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20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ok heres the question will harry go to hogwarts in book 7? i know he said he wouldn't at dumbledores funeral so he could look for and destroy...
I need to produce a series of maps to venues in a dozen towns. I will draw the maps in Adobe Illustrator. If I use an existing map (say AtoZ or OS) as my starting source, is that an infringement of...
I need suggestions for the book for my book group's December meeting. We thought I should find a novel with a Christmas theme, but I'm not allowed to pick "A Christmas carol" or...
As a youngster, I read a series of books by a childrens author called Rob/Robert Lee about an underwater fish detective (no not James Pond of Robocod) and his sidekick. I can't remember any of the...
I know that you shouldn't but I do ? I want to read "We Need to Talk about Kevin" but the cover is really off putting. I also couldn't bring myself to read the "Number One Ladies Detective Agency"...
Have read all the Foundation books except Foundation and Empire and can't seem to find it in any local library. Refuse to pay money for a book I will only read once as a matter of principle. Anyone...
I had a book of music-hall comic poems which contained a splendid one about a chap who was working out what to give his sister for her birthday and who became progessively meaner as his thoughts went...
I am trying to find a copy of a book titled Beyond the midnight mountain. All i know is that its a kids book no sure on authour.
Cant find anything on goggle
Can anyone help
I have read that the last word in J K Rowlings next and last book in the Potter series is Scar. If I am not infringing copyright or something for a bit of fun what would your last sentence be, keeping...
Anyone know anywhere I can find info on HeltaSkelta or Stuart Bayford? I've seen some works in the Art shop where I live (its called 'Art', making it difficult to find on the web) which are of famous...
I've been given a copy of The Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler. (She wrote it, she didn't give it to me) The cover makes it look like a WWII romance and I'm dreading a pseudo Mills & Boon pap fest....