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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Thanks Jno and Neti I think I get it now will have a go another day.
Nice pic jude...!
bloomin good phone you got there.
Just spent ages drawing van gogh....almost impossible with a mouse...grrrrrr.! ooops..he dont look to pleased do he yo havent got time fer milliseconds Kip : )
after that euro musac...some real music...yo (*_*)
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Damn, I meant to give you a 10 on van Cogh, Vinny, think I may have clicked 9 and then they wouldn't let me vote again, the screen said I already had...! True... but why do I feel like my computer is spying on me... Anyway... you always do the unexpected, don't you, seemingly without trying too hard to be "clever" or anything. (It's a compliment, btw... thought I'd better add that... in case I'm not making sense. I've just seen one hour of Simon Cowell bullying Paula Abdul for not being coherent...)

(I was watching another rendering of this and one of the comments read "hehe..bruce dance like a goose!" Ha ha ha... but he doesn't on this one.)

herr cowel
Thanks kip...any rates I get is a bonus....if yer want loads of rates then you join the chatdraw..if you draw a load of shi$e you still get a million rates.Well I aint in to being a sycophant ...stuff um..(:O)
play loud (*_*)
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"Play loud" he says... my elderly neighbour begs to differ and to remind you we're one hour ahead of your British game, he he he. (Seems the other way around though... HELLOOO biddies, are you all asleep?)

I'll see if my computer has forgotten my moves tomorrow.

deeply swedish

Just wandering in to say Goodnight all really ..what a lousy day it's been here again .It certainly looks brighter where you were Jude ....Lovely photos
.I don't think there is much left in my garden .There was an army of snails marching round it all day in the piddling rain .I banged on the window and told 'em to crawl off but they took no notice . I've lolled in front of the tele all evening and watched that Four Feathers ..I really enjoyed it .Good actor that Heath Ledger.Great shame .
My eyebrows are not on my legs Robinia ..Tut ....I've got ordnance survey maps on me legs.My eyebrows are on my top lip ...Veet Veet ......I must orf to bed
Nite all xx
well, I've stayed up to post a question in Computers as my antivirus programme is running out, but now I may go get an early night. My day off on Tuesday!
beep..beep beep..!
Thats my random alarm clock.Sometimes its a cat miaowing..i keep a shoe by the bed to throw at it (:O) it can be a door bell, telephone sound or "Get up you lazy s*@^head!!" one morning, or "What are you doing in bed with my WIFE!?!?!?"
Which makes you jump out quite quickly....hahahaha..
anyways Good Morning biddys,hope you have nice weather today.I was going to buy a satnav...but Are just get one of shaneys legs to move in with me hehe..! later dudes...yo
good morning all...back from Mum's, she is fine, back on her feet and managing weill for 88, 89 in June. Was at home yesterday in the middle of the hampshire persistence so we all layed around at home for most of the day the Boss Youtube, but IMO there is a better version of that song done by Elmer Fudd...yes really I will try and find it.

Anyway I made the most amazing lemon drizzle cake on sunday, DH and I finished it up in two sittings, it was a packet mix by Dr Oetker then I soaked it in lemon juice mixed with granulated sugar.....hope I can do it again. There is also a chocolate mix that I plan to try soaking in rum syrup next weekend.

Got new furniture coming today....tables that the dogs won't be able to knock flying with a flick of the tail, 4 sacks of dogfood (2 months supply!!) and some chain curtains to hang over the french windows to stop the flies coming in....good excuse to sit around the house all morning and not do anything....will go and look for Elmer...bye
how annoying....its on Youtube but when I try to validate, it says not found.....anyway here's the link

Robin sings Elmer sings Bruce
Morning all- Morning Woofy glad your mum is Ok, that's a great age, I do admire these older folk, I shall never have all my faculties by then! Oh Lemon Drizzle, delicious!! Can't make cakes very well here due to Spanish Ovens only being hot or off!

Vin I gave Van gogh(doesn't look right) a 10, it looks really hard so am not even attempting all that.

