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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Afternoon Biddy Buddies well I'm just getting over a long weekend. Friday night usual haunt good band on didn't get home till about 1. Saturday night my friends 70th birthday party. got to bed about 2. Sunday lunch with Tbag then a long walk by the canal I even scrambled over one of those lock things where you have about a foot wide path to walk on with water one side and one metal bar to hold on to on the other. I thought Monday was going to be a day of rest but no - walking again with my sister. I'm just about coming round after Tai Chi this morning. Have to have an early night cos I'm off walking again tomorrow in the peak with guess who .........(not my sister)
I've taken about an hour reading all your posts and looking at all the links. Had a good laugh at them..
Hello Dolly hope you are ok. In fact I hope all of you are keeping well.
The chairs to be assembled are still in their boxes propped up against the kitchen wall. My son says he will do them for me sometime. He frightened me to death on Saturday, he gave me a lift to the party and he shot up the A50 like a Bat out of Hell. I asked him to slow down and he said he wasn't going fast so perhaps it's just me being old and that. Anyway he said I take life to seriously - but little does he know!!!
I'll be back soon take care All :o)
Evening peeps.
its me daughters birthday today.Took me 3 hours going round the Pound shop..! she's so difficult to shop for..(:O).
Cant put me finger on it kip. it looks a lot like shaftsberry in Dorset where they made the old Hovis advert. yo but she said Devon.??I dont know every bloomin village yer know..devon is the second largest county in the uk..tut...hehe..!I will try to suss it out medear..(:O)
must pop back to ratemydrawings....there's some bird on there called stick women who reckons me sunflowers look like custard tarts...bloomin cheek.Im sending her a message dreckly...(:O) 8e9e6052-0ae9-456c-849c-174877607b29.jpg

It was something like this only older. Hope this works!!
oh lordy <pulls crochet blanket over head>

<whispers> have you checked out Vin's pics lately? they're really good...worth �1.72 of anybody's money I reckon
Vincent van Sprout

I've been networking Kit...think I might have a gardener soon..

Hi Jude I daren't say a word about my sons' driving. I think Tarquin's got an ejector seat...
Glad you're feeling better woofy...I want some of those earrings too, haha

<creeps out > > > > >

Question Author
Sorry girls (Woofy and Robi), I don't know where I saw those earrings, I've had the piccy for a while. I like'em too, perhaps we could have them made and get a discount.

Oh wow Vinny, I'm impressed (really am) - as drenched in beer as that ole brain of yours is, you still manage to recall the same street exactly - it is the same, the photo's just been cropped differently. I just thought it was Devon 'cos the web site keeper says that where she lives but it's obvious you're right about the location so I guess she just likes the photo. / My, haven't you been busy at Rate My Drawers! I really like looking at what you do, thanks for posting the address here. I see Stick Woman has created her own account just to be able to harass you, ha ha ha! Come on Robinia, show us your drawers! or your knickers

Don't go to bed just yet Jude - it's Bob Dylan time! farewell angelina

<below breath... yes, they are good, aren't they, Robinia... I've given him a couple of nines, I wish I could draw like that....>
hehe..I heard that jno..thankyou..
not bad fer a beer drenched brain...(:O)
this is the ad kip...them thought it were up north they did,but it was the Beautifull county of Dorset. who would have thought the director of that there advert would go on to be World famous yo

blimey..he was born on the same day as me to.

Sir Ridley Scott

Sir Ridley Scott (born 30 November 1937 in South Shields, Tyne and Wear) is a British Academy Award-nominated film director and producer known for his stylish visuals and an obsession for detail. His films include Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Kingdom of Heaven, and American Gangster. (*_*)
hes earning plenty of bread now....hehe..!
where's that blooming ribenia hiding>>>>
Question Author
Ah yes Vinny, I recognize it now, quentin tarantino made one as well (Actually I do recognize it now - I think it must have been either in one of the vintage teve ads you posted quite a while back, or in one of your Benny Hill clips; I've definitely seen it. But wouldn't have known just from looking at the photo.)

Hi jno, so did you go to Kafka's house or didn't you?

Will you stop fooling around on that bridge, Jude, it's not funny!

You are a Screem kip..! (:O)
Nighty night biddies...
jno.. are set the alarm fer 1:36...(:O)....
This is your resident pi$$ artiste speaking...
Hope all you lovely people Are having a grand day..even those who call me sunflowers c..tarts and those who calls me brain, beer drenched...bloomin Muppets..!!! Tis a lovely day again.Ive got a rare fern in me garden,dont know where he came frum,but i was watching chelsea flower show on sky from 2001 and this guy said it was from north devonshire.I will take a piccy later.Did you know this was the fern county of England in the 1800's yo interesting isnt it. right must pop down boots and get meself a lobotomy....later...I think..(:O)yo (*_*)
I like the way Rate My Drawing shows Vinny actually at work so I can see how it's done (though I still couldn't do it)... and top right there's even a little panel showing his tool, which is useful.

Kit, I didn't get to Kafka's home but I did get to No 22 Golden Lane, by the castle, where he stayed with his sister for a while. I'll try to post a photo later.
Dont tell robinia you can see me Tool, jno....she will be logging on to that site like a shot.....hahahahahaha....hehe...I cant stop laughing (:O)
morning flowers...
funny you should say that Kit but my drawers drawer need some sorting out - there are items in there older than some people in CB. I did buy some new ones recently, it made local news, but when I know I won't be going anywhere I still wear the old 'uns...well, you know how it is, they'd just reached that comfortable 'loose stage'..... hahaha

yep, jno it's fascinating watching those pics build up....but there's a little panel showing what?
I cant believe I missed that....better have another look

(a rare fern? haha...that's what they call it down there now.... :o) )

whoosh > > > > >

hahaha....too late

>>>>Flings a custard tart at her>>>>>>>
morning all have just been reading the banter....once Vinny's tool had been mentioned, you could just see where it was going...praps I'd better stop there...
..conjunctivitis is back with a vengeance so I guess I'll have to do battle with the armed receptionists and get me to the doctor....I wonder if a glass ot two of chilled vino and soda would help......anybody feel like trying it withy me so we'd have a proper experimental procedure???
Question Author
Our Vinny will be the control group which receives placebo instead of alcohol, won't you Vinny - it's not properly scientific without a control group don't you know, my lad. Sorry 'bout your eyes Woofy. It does resolve eventually doesn't it, but it's no fun right now I can imagine. Anyway I'm in kind of a hurry but now that you're here: In case you Woofy - and you, Robinia - were serious about wanting those earrings? you get looooooads of search hits just by googling "html earrings." I'd post a search hit page but I believe you'll get even more hits using an UK Google page, so I'll leave you geek girls to it.

interesting.....all the search results lead back to the same etsy shop where they sold out last year :(

I guess there are loads of us geekettes around
Ha Ha kip....the landlord of a pub I use to go in served placebo on a regular basis.Im possitive it was watered down (:O)
oh arr..!,just spoke to stick woman with the webcam on. ...blimey...she swears like a trouper,and she wants to play with me tool then she flashed her .(.)(.) .!so I mooned at her O!O and then she mooned back.O^O .but I cant say no more, my lips are sealed :-X .hope you feel better soon woofy..("_")

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