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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Afternoon each thanks for your compliments about my photos. Made me feel good.
Your paintings are great Vinny I wish I could do things like that. Art was my favourite subject at school but not as far as the teacher was concerned if you see what I mean. You depicted yourself as a Leo Vinny. Is your star sign Leo as well. I'm a Virgo what are you going to make of that?!! You'd probably say I was a mouse cos I'm a bit timid.
The weather is rubbish here innitRobinia All I can say is that the garden needed a drop of rain.
Would you believe the window cleaner came this morning and did my windows between the showers.
Off to do my lunch now see you later 'gater(s) :o)
Thankyou jude
yo (:O)
hehe (:O)
Cheeky B****r Vinny Anyway I thought a female donkey was called Jenny not Judy !! :o)
lol sorry jude,but there isnt any nice cuddly animals on that site...anyway I like donkeys..Heeeeeee Haw, Heeeeeee Haw,
Come on. come on. let's see a Vin morph!!
pay attention neti! we did...

passes through in an angry flap.

Yes. I do apologise to the Lion King. I was just tidying my wardrobe and I remembered that he had done it. Oh woe is me. Well, I can't be expected to remember everything these days. << thinks: what a wally I am >> and goes back into the closet!!
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O, I see Robinia is feeling much better today, she's even flown by an art exhibition and bought herself a painting: custard's last stand

Sitting here eating nuts from Bristol <checks it's not Cary Grant's>. We get a lot of British and American things here - music, films, drama, foods - everything. Do you lot ever come into contact with anything Swedish - except for little old me, that is. Should you ever come across some kn�ckebr�d you must give it a go. I expect Shaney knows what I'm talking about. Just don't eat it in bed or while d�collet�, ladies, but other than that I'll think you'll find kn�ckebr�d is even tastier than dog food, Woofy;-)

Oh I remember Terry Thomas, Neti, and the second guy even more, please tell me his name before I go insane. I always get him mixed up with Robert Vaughn - or is it Robert Vaugh?? You'd better answer me Neti I won't let go until you do!

Afraid I'll devour you are you Vinny. You got my Shane MacGowan teeth right though, ha ha, I like it! Your own morph makes you look positively psychopatchic!

Er... yes Jude you do come across as a teensy weensy bit timid - NOT! BTW Jude have you ever tried African dance? My eldest sister is tempted by it but hasn't made the plunge yet.

Denhom Elliot Kit, and whenever a new chap walked into the bar, it was a race between him and her as to who would get him!!
( or should that be he or she!!)
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Ah yes Neti that's it, I remember his name now you've said it... I've seen him in lots of films and drama, Bangkok Hilton was good. / Well you know what they say Neti, one of the keys to a successful marriage is to have common interests... (although that particular variety of shared interests sounds like a nightmare to me.)
<hurls woofy's big bouncy rubber things (!) at the wall > > > > >

nope, I give up, I can't find them
(I know I had Sat Night Sun morning and Room at the top paperbacks & I can't find them anywhere...I was gonna read them tonight 'cos it's f....f...'that thing' on the tele tonight, grrrr)

d�collet�? moi? that's right, carry on Sweedie...tut....I'm hardly going to get crumbs wedged am I, eh? anyway I don't eat compacted cardboard, not with my teeth, I have a problem if they've baked the cstrds too long & the frilly bit's gone hard, haha....Charlie likes me to pick them off & give them to him. Love the painting (even though it looks like a meringue)

btw, someone called to ask if I could do her a reading on Friday.....hahahaha...anyone got any parrot perch earrings I can borrow?
no shortage of celebrities out west... le3987760.ece
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No but I got you these, Robinia. The funniest wrong number call I've gotten was a man who introduced himself as the leader of the local church choir, and: We are coming to sing to you next Thursday and we're wondering if you have any requests? Oh I was so tempted to just make a few requests and let them start rehearsing some yodling song or whatever but I realized that if I did, a retirement home or something similar would miss their chance to make a wish, so I did tell him he'd probably dialled the wrong number. Too bad!

Yes that's the kind, Jude - well have you?

Oh I wonder if the Jacksons (hi jno!) are planning to become members of Appledore Library? Can get you out of a lot of trouble over in N.Y. you know! (Does anyone except me remember that story, I thought it was so hilarious, it was an article Vinny posted about a Devon mother and two daughters in trouble with the U.S. police through no fault of their own, and one of the daughter's told the cops "I'm a member of Appledore Library", ha ha ha, it's so sweet.)
Lol Kit I'm afraid I don't have that young ladie's 'attributes' to put it about quite like her but it might be fun having a go!!
it pains me to say it neti but that's hilarious!! :o)
oh no, Beryl Cook has died

bless you Beryl, you made us smile

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