Persisting down here, really awful, the poor tourists are trailing through the streets in summer clothes and plastic macs, nothing for them to do here in the wet if the hotels don't put on amusements.
morning all...if yesterday's weather was bad it's even worse today, grrrr
hahaha, lol woofy I love Robin Williams, I think he's from my planet

lovely pics Jude, I can take pics on my phone but that's where they stay, I keep meaning to ask Tarquin how to put them on the puta.... The rhodos are lovely aren't they? Have you ever been to Newstead Abbey? Lovely gardens, although it was a bit early in the year (& cold) when I last went.

I've never been to a fox wedding Kit of those but I've heard 'em announcing their engagement many a night...bloomin' racket!!

erm, doesn't all that wind wake you up Vincent? :o) or does your clock do a slamming door?'s a noise that never fails to wake us!!!

right, who's got the algipan?..I can hardly move my head & shoulder this morning...I've told my sister I'm not sitting in that bl00dy sidecar one more time....tut!

ha - just bought some Perfectly Ripe Apricots from M&S - 'red velvet' variety they're called and they are indeed red and velvety skinned... but they're plums.

So I called M&S and asked what was going on... I got called back by someone at one of the bigger stores a few miles away, and they were all chuckling and saying 'er yes, they are plummy, aren't they' - they thought they possibly were apricots because of the soft skin; but the taste and texture and the clingy stone are all plum and they'd all eaten one and thought it was a plum. So they're getting on to someone in head office to see what's up and they're going to call me back...

Anyway, I like plums (though not as much as apricots) so I refused their offer of a refund and said I'd eat the evidence... but how peculiar. Not even those plumcot things you sometimes see around, these are all plum except the skin. Tut...<bites into mangocherrypeach... thinks... these M&S knickers are remarkably bra-shaped...>
lovely and sunny ere....
Gee thanks netti..Its not great for the tourists is it,but I guess its mostly sunny there.I use to like r.williams and that j.carey bloke but I think they do the same same all the time and it gets a bit boring.Methinks they try just a little bit to much if you know what I yer face to much..! Nope,oh well the show must go on.(:O)I bought some of that DR Oetker the one with the almond flakes..�2.20 I might knock it up later.its got no rubbish in it either V√ freindly...(:O)
lol at jno..hehe.!(:O)
I once bought some xmas balloons and when I blew them up it said Happy Easter on them..not quite the same thing..!hahaha..!I wonder how many peeps are eating them saying "these apricots are rather tasty"(:O)
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Biddies. Another summer day. My little flat facing south gets so stuffy I can hardly think during the daytime, have to go outside - as soon as I've recovered from Robin Williams doing Elmer Fudd doing Fire... I am absolutely traumatized. <what would simon say> Woofy I'm not sure what you mean it's on YouTube but you can't validate it - it may have been removed. No don't bother looking for it, it's okay! <please god stop her now> I'll say one thing for Robin Williams though, I'll never forget his John Wayne does MacBeth in Dead Poets Society; it's just a few seconds but it's brilliant.

Randomized alarms sounds smart, Vinny, takes you by surprise every time, ha ha! One of the funniest things I have ever read on the entire internet was a customers review page for an alarm clock which took off when it went off - yes: It flew. People who hadn't bought it yet were speculating wildly as to what might happen for instance if the cat started chasing it, or what if the window was open and so on. / This is the alarm clock of my dreams

Okay listen Robinia I've been on the phone all day negotiating with your sister and she says you can sit in the back seat the next time provided you go on the pill and stay on it. (Hope you feel better soon Robi.)

One of my favourite poems is about plums, jno - enjoy

Have just spent the last 4hrs having a 60's filmfest - Up the Junction, Poor Cow, A kind of loving, then decided that I had better prepare some dinner or Mr N will wonder what on earth I do all day <<tut, men!!>> Gosh life was hard in the 60's wasn't it??

Nice sunny day now
jno those plummy thingies sound lovely, could just do with some now.
hmm, I have often wonered if that poem was really about cherries, Kit... <Tosses suspiciously red apricot in direction of Ibiza> ispero/intro.php

not like this fruit is it jnoas they are plum size over here.

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