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I see England, I see France

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DaSwede | 19:05 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Arts & Literature
517 Answers

Last week I saw an old episode of Moonlighting. the name of the episode was I see England, I see France, I see Maddie's netherworld. It immediately struck me as probably being a paraphrase, so I searched for that phrase barring the netherworld-part, and got tons of hits. I gather it's a 'teasing rhyme' (if that be the term) and that the last part of it would normally be I see (name)'s underpants. But even that sounds like a paraphrase to me, as if the origin was oh I don't know - a Churchill speech or something... "I see England, I see France, united in ..." etcetera. (Just fantasizing.)

Does anyone know anything about the origin - or if the rhyme is the origin.

Thanks in advance and for now, more personal thanks sometime next week.



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Yeah ChatterBank seems vile, what little I've seen of it. Did someone say it's like Lord of the Flies or was it just me thinking that to myself - sometimes I don't know which. Robinia your rivetting-picture, it reminded me of something that happened to a friend of mine who's a nurse. She was going to hold a weekly group for Parkinson patients and she went through so much trouble to make it enjoyable and even funny but she felt afterwards it had not been appreciated as they had mostly looked at her like the countenances on that photo. But when they all turned up again next week they were saying things like oh what fun we had, I don't remember when I last enjoyed myself so much, etc. The explanation is of course that an immobile face sometimes comes with the Parkinson, which as a nurse she knew very well - but she still didn't put two and two together. We've laughed a lot at the thought of her working like a dog to amuse her group, but what a cruel illness, it must affect how people react to you. (Hope your brother is reasonably okay Robinia - I remember you told us about his diagnosis but you have gallows humour like she does and like I do and I felt I could tell this story.) Shaney I've a big favour to ask: Did you say you were re-reading all of the Just William books? Could you find it in your heart to write down the titles of those you find particularly funny? I re-read perhaps five of them and maybe two were funnier than anything else in this world but I don't remember which ones. But if you - like me - laughed at Three Men in a Boat, then I'll trust your opinion on William as well. Ha ha, do you remember Harris singing comic songs, or Uncle Podger hanging a painting or the lovers whom you always inadvertently surprise no matter where you go in the house... Still no Jude - well...! Me, I'll be seeing Robbie tonight. (Coltrane.)
Just popping in to see if I can. I won't be on here much until it gets sorted and my computer keeps crashing and I can't cope. What still no jude??
can't post anything or even see anything much on AB, it keeps telling me that I expired in 1980, which is not far off. I can see most things on Beta but it always refuses to accept my posts first time - I have to use the back button then F5. (Which it seems puts it through without banning me touch wood.)
Evening All hope you are all ok today. It's been a miserable day weatherwise and they say it's not going to get any better. Well last night, what can I tell you. Nothing much except it was a pleasant time have a meal and relaxing and having a laugh between friends. He has a very full social life so I don't think I will be seeing much of him but he says he well ring me the week after next and he's borrowed a book so I guess that means he intends seeing me again LOL
Sorry I haven't anything more exciting to tell you than that!!
I'm watching the snooker at the moment, but I expect nobody is interested in that. Derby County lost again so I'm on a bit of a downer at the moment and you're not interested in that either are you. Oh well I'll get off then and see you all tomorrow when I may be a bit more cheerful Bye for now :o)
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Oh I read all the Williams from time to time Kit we have most of them .Lots them are just short stories in one volume. The only full length one being Just Williams Luck . I just like dipping into all of them . They make me laugh .I also reread books like Black Beauty ,What Katy Did and Little Women . Must be in my second childhood !
Silly really when I do love a bit of blood and guts. I'm reading a Peter Wimsey at the mo ' ..Strong Poison.

