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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Oh it's way too hot here. I hastened to the village on pretence having a coffee but in reality to get new android phone, alas none came in, so have to wait until Tues, all the seats amy my coffee place were filled so I came home where upon Mr N suggested we do the shopping, I thought I was going to drop, so we waited half and hour and then we went to Ibiza town, it was heaving, but got everything and back home now. I bought a ready made flan and a ready cooked chicken wrapped in plastic but I just don't care, they both were delicious. The flan and the chicken that is, not the plastic!Now just chillin' in bedroom with fan on, Mr N has gone to the village to read the daily spanish paper, so peace reigneth.
I'll take 5 degrees from you neti, it's only 17/18C here and feels quite chilly compared to what it was.
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I went and put a cardie on .... taken it off again .
I'll be putting it on again in a minute
I dithered with the washer as well 'cos it kept clouding up .I'll do it tomorrow .I think I've got enough knickers until then :)
Same here shaney, I've just been for a saunter around my grounds and had to put a fleece on, tut. Definitely too cool for August. They keep saying the pollen count's dropped but my eyes run & I snuffle everytime I step outside.

I could do with some new everyday cotton knicks...I've come to the conclusion they all revert to grey. Buy white -they go grey. Buy black they fade to
I've just had a look at Ibifa on accu...ooooh, wowee, you reallly are sizzling aren't you? Real feel 38C! I wouldn't like that.
Robi I have just bought fuchsia pink ones....lets see those babies go grey. I keep feeling better then i go to do something and feel worse again....getting a bit bored with it now.
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I think I'd better move off my backside and cook some dinner ...Mr S looks half starved
I usually buy M&S knickers .Same old plain white high legs .I can bung 'em all in together then with other whites .
Fuschia pink eh Woofy.....very racy :))
Last year I bought several pairs of bikini panties but alas all too small now! I have a bit of a belly, so I am also back to my M&S high legs in white. Mine always seem so pristine on the line but when they hang next to my sister's, mine are all yellow (the sun) I get ashamed.

Yes real feel 138º here, awful, now I know why I usually go to England in August.
No cooking today just nibbling whatever take our fancy (and no certainly not that!) Just having half a baguette with cold chicken and lashings of clover yum!
I know. My usual choice is black and plain bit I needed a boost.
I have just been swimming in my only fuscia bikini panties as I usually swim in a sarong so little pink panties look better than Brigit Jones's.

someone is having fun tonight, there is a whole thread with only the OP responses in it and one thread vanished as I clicked on it.
anyway oight oight all
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Probably a troll who's been sussed Woofy .
We had some nice fish for dinner. I tried King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons on catch up but he's such a boring presenter ,so turned over for my fix of The Americans which was much more exciting !
Got the new Nicola Upson book The Death of Lucy Kyte
( Josephine Tey ..Woofy ) so am off to bed to have a read .Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
Morning natty knickers...I've got a pr of fuchsia pink ones, I'd forgotten about those. Bright 'n breezy but set to cloud over again. Crip night's sleep, I was a bit chilly when I wasn't doing tropical so the duvet's going back on.

Neti I could have told you about the shoes, I'm currently trying to do the very same thing. Bought a pr of patent pumps earlier in the year when it was cool, they fit fine but before I'd worn them it had warmed up and my feet had grown a size and the return time had passed. Now we're cool again the left foot is ok but the right's a bit snug & that's the one with the uncomfortable tendonitis just above the ankle. I haven't read those links but what you can do is gently warm the shoe with a hairdryer before you put them on & it eases them a bit.
Morning all, just cooked a chicken dinner for hija as I feel she needs a good meal occasionally. We are hopefully out for the day on the beach and a lunch somewhere.

Re: that thread, I do not trust that Stylax, not trolling just sayin'. He ownly joined on 8th august!

Shaney is The Americans getting near the end? When you have seen the last one, please tell me as there is something I do not understand!

Hope you are feeling better woofy and Robi.
morning all, nearly back to normality here thank goodness. Styrax seems to have gorn....there's a shazx posting about being rehoused that smells a bit to me.....again not trolling, just sayin'. Am off out to town today, laters all.....
Oh sister has just phoned and is taking me (Mr N refused to go) to see Jersey Nights Tour in August, I am so excited, I shall be rockin' in the aisles! Poor Mr N admitted he doesn't know The 4 seasons and their music, he is too young!!!
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Make sure you have your pinks knickers on then Neti .In case you want to wave them around :)
Morning all
Bit overcast but the sun keeps in and out as well so not bad I suppose .Hope you are all ok.
There are two more episodes Neti .I'll concentrate on the last one and try and offer an explanation .Yesterdays was where Zhukov was shot in Moscow .
Hi all on my way home un a little while after a great week.

I love the 4 Seasons Neti I saw them in Nottingham with Frankie Valli of course. I saw Gene Pitney there as well. Great nights. I've read all your posts will see you later.
Had a fab day, beach with the Spaniards and S. Americans not a brit in sight - perfick! The lunch at the Pata Negra, such fresh food, goat's cheese walnuts, raisins, fried bread under the cheese, delicious. then we had home made croquettas (no idea what you call them in England) and grilled bouquerones (whitebait) we shared a bottle of Rose wine with fizzy lemon so refreshing, I actually wore a floaty cheesecloth dress, which is white with orange flowers and green leaves, cool, then I got balsamic down it but it sort of matched! I thouoght I looked tanned but alas not the legs!!
Shaney are there 13 episodes? cos that's what confusing me!

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