Question Author
Spudqueen, I love all Jane Austen's books and have read them several times as i have Jane Eyre.
Whiffy, i do find Dickens hard going at times, though well worth the effort.
Nuttymum, I also love JK. I tried the Philip Pulman trilogy, The Amber Spyglass etc. Found it quite weird
Shaney, have you read the last one, I thought it was his best, had me guessing to the end. I haven't finished Winter in Madrid as I have lent it to a friend. It didn't grab me as much as Shardlake and I unfortunately compared it in my head with Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. That is tremendous.
Tigs, thanks for the suggestions, I will look out for them. I am afraid it will have to go in the qu tho as Ive promised Mr R that I will read Shantaram next as he has been raving about it
Many thanks to you all!!!!!i