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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Well it's been a cr@p day here at Shaneytowers I can tell you...rain and more bloomin' rain and it turned so chilly we had the heating on .After all that lovely weather we had too...
Typical Bank Holiday .
They all look as if they were having a good time Vinny stretch Limos in my day had get to get the bus in yer winklepickers and hope for the best .Half a shandy and a Wimpy and that was it :))
That camera is the same one as Picky bought recently Jno .I cannot get to grips with it for the life of me and now he has got special filters,a tripod and other gubbins to confuse the issue ..I'll stick with my Instamatic .
Toodlepip for now xx
Morning all - I can't get in to see Vinny's photo, which is always the way for me - left out again!!

Whoa Robinia I may have known some waiters but not in the biblical sense dear, the only Spics I had anything to do with were a doctor to whom I was engaged, and an undercover cop who checked the discos, that was fun. I wasn't known as the Ice Queen for nothing!

Overcast and cloudy here, having to tumble dry all the washing and it's costing a fortune. Much as I like winter, I'd like a break now!
VinnyI have now managed to see the piccy, yes your daughter is smashing, really classy looking, hope you are very proud of her.
a Reliant Robinia, well, no wonder you didn't put it about; in one of those things you probably couldn't even find it.

hmmm... looks a little damp today, I may have to use protection

haha, you're right there jno, the only tingles of excitement were when we got the feeling back in our legs .....

<mmmm, is this neti an imposter? ^ ^ ^ isn't quite the tales she was telling us not so very long ago about 'free love' & 'that's the way it was'>

shaney, I think I've discovered what happens to eyebrows - they retract during the night & travel down to your legs. It's just as well they're only uncovered one day a year (legs, not brows) when know...erm, what's it called.....oh yep - have our summer.

Well it's kwate brate here at the moment but blowing a gale...better pack a rain bonnet & a stapler
anyone know where I left it?
Well yes . free love but not to the spanish waiters - thank you.
Actually on reflection, the free love period was in early to mid-sixties, and although I became a hippy on this beautiful island I was with Mr N then.
Hi All After looking at all your lovely photos I thought I would have a go

Elvaston Castle grounds taken with my phone

Can't spell Rhodedendrons

Waiting for my son to come this afto to put my chairs together at last!!
Well that was C***!! Sorry will try and do better
Whoops not as bad as I thought Lol :o)
that's lovely, Jude... wish my phone worked that well but all I get is wrong numbers...

Haven't fathomed putting more than one picture at a time on one post . Any help would be appreciated.

More Rhodies
Afternoon Ducks
tis pishing down ere .But on the bright side all the crockles from derby are going back early yo (:O)
Thanks netti.There's nowt wrong with free love...Ive never charged for it..hehe..! well ive watched 6 ground forces 3 in america and the N.Mandella one ,on uktv and im all ground forced out...All the girls hire them limos fer there parties...its the done thing..round ere anyways...its about �80 squid but its only once a year.Havent had a drink fer 12 days and 10 hours.and 42 minutes (:O)..think are have a few lemonades tonight....where's miss sweden better known as bossy boots..sitting on the lawn with a few drinking pals I expect..hehe..! (((*_*)))
Thanks <a> Jno It's nothing special just a Nokia 6300. I blue tooth the photos to my PC and I'm really only a novice with digital photography etc.
Lovely photos jude, I can just about download with bluetooth but it's very touch and go, and I never seem to remember how I do it. That camera phone takes good photos.

I would also like to know how to put 2 or more photos on one posting!!
neti... whatever it is that you do to post a link to one photo... well, do it again...
You mean on tinypic,post it then minimise, do another and post then maximise, oh no getting totally confusing.
yes, that's it... you shouldn't have to do the minimising if you've got Firefox or the latest Internet Explorer, you can just open a new tab (under File at the top of the page) and switch between them. But yes, just cut and paste one, then cut and paste another one, and another one...
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Hiya possums, this is Ms Bossy Boots reporting in <what did I do now> at long last. I've been out trying to find a stopwatch timer for Vinny, one that shows seconds and milliseconds as well, as he couldn't tell us how many of those it's been since his last lemonade ;-)

It's been a beautiful day over here. We've had a rare kind of weather I'm very fond of, the Kitsune Takes A Bride kind of weather. (Kitsune = fox in Japanese.) The Japanese saying goes that when there's a fine light rain at the same time the sun is shining, that's the day when the foxes hold a wedding. I used to have a lovely Japanese print depicting that scene. If you've seen Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, the first episode is about a boy who sees what no man must see - the foxes' wedding. When he returns home his mother meets him with a knife ceremonially placed on a cushion - a fox delegate has already been there to hand over the knife, as the boy must kill himself now that he has seen the forbidden scene. here - or watch the movie Anyway, nice weather today!

Mondays are turning into my television night - American Idol, and BBC's Fairy Tales. I've only seen one episode so far which was the one about Cindy Mellor (say it out loud) and Hans M. Prince (say it out loud!), played by Maxine Peake and James Nesbitt. It was cleverly wrought so I'll watch the next episode tonight.

Ha ha, I like that picture of me saving a few crow(n)s, Robinia, I think I look very competent. Lovely photos,Jude - we will be expecting many more from you now that you've cracked the code!

way down in the hole

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