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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Dead herrings? Us?

Ooh! Just as I clicked on the Woolacombe web cam there was an insect sitting on the lens and thus huuugelooking and it took off after two seconds, most whoooshbefittingly, and for a split second before I realized it was a real live insect I thought Wow, how did Vinny do that whoosh animation...! If you dawgs are ever up late, do look at the Stockholm web cam after dark, it's sooo pretty with all the lights...!

<flying purple people eater... she's finally lost it... we all knew she would but you're never ready for it are you...>

Thanks, all, I'll pass your dawg kudos on to sis, b-i-l and nephew!

...and here is my nephew's tattoo or, rather, one of them. Should have posted it the other day when we were talking about tattoos but I wanted to await his permission and he doesn't exactly move faster than lightning, at least not where his old auntie is concerned. It's on his back just below the shoulders so yes it is as big as you are probably wondering if it is. I don't want a tattoo anymore; I did at one time consider the classical theatre masks - Comedy & Tragedy - but couldn't find a design I liked, and then I changed my mind. If I did do one today it would have to be a lotus flower. Unoriginal, I know, but I like their attitude, the way they start out from mud and grow through the water to break the surface one day and bask in the sunlight... can't help myself, I like it, even if all the world and his aunt do too.

I ll read Gone Baby Gone some day, Neti, I read Mystic River and Lehane can really write. Shutter Island was a bit tired though, but he is good.
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BTW my keyboard just went mad so I can t do punctuation or html right now. No idea what s going on, it was working all right when I started writing the above post.
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Robinia your cosmic order for a conservatory came through - isn't it magnificent - and wait until you see the interi- .... oh well. **** happens. But as long as Jude and Vinny are happy...

(I've been listening to footy all night... everybody's windows are open, including mine.... I'm going a little mad here...)
bin flying me turkish flag out the son bought him back frum turkiey"them is greeks next door>>>> just a little wind uuuuup...bu66er we lost turks will fight nother day....oh arrrrr!nice sleazy does it (:O)
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Ha ha ha, in the name of equal rights I'm glad that guy showed his own a s s there for a split second at the end of the clip, Vinny! / Oooo a Neil song.... I used to listen to Neil Diamond with my headphones on under the covers when I was about fourteen... nothin' sleazy you see... just luuuurv.

I've been cleaning windows in the middle of the night... There's a sort of hedge or whatchumacallit just a couple of metres away from my window and a man came up to it and peed - and saw me, ha ha ha ha ha! From his expression I don't reckon he had been expecting a close encounter with a window cleaning madwoman at this hour, he he he he he!

night visiting song There can never be another Luke. Incidentally, this is the last song he performed (although this is not from that occasion.)
Its Hot Hot Hot Girls...!
slap the creme on..
yo (*_*)
morning sunbeams ....yep, it's h☼t here t☼ ☼

♫..I looked in the sky where an elephant's eye
Was looking at me from a bubblegum tree...♫

I know what you mean Kit about the sun being stronger now. They used to say take care during the middle hours of the day but now you can feel it burning between 8.30am & 5pm...still doesn't tan my legs though, it's like tottering round on pipe cleaners.
Shame about the conservatory but hey-ho I'm sure Vinnycan shin up the ladder & stick one of shaney's pacamacs over it....and I'll stab this football with me fork.

A man peed in the hedge?!!....tut!...I thought there was a wee place for that - I'd have hurled my squeegy at him.
Oh, just had a thought....late night cleaning? - maybe you weren't wearing any clothes? Next time you see him he'll have a severe case of water retention, hahahaha.....

Get your kaftans on....YO

ooh, the sun is shining, the rest of the household has burgered off to Tenerife, and I have to work today. Phooey. But I am going to Sicily next week so that will be nice. Obviously not as hot as Ibiza or Stockholm, but there's another ossuary in Palermo I want to try to visit. In fact I may devote my declining years to ossuarygoing.
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My, but my windows are clean! Seems to hold out that you shouldn't do them in the sunshine - but in the... moonshine. I think I was wearing clothes...?

