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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
its dull boring dull jno and annoying when its something like getting a mozzie bite and the antihistamine cream is upstairs. I have to say the dogs have been angels, they haven't even been kicking off at noise in the garden which I would have understood.
There is a walk-in Clinic at the station but huge queues so am going at 8am on wed , they will give me prescription.
Hi and goodbye .A quick hello. Off to see Sis who lives for the day!
Last night at the Music in the Park was brilliant. With lovely music with a 'time' theme. From Rock around the Clock, sung by Cheryl Fergison (Eastenders) As time goes by, Winter from The Four Sasons, Don't Stop me now sund by Marcus Collins from Xfactor to Ride of the Valkyries from ie Walküre and lots more.
The weather was perfect. No rain this year like last!! We got invited into a section right in front of the stage on the bank by a friend of Fuschias daughter, who's birthday it was and he had reserved a section for his party.
Enough of that I'm now off out. Hope you get you pills sorted Neti. I'd go to the nearest Medico and show them your E card thingy. I take mine everywhere.
Laters 'gaters
oen for gardening biddies... does anyone know what this is?

I've groused about it before... the little leaves appear in the lawn, only an inch or so long, and when I dig them up they have 2-3 feet of lateral root system attached, but these then get a bit thinner and turn downwards, at which point they rip off when I try to dig them up.

I've found them going in several directions, so not obviously all from one tree.

I took this one to the nearest big garden centre today and after careful consderation the staff told me they thought it was a root of a tree or bush. So much for expertise.

We thought maybe a willow, but I really don't know. Any ideas?
ooh, excuse me, that was really me; the other ID was one I only use sparingly when I need to be male.
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Hahaaaa Jno little devil you .You'll have to change your avatar now :)
Still none the wiser although the leaves appear to very glossy and the thick woody growth suggests it's a sucker spreading from a tree somewhere .I'm about as much help as the garden centre .Have you tried the RHS website ?
I think you can upload a photo there and an expert may be able to help .

It's turned out a glorious day here ,the sun burst through the cloud after the dull start and it's 30C on Freddie the Frog in the garden .

Pleased to hear your knees are not so knockered now Woofy .

Sounds like a lovely concert Jude,all we get are brass bands on the seafront :)
Haha jni, I wondered who the interloper was.

Don't ask me (oh you didn't!)
a'noon...finally warmed up after a chilly's only a flying visit from me today (stop sobbing)...not sure jno, so many suckers don't look like the finished article. On my kindle it looked a bit horseradish-y (or horserubbish as it's affectionately known to me) but on here it looks different. Good luck with it. :)
I've got an ID for when I need to be female too, only I can't for the life of me remember who she is as I've hardly ever used her. I'm sure he was a sweetie, though. Does horseradish spring from these inch-thick roots? I could devote my entire lawn to raising relish.
jno If I need to be a man I put on a big old coat and wellies.
If I need to be a man I don't shave for a couple of days.
It looks like it might be a cherry and my wild one does throw up suckers. The only thing that can suggest (and this is weird) is that you let one grow much bigger as then it would be easier to identify.
yes, woofgang, I've been thinking that, between gritted teeth. We had a pathetic little flowring cherry about 20 years ago but it was always being eaten alive by blackfly so I removed it. There's no other around that I can see. The trouble is these roots are appearing at random all over the place (not necessarily related to one another) and it makes a right mess when I dig them up. But if the best professional advice I can get is "It's a tree", I may just have to overcome my natural murderousness and let one flourish.
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I just looked on the BBC 'cos they have a gardening messageboard ...or they did .It's been disbanded which is a shame because I asked about a plant on there some time ago now and got a good answer. Letting one grow a bit as Woofy says is a good idea Jno .
I've done nothing but watch the box all evening catching up .I'll soon have a square bum as well as square eyes at this rate .Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
It's hot again here tonight. Plight plight all
Argh plight plight.....blooming predictive text! Oight oight
ploight ploight
good morning all....thick fog here this morning so we stayed tucked up in bed.
Good morning all. Up bright and early. 6.00. Washing out, been to paper shop. Going out now for petrol.
Jno I think that plant looks like the start of what I call Elephant ears. I have 2 in my garden if it is(prob not!).It has pink 'clumpy' flowers on and the leaves are huge like EEs. I think one of you put a picture on once of one. but I don't think it was called Elephant ears then :)
Got to go. Laters gaters...x
Morning all... glorious here and long may it continue. I can take small boxes of clutter outside and sift through them as I sip my Pimms and eat strawberries :)

Now she tells us...jno if you once had a cherry tree then I'd guess that's what is popping up. Funnily enough it's taken my cherry 20 years to start making suckers. (Yes horseradish does make woody roots which spread forever)

Hope you're all ok, keep calm and keep your clothes on...☺ ☼

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