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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Not far off jno!!
Ive got a long Sausage....!!!
hahaha just opened a packet of tivall sausages and I found a really long one..must have coc*ed up at the factory.Yo Dolly hows aussie.
lovely and sunny ere medears.
Blimey <b~>netti...its a wonder nobody locked you in..(:O)yo save's her tell porkies tut..! do you like me new door knocker...yo hehe...I dont mind anyday off the week,but not bloomin sundays..they dont like it when you put yer sausage out the window and pee on them yer know>>
erm...just thought you lot might be ummm>>>whoosh>>(:O)
Question Author
Afternoon, dawgs. Real gloomy day here, you'd think it was an evening in October. Don't feel like going out, I'll just stay in and reshuffle all the hundreds of links I've been saving in one of my Yahoo mailboxes - my own songs and images are hopelessly intertwined with other people's songs and images (including you lot's), and posted stuff mixed up with unposted. Back when I used public computers I saved even images as links, so it's all one big mess. <squeeeeeeezes Robi's Always Open sign into computer's photo gallery>

Yeah you're probably right Robinia, I should have gone easy on the sunchokes, considering what they did to my grandfather (no I'm fine with them.)

Glad to see you back in business at the computer Woofy. these yours?

Ooo Vinny I think the people at Tivall's must have received the same spam mail I did the other week, the subject was: Don't let them mock at small weener! (Just don't stand in front of the web cam and show us your Tivall, he he.)

keep up the good work ha ha ha ha!

Drive safe, Neti.
oh dear, Kit, I sometimes think I may die of that myself...
<dances soulfully round handbag...>
Morning cherubs...
tis a lovely day again.
netti..think there's a job for you at the recycling plant..yo (:O)
bloomin eck..watched that brokeback mountain film last night...Zzzzzzzz didnt fancy them fellows one bit...nor there acting...but them sheep were's preetty tasty.. ..hehe..! the best film I saw over the weekend was "Life is beautifull" could that young boy act or what...brilliant...catch you laters dudes...>>>(:O)
I love this ole Hippie loud
I always wondered about the title but apparently it's a mangled version of 'In the Garden of Eden'. Not many people know that.
I did (:O)
good morning......
I'm feeling decidedly lunar, it's full moon tonight....ok, ok, don't before you start being pedantic, it's 2am-ish tomorrow..... so be nice to me, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

I watched B-M last night too Vin & couldn't decide whether the acting was very good or very bad but there was no chemistry (imo) and either way, I didn't think it was as inspired & 'awesome' as some reviews would have you believe. How can you not fancy Jake Gyllenhaal tho? hehe

Well, can you believe it?! It's that week again already, zut alors! where's the year going, we'll soon be halfway through?
whaddya mean, "what week?" it's the Chelsea flower show, tut....must go & stock up on nibbles....ttfn

he's done it again....
Question Author
<falls off chair laughing at jno dancing soulfully round handbag in the middle of the night>

Hi possumistas, sitting here waiting for the phone to maybe ring or maybe not. A friend of mine is passing through town on her way back from Norway, where her man works, but there's an airline strike so she'll have to go by bus and may be too delayed for us to meet.

I've got that van Gogh bed (painting No.2) on the lid of and old tin box, Robi. I used to keep it as a poster on the wall too, somewhere I once worked, and then a work mate went to Paris and brought back some French cookies for all the gang - and the tin box they came in was for me, especially!

See yous.

you won't be grinning when neti sees that video Vincent!....and just in case she doesn't (she doesn't listen to everything we say ya know)

"a friend is passing through on her way back from Norway" friends call in on their way back from the co-op.....
I'm beginning to think that beds are your thing Sweedie so they've recreated Emin's bed in
'Kit' form

Ahem - Robi how dare you<thwack> El Vin, I think that use of bazooms for recycling is lovely and will try it forthwith!! <<tut, These folk with no tin smashers, well it's not my fault>
How long does take to tunnel in here these days ? Have they run out of shillings again or do I need to adjust my elastic bands ?
Hope you are all well ..and ..Hello Dolly nice to see you again ...
It's all going downhill fast at Shaneytowers .Mr S who is quite fit for an old boy has got sciatica ..well I think that's what it is ..He is a martyr of course and is hobbling around with a brave look on his face . Actually he is giving me sciatica of the lughole ...... Sigh .......
Take a painkiller .....No.... I'll be OK
Go to the doctor ......No ....I'll be OK..
Have a whisky ....Yes ....that's a good idea !
Grrr ....
Question Author
Shaney, my friend gave me ONE LITRE of duty free Campari; I'd share it with your husband to alleviate his sciatica if there was a way to do it through the puta...

Much obliged, Robinia, I'm almost sure I'll be able to get a legoer in that bed... i'll get me coat...

longing for lullabies (BTW Titiyo's half sister is Neneh Cherry, who had some hits in the UK.)

Oh I knew Neneh Cherry, she lived here in the 90's and her daughter went to school here, but they didn't last!!
mmm, well you can't all be sunbathing, it's bloomin' cold when the sun goes in..

sorry to hear about mr s shaney, hope he feels better soon, for your sake as well as his. Tell him we'll be down to frogmarch him to the docs, that should be enough to move him.

I see jno likes the �17.2 million (!!!) painting of the Benefit Supervisor asleep....mmm,
better now

Question Author

They've got another singing sibling too, Neti, he's Eagle Eye Cherry, don't know if he's internationally well-known though. BTW Neti have you been to a restaurant called El Bulli? It's in Roses on the Costa Brava and apparently it's considered one of the best in the world...?

Oh what a horrible night's sleep I've had, first Robinia hands me a hard lego bed and then she covers my abundant self with an itchy crochet blanket - i'm exhausted! You really shouldn't be rewarded Robinia but the cosmic powers that be seem to have heard your wish for painters and whatnot 'cos look what I stumbled upon: handy men galore It was on one of those lists of excellent web sites so hopefully that means it's okay.

Hope my friend got home alright, she said yesterday that by the time she did reach her own doorstep she would have travelled by nine different vehicles: several buses, several ferries, a plane, a train - and finally her own bike, from the railway station at home...

Vinny, where in Devon is this? I was googling the phrase "crochet blanket" to make sure that was the right term for that thing that Robi threw over me, and this page came up. Do you recognize it? Looks like a fairytale illustration, so cute!
hello all, Kit I NEED those earrings

I expect you have all seen this but its still funny

<img src=" oss/7efa79531abe348089c33837f93bce18.gif">

Eyes much better
Dear dogs got their six month check up at the vets yesterday....they covered her with licks and she could hardly speak for laughing...then we shot through the waiting room at top speed being dragged out....I think the surgery will sell tickets next time we make an appointment.

The boys now weigh 25 and 24 kg at age six months, DH says he thinks we have got great danes, not pointers!!

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