Trippy song, Robinia, I loved it! Nice photo too; could I take this opportunity to place a cosmic order for a camera please. Jno in case you don't "watch the music", there were bones in Robinia's YouTube clip, you don't wanna miss that...

Off out into the Stockholm desert.

Shaney.there's a magazine in the independent about crptic crosswords..yo outta ere>>>>>ere i come S☼N..!(*_:)
Thank y☼u Vinny ☼☼☼☼h it's a l☼vely day t☼day !
Can't st☼p..have t☼ get as much sunshine as p☼ssible !!
Morning Sunshines
Another lovely day at Shaneytowers ...hope it lasts a while .It was glorious yesterday .
There's a lot of tiara polishing going on here today as Princess Anne is due to roll into town this morning in honour of the 8O0th anniversary of King Johns Charter .
I shan't be attending as I have other commitments (garden pottering ) but will wear my pearls whilst I potter in honour of the occasion ..hehe...
Have a lovely day folks ,enjoy the weather .
Morning - Very miserable here, what does jno mean by heat in Ibiza, there isn't any. Really wintry at the mo, which I don't mind at all.

Have sorted out all the tax declarations, thank Heavens, time for a house clean I think, next visitors coming on Wednesday and then marmoset on Friday 13th (says it all really doesn't it!!)
bah, the only visitors I have are in the garden, which is practically covered in slime. But am I right in guessing that this is actually a good sign, that slugs churn out most slime when they are actually writhing around in their death agonies? I personally executed 20 of them last night but am hoping that dozens more have been pelleted to death
Hi all, another lovely summery day at woofgang towers. I have just shampoo'd about six tons of good hampshire mud off the sdownstairs carpets so if the hygine police come I won't be arrested....its kind of nice to know that for the next few days, the dirt will be new dirt!!

Anyway have quaffed about a gallon of water so off to shower the outside of me and put on the afternoon frock and frilly apron for greeting the Lord and Master when he returns from work (well he can dream.....)
Hello Biddymates glorious day today. I have actually be gardening, had to chop back my lilac as it is taking over. 4 big bags of chopped up waste for the brown bin. Wont be able to send it this week as it is already full of last weeks garden waste. I think you've all converted me. I'm getting quite into it now.

Well now I have to look for a new Tai Chi instructor as ours is retiring on Aug. 12th. A bit disappointed as I am really into it. Will have to look for something else to do. Might go to the Gym for a gentle workout. Since I retired I've put on a stone all round the middle ugh!! The trouble is I like eating out don't I! I went fo a Chinese Restaurant last Saturday and had a all sorts and finished off with banana fritters. Don't think there's much hope for me.

Anyway I hope you are all keeping well and that you have a good week. See yer later 'gater(s) :o)
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Hello world. Did your son win his battle with the IKEA flatpacks Jude.

more dirt for Woofy

This weather is a great drain on the energy I didn't have in the first place. I've summoned up the strength to water my potted plants but that's about it - good thing I don't have a garden. (You'll have to ask your slimy questions elsewhere, jno!) Ha ha, a friend of mine who owns an allotment garden just bought a lawn mower at a flea market and had to lead it home through the streets...

Some girl posted below clip on my nephew's Facebook wall, I can't watch it without crying (♪i'm a sentimental sap, i know♪ ♫) At first I thought it wasn't for real and they had just cut the film frames to make it seem as if the lion and the two guys are in the same place, but when you watch it to the end there isn't any doubt. I recognize the black-and-white photo of Christian with the (sixties?) teve, I must have seen that photo when I was, erm, incredibly young.


Oh Kit that made me cry - unless the lion was actually trying to eat them!
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anybody nicks my spot on the beach better watch it...he's highly trained yer know..yo (:O)

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