Try clearing the cache (for IE use Tools, internet options, delete, delete, etc)- does it work?
factor30....Brilliant....I use Firefox...went into 'tools' ...cleared cache..all published Avatars as intended.


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