I haven't had any probs with AB today ..for a change ..perhaps it will be my turn to expire tomorrow !
It says so on my Tarot cards ..!!
so true about the Parkinson's brother was never overly....erm...what's the word? <I hate this bl00dy brain fog>....animated! that's it. It's lovely when I'm rambling on, thinking he's not taking any notice & then he chuckles or the side of his face lifts into a half smile....he's probably thinking I wish she'd shuttup... :o)

"I'm stripping off Mervin!"...hahaha...did anyone watch Kingdom?.... brilliant.

let's have a look at shaney's cards....a bag...a green bag...there's a ticket in it you thought you'd lost.....hurray! it's the dry cleaning you never collected in 1965 - your fun-fur coat I believe...just the job for this wet weather....
Ooh I say ..yes ..Kingdom was brill !
I love Stephen Fry ..he's soooo cuddly .
He's in that Bones DVD set I got .He plays a trick cyclist ...and of course he is so British in it and the FBI agent is so bolshi but he ends up doing exacty what Stephen tells him to do and gets a liking for tea .It was comical to watch ..he's only in three episodes though .
I wonder if Mr Snell and Gloria will get it together .
You are unbelievable Robinia ...I did actually have a fun fur round about that time was brown with leather bits .They used to go like rat tails when it rained !
just a test post to see if I am in the dungeon...
Morning all - won't hang about as I don't want to go to the dungeon with neti - I still read the William books and also Billy Bunter, I love them.

Did we ever hear anything from Jude - now I'm gonna worry about her, having got daughter settled.

Will pop in now and again to see if it's working properly.
morning all...the lurgy has left the house of woofgang and the puppies are out in the garden killing each other so I have 5 mins comparative peace and quiet. Kit, I used to love Moonlighting....quirky US TV at its best.
I think "I see England, I see France" comes from the same stable of schoolyard poetry as "Maddie and David sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"
I was trying to find a websire by Iona Opie who collects childhood oral culture (rude playground rhymes to you and me) but no success
Well at least I am back on normal(?) AB - but computer keeps crashing. It is the worst I have even known, why cannot they get it to work normally??
Glad the lurgy has left woofie ..I can remember a skipping one ...I think it was ..
All in together girls
Never mind the weather girls
when I call your birthday, please jump in !
Sheesh .. I can't even skip for a bus these days !
And ...guess what's raining in torrents ! Bah .

glad you're all better woofy...yep, I loved lots of American stuff...some of which I'm not confessing to - lord knows you lot don't need any more ammunition.

is that a wet rug in the corner or is it shaney? haha, I had a white fun fur (short pile) but I was exceptionally young <ahem>...did you have a 'foam backed' coat though? haha sounds ridiculous, I didn't dream it did I? It was emerald green, no collar but a detachable scarf that you attached around the neckline with press studs...please tell me you know what I mean...I'm not barmy, honest!

so who's got this green bag then that I keep seeing?...oh, I know it'll be the sproutman, is soooo his colour.
have you been banned again Vin?
is Jude in the dungeon with you?
or are you Jude's mystery man?
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Good morning biddies. Didn't know what fun fur was so I image googled for it and now that I know I have to say I'm shocked. You're a bad, bad nation. as if the fox hunts weren't bad enough But a "foam backed coat" - there's no such thing on the entire www! Is it memory foam?

Jude I don't believe you're telling us the truth. <...twenty-four... twenty-five... twenty-six...> (There's a post from Jude on the previous page, it wasn't there last night but now it is and it looks as if everyone ignored you Jude but really it wasn't there.)

Thanks Shaney I don't think I've read Just William's luck, not as an adult at least. I'll try to find it. And thanks Woofy, they have Opie at one of our libraries so I've read it a lot actually but don't recall the England and France one.

Are the British as bad at disposing of their Christmas trees as we are? I still "meet" one almost every day, heaved onto the pavement or leaning against a house like a dealer... some folks keep theirs - dead - on the balcony almost until next Christmas.

Robinia you'd better get yourself down to the river, there's a shall we say dinghy waiting for you since... well since twelfth night actually.
No you are not dreaming robinia we did have foam backed coats . You didn't wear them sort of stood in them and they stuck out at angles !! They made a swishing noise as you walked where the lining rubbed against the foam .Hahaha fun fur had leather strips going round it between the fur bits .I bought it in Petticoat Lane ..I must have looked like a rug rat .
Where did Jude pop up from ? That wasn't there last time I looked ....glad you had a nice time .He sounds a bit more cheerful than t'other one !
I can't actually see a post from jude? but cannot get into beta now so it may be one there.
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Were they the ones with very thin "skin", plastic and sort of "crushed", crumpled, like...?
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At 21.22 last night Neti. (I'm not on beta today but I see it.)

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