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Rosetta | 23:21 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Books & Authors
107 Answers
What is your favourite book of all time?

Mine has to be Lord of the Rings. I have read it loads of times, first tme probably over thirty years ago.
I love hearing other peoples favourite, ancient and modern !!!
What is your all time favourite?


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Night night Rossetta.
Take care.
One of my all time favourites is The Green Mile. I read it when it was first published in six parts, one part every fortnight. It was the first time I had read a book in installments! Each part was such a cliffhanger, I was wishing the fortnight away to get my hands on the next one!
the shining anyone?
I read a book about the Duchess of Devonshire last year. I did realise they were making it into a film with Keira Knightley.
Terry Pratchett is one of my all time favourite authors. So far I believe I've read just about every one of their books.
Ooops! I meant to say that I "didn't" realise they were making a film about her.
To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time fave. Very fond of LOTR, and try to read it every other year. I also years ago got into Robert Jordan Wheel of Time but thats coming up to the 12th (and final) int he series so it quite a long read!!!

Agree glasman, Jeffrey Deaver is great and Steinbeck, and sara, curious incident, also good, nice change.

I'm also a huge fan of Iain Banks, both the contemporary and the sci-fi, but his books can be an acquired taste.

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Thank you all for your replies, they have given me some great ideas. I've read and enjoyed some of them already, eg Steinbeck, Wild Swans, The great Gatsby, some of Barbara Taylor Bradford. To kill a moking bird is great and one of the few books where the film adaptation was not a total disappointment
I was expecting it to be a "slow burn" question cause books and authors seems to be one of the less frequented byeways of AB. The number of responses amazed me.
I've got a few favourites,

David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities - both by Charles Dickens
A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K Jerome

I am currently into the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde.
Can I also recommend Choderlos De Laclos, Les Liaisons Dangereuses and Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D'urbervilles. I couldn't put them down.

Dan Browns, Angels & Demons is also good.
It has to be a joint first, A Tale of Two Cities, and Jane Eyre.

I have read stranger in the mirror by Sidney Sheldon quite a few times and enjoy it everytime.

I have recently read all the JD Robb (Nora Roberts) in Death books and after reading 26 can't wait for number 27.

James Patterson has to be one of my favourite authors at the moment.
Loved the Harry Potter books, know the films are all hyped up but I really feel that JK has some flair for writing. Heres hoping she hasn't used it all up!
Ooh Another Shardlake fan . Brilliant books .Have you read his other book Winter in Madrid ?.If you like those Rosetta you will probably like an author I recently came across ....Andrew Pepper.
Last days of Newgate ,Captain Paines Revenge and Kill Devil and Water ,set in the days of the Bow Street Runners

All time favourite ? There are so many I couldn't really choose one but as a girl I used to love all the books by A.J. Cronin, Jean Plaidy , Howard Spring and Daphne du Maurier(especially Rebecca ) and have read a few of these over again in my old age :))
In fact I am reading Hammer of the Scots by Plaidy at the moment .
I do read an awful lot of crime and thrillers but they are always one offs ,not things I would read again .
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Spudqueen, I love all Jane Austen's books and have read them several times as i have Jane Eyre.
Whiffy, i do find Dickens hard going at times, though well worth the effort.
Nuttymum, I also love JK. I tried the Philip Pulman trilogy, The Amber Spyglass etc. Found it quite weird
Shaney, have you read the last one, I thought it was his best, had me guessing to the end. I haven't finished Winter in Madrid as I have lent it to a friend. It didn't grab me as much as Shardlake and I unfortunately compared it in my head with Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. That is tremendous.
Tigs, thanks for the suggestions, I will look out for them. I am afraid it will have to go in the qu tho as Ive promised Mr R that I will read Shantaram next as he has been raving about it
Many thanks to you all!!!!!i
loved all of the following:

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult
The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Travelling Light by Katrina Kittle
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards
The English Patient by Michael Ondaajte (hard work, but worth it!)
Dissolution by CJ Sansom
my list is never ending actually!
Thank you for the question Rosetta, it's great to see a discussion in the books section for a change!!
Hi Rosetta
LOTR is probably my favourite and I must have read it about 25 times! Obviously I know what is going to happen but it's such a brilliantly written book.
I also like John Irving - 'A Prayer for Owen Meaney' is probably my favourite of his. John Steinbeck is another author worth reading.
Recent favourites have included 'Shadow of the Wind' (I always forget the author but the last 2 names are Ruiz Zafon) and anything by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Hi again Rosetta ..Yes I think Revelation was very good .Did you know that the BBC have commisioned an adaption of Dissolution with Kenneth Branagh playing Shardlake . Looking forward to that .
Just looked up Shadow of the Wind which looks a good read so have put it on my wish list at the library .Thanks for the recommendation :)
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Shaney, Kenneth branagh, erm , not sure Do you think they will keep to the physical description in the book, cause its part of his character.
I am glad the beeb are doing it though< They are excellent at doing historical dramas, which the author is so good at describing.
I wonder who they will get to play the snake Richard Rich.
They got the character about right in A Man for All Seasons
Thank you for your suggestions also

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