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Robinia | 12:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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it was woofgang on my old thread btw shaney...
very odd
Goodness me that's a blast from the past .That must be well over a year ago . Do you think they are trying to tell us something ....are we not long for this cyberworld !

I've been getting emails from 2005!
We are not alone~~~~~~
just got an e.mail.from a question i asked in 2005..why dont we use hot water to boil sprouts etc....instead of cold...still dont know the bloody answer...hehe..! methinks the ole techies are putting together one of them isp tracker ..thingys....
I dont use a van robinia...but I know of a vincent Gogh who's got one....hahaha..erm...okay pass that blue nun over shaney>>>>>>>>>>>(:O)
here you are then Vinny ......
bloomin heck...I only showed her my cork screw..(:O)
And I expect she grabbed it and hid it in her habit .......
Ten hail marys for you Vinny !
Morning peeps..were expecting heavy rain later,but dry and sunny at the moment.A sad day round here..a friend of my daughters died of cancer aged only 18...there's a service at the church in ilfracombe this morning..her coffin will be draped in pink..and she requested all her friends dressed in pink to...ive just dropped off her and her mates.very sad.
hope everybodys okay....catch you in a bit.
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morning...oops is a'noon already?

That's so sad Vinny, a young life taken by that horrible disease. I don't know how a parent comes to terms with losing a child. Hope your daughter is ok - my oldest son lost one of his best mates in an accident in his 20s.

24 hours of rain & the garden looks like a jungle, I swear it's all grown overnight! making the cherry blossom all brown which is a shame.
Just had a retro link alert again from 3 years ago...looks like the gremlins are still about...I s'pose the time to freak out will be when they send links to Q's we haven't posted yet....♫<doo doo doo doo....>

That is so sad Vinny <b/> a young life cut short like that while all these low lifes that commit horrendous things languish in luxury ...makes me wonder sometimes.. why?
Hope your daughter is coping with it alright's hard when you are young to come to terms with something like that and it must be awful for her parents.

On a cheerier note's bright sunny and warm here after a doubtful start and no sign of rain as yet ! About thirty six days now with no rain. I wish it would rain to clear the air and settle the dust . Not indoors though ....please !
Oh poop ..sorry for yelling .
Hi gang, I'm here. Had a spell of paranoia, believing that My Profile (and thus my password, I mistakenly thought) might have been accessible for other ABers for a while, but the Derby woman has been helping me adjust my (in)sanity towel, so I'm temporarily... erm... sorted...? (It's one of her own, too - Faux PVC, you can always tell.)

She's decided that you are all going to send me a Chippendalogram for my birthday, so I told her whenabouts it is: Late November, Scorpio. Don't mention it on Suggs though - I don't get around much anymore on the AB so no one would congratulate me anyway... which would be really awkward.

Vinny, that's sad beyond words. It's a good thing using pink like that, it celebrates who she was, I imagine, and probably makes her friends feel that the girl herself was present. One of my aunts died very young and was buried in her ball gown... You haven't mentioned your skittles mate again; I hope he's being well taken care of.

Here's the atta cat instant karma link that wasn't clickable before. Enjoy, Neti!

And: Yes yes yes! Good brain, good brain! I've been trying for forever to recall Billy Swan's name so that I could find him on YouTube, and now it's come back to me. It's:

Billy Swan!

One more: get up, biddies (Like that one, Jude?)

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what's going on?! don't you know this is supposed to be a quiet contemplative corner....shaney hollerin' & Kit jiving around in pvc - not mine, never seen it before <cough>

glad you're happy now Kit - just behave more flagging up the address of your Swedish massage business...tut!

want to see something blue?

(it's lithodora, heavenly blue & it is isn't it? amazing colour)
That's odd... Robinia, did you know that one of the emails you sent me had an attachment saying View all my files? Was that intentional? Not to worry, my log-in-session at the library was about to expire so I didn't really get around to viewing all of them. I skipped the one titled My CV and went straight to My PVC, and I've got to tell you, it's... it's...

it's not all that hot, hun

...but on the other hand, that's the bluest blue I've ever seen. How strange that there could be a colour left in the world you haven't seen. It's almost glowing - unbelievable. Thank you for posting it!

Gotta go, see you all soon.
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>>thwack<< for Kit...for calling me hun
Evening dude's
Thanks everyone..for your kind comments...quite agree dont worry kip..nobody could have got hold of yer particulars...quickly deletes kips info.blimey anybody could have sussed out that password..(miss whiplash)..hehe..! it cant be late late november...cos thats mine, and im a saggi-tit..! so it must be between the 17th and the 22nd....oh bu**er it..are just post on suggs(:O)i think its kips birthday today and post it fer 5 days...hahaha...!.(:O)
the who? (*_*)
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brilliant Vinny!!!

everyone check out Vinny's link there ^^^

who's that in suggs? somebody looking for you neti...where are you today? have you been up to no good with TCL? Is that why you're being sought after?

Morning All hope you are all well. Hi Kit enjoyed the 'circular dance' but I throw myself about a bit more energetically than that. I have been busy lately teaching a friend how to rock and roll so I will have someone to dance with when my other friend isn't there. Beautiful flowers Robinia I wish my flowers looked as lovely. I just haven't got green fingers.
I'm off out tonight for a meal with 2 of my friends who retired from Sainsbury's last year. Just a little celebration of my retirement. Been in today to return my uniform, discount card and locker key. Felt a bit strange but glad I'm not working there anymore.
Vinny I hope your daughter is coping alright with her bereavement. It just isn't fair when a young person dies of such a terrible illness.
I did like your link of the Zimmers. I hope I'm as lively when I get to their age (not far away)!
That's all for now going to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. See you later :o)
I'm going to show off now. I once won a jiving competition at a club in Derby when I was about 17. Maybe it was just a working mans club but that's my claim to fame!! :o)

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