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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
love that hat Neti!
nice photo, neti
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Lovely picture Neti both look very nice .
While you are here in Blighty GO AND GET some Lanacane Anti Chafing Gel in Boots for the bazooms .I won't tell you again :))
Lovely pic neti...never mind curry, I hope there was cake, I like wedding cake.
I'm just having a romantic interlude myself, Elton John & George Michael love songs.
Thanks for that shaney, yes I will get some tomorrow.

Woofy that is a 1€ flower that I got in the chinese shop in my village in Ibiza. I had bought several but that one seemed to be the best.

Just been catching up with Corrie on sissy's computer, have to go back downstairs now for dinner, just nibbles I hope. Massive boot sale tomorrow, so I'll be buying things as Mr N will not be here, yay!!!
No traditional wedding cake Robi, it was a three-layered sponge with jam and cream and all fresh fruits, there were cupcakes, just so much, everything imaginable to drink! I didn-t have any wedding sponge as I was just so full.

The hotel in Guildford, which was super, wanted £300 to keep the bar open for our return (everyone inc bride and groom) were staying that night, so they didn-t pay but we had so much champagne and wine and beer left over that we sat drinking in the reception and then moved to the bar, we all had such fun, the manager said that they gave up and to enjoy ourselves, some were spilling wine all over the posh carpets - I was tired and we went to our room at 1.45. All had to be up for the wedding breakfast at 9am! The groom had done all the arrangements, there were even two coaches to take us all from the hotel to the church and then to the reception and back eventually to the hotel, after the ceremony we all piled onto the buses and were handed bottles of water and little snack bags, with mini cheddars and sweet snacks and a packet of love hearts as the drive to the reception barn in Bramley was about 45mins away. Just great., fab time.
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Sounds as if a good time was had by all Neti .
Guilford is a lovely place .I have a friend who lived there when we lived in London and I used to go down there on the train to visit and she used to come up to see me .She was one of our expat crew.
She lives in America now .

Lol ..Robinia ..I've an earworm in both ears from the teevee ads....Fleetwood Mac and Aretha Franklin .
♫Don't stop thinking about tomorrow♫ and ♫One Room Paradise♫
Ikea and John Lewis ads.

I think that ikea ad with the plastic heads is creepy
If any of you watch Antiques Road show tomorrow, I think my brother Ronnie Archer-Morgan is on it.
i do Neti, will look out for him.
Woofy he's a dapper little chap usually wears a trilby and speaks nasally. He's speaks on miscellany.
You look lovely Neti.That Wedding sound brilliant.I watch A. Road show almost every week so I'll look for your brother. I've been to see the Rams and I was very disappointed3 - 0 we lost. We couldn't even score the penalty we were give.
Never mind there are plenty more matches this season yet to catch up.
Off to bed now. So see yer laters gaters.Have to get my energy up for tomorrow. Walking to Darley Park with Fuschia for Music in the Park, We went last year if you rememeber and got soaked so here's hoping for better weather tomorrow.
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It is creepy isn't it woofy ..but the song goes round and round in my head ...
The boy reminds me of Chucky the killer doll !
[i]Elton John & George Michael love songs. [i]

To each other? Hold the front page...

Well, what a nice day and the sun is supposed to cling on for a few days yet. I hope all ye provincials are getting some of it.
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Yes ,it's been a lovely day here too Jno ,bit breezy and a tad cooler with the wind off the sea but it looks as if we're in for a few more nice days .
I don't want the summer to end this year .It's been really lovely here and has made me appreciate how nice it is to be beside the seaside . .But as that old German man keeps telling me when I prattle on about the weather ....Der nächste winter kommt bestimmt :)
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
Good morning. I had a dreadful night without Mr N. I was so afraid that spiders would run over the bed, I fretted under the duvet for 3 hrs, then slept intermittently, sweated like a pig and woke up with the king size duvet half on me and half on the floor. Awful night.
good morning, I much prefer autumn to summer and actually prefer winter too. Summer in my neck of the woods has been just hot, humid thundery and unpleasant....somehow "dirty" weather. Anyway its a lovley cool start to the day here. So sorry about your bad night Neti.
Guten Morgen alle. Ich denke, der Winter ist hier...ooh, it's chilly, only just into double figures and a real feel of less. I dread the winter coming, hate being restricted with lots of clothes, artificial light and heat, people coughing and sneezing all over me...get me outa here! In fact, I'm just getting into my stride, albeit a slow one. My old neighbour always used to say he felt better by August and then it was over.

lol jno, George Michael sometimes sings Elton's songs (often better) and I like them because they're in the right key for me to sing. I'm not sure what's on the playlist today, it could be some Motown, I need something upbeat to keep me going. I wonder what the neighbours would like, I never hear music coming from their house but he whistles and I hate that with a passion.
The Ikea plastic heads is a creepy one this time but I love the song. It's funny because their 'kitchen at parties' is one of my all time favourite tv ads, I think they've got this one wrong. Oh no, hang on, we're talking about it/them. Job done :)

Neti, what are you like? Aren't you more afraid of creepy crawlies on Ibiza, with the hot weather and all that? I'm more scared of people sneezing on me. :)

Enjoy the concert Jude, my friend's going.
oh that's the trouble with duvets, neti, it's all or nothing, no layering, and the best you can do is push half of them on the floor.

I love summer, hate winter wearing 16 layers of everything and still getting chilblains and daren't walk around in the snow for fear of slipping and twisting all my ankles. I had two months of summer down under earlier in the year and another good run here, so that's probably a sign that the thermometer won't be above zero between November and March. Sorry if this affects anyone else's plans.
Good morning All. Up and about early today....don't know why it's Sunday. Anyway I weeded and feeded my lawn on the left side at the back cos it doesn't look as good as the right side. I shall leave it now til about Wedensday and give it a trim.
Not doing much else today..haveing a coffee at the mo and when I've done this I'm going back to then skeleton in the Express. Shaney, I'm getting quite used to this new compiler/ess.
It was a bit chilly when I walked to the paper shop but the sun is out now but there's still a breeze and like Robi says not warmed up much..which tells me Autumn may be on it's way.
See yer later 'gaters have a peaceful Sunday afternoon.

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