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Answerprancer | 00:55 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | Arts & Literature
200 Answers
Inspired by a suggestion from Ann86.

Do you have any photos you've taken and would like to post here?
They could be from a basic 'point n shoot', a high falutin' DSLR or a scan from a pic taken on an old film camera or maybe just something you snapped on your phone.
Maybe you could give a short account of the circumstances eg. where/why it was taken, what memory/feeling it holds for you.


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Morning glory about to unfurl.....
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237 - it's pretty easy (in Photobucket at least) to make the photo you're intending to post the only one that is accessible.

Nice one Mazie - great colours.
This looks like a rather nice place to live

Glad I moved in thirty years ago! :-)
AP - I've just seen this thread and I think it's a good idea, I like it.
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3rd time lucky ;-) awwwww. We had one come right into our house a couple of years ago.
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Thanks Soc, it would be nice (even if Ann86s suggestion doesn't come off) if this thread could be kept ongoing.
That second pic - it had been happily dozing away, until I was about 12 feet away from it. I was stuck in a crouched position, and with my back to a wall. Wasn't very warm in the shade either...
How coul I scan a photograph and put it on here (in words that a half wit could understand)thats me.
giveup, if you've got a printed photo, you'll need a scanner to scan it and turn it into a digital one.

If you've got a digital photo, go to, click on Browse, then find the photo in your computer's files, then click on Upload. (It'll probably give you a phrase to type in as a security check.)

It will upload the photo and give you a choic e of codes on teh left hand side. Highlight the one that says "Direct Link for Layouts" and click control+c.

Then click control+v in one of these AB panels and submit, and it should print a link that others can click on to see the photo.

Like so:

(That's a pelican fromKey Largo for Answerprancer)
That's lovely neti...and I just love shaney's cute meeces :)

Taken last Sept, I was waiting for some preening swans to hold still when this one spotted me, waddled up and kindly posed for a few seconds
they can break a woman's arm, you know, especially a slim woman.
haha, he has got that 'make it snappy before I do' look in his eye.
Love your home D97x7...It reminds me of Hansel and Gretel..Love the pelican, what a great shot. If this carries on I'm going to have to buy a new camera !
This rose bush was planted in 1932, just after the house was built. It's still in the garden and still flowers profusely every year. The scent is amazing and it looks like velvet. We named it after the lovely old lady we bought the house from "Mrs T" as we have no idea what the variety is
Have you got a bigger one

no way, TWR, I'm staying inside my own house.

AP, just to add something I forgot to my pelican picture: just behind me was the African Queen. The boat on which Bogart and Hepburn were filmed is moored in Ley Largo along with superyachts and so forth, I'm not sure why.

Lovely rose, Mazie, sorry I can't identify it.

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