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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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oops, beg pardon...Japanese not, you can't have a refund
I'm completely immune to all goings on at AB too ....they've given me a special tablet and a white thing that seems have straps attached to it plus a Cliff Richard CD to keep me calm .....

No wind here today just the neighbours bonfire ....tut....

I 've been visiting the sick .A friend of mine had a kidney removed so I've been round to cheer her up with cake and flowers .
I have several inherited walking sticks you can borrow Jno if you ever want to go hiking in the Tyrol.They belonged to the maiden aunts who were great walkers and covered said sticks with little badges of various Tyrolean places ....I 'll swap you for the face cream :)
I popped in morrisons in biddyford and bumped into the legend "joss ackland" made my day it did.(:O)
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oh, lovely Vin!... the last famous person I bumped into was Sonic the Hedgehog

haha, you saw it shaney? might not actually be the answer I'd originally typed :o) Hope your friend recovers well. It's so dark here ce soir I had to put the light on in the kitchen. I was looking for the salt pot which I eventually found on the mantlepiece in the living gets more like 'spot the deliberate mistake' here every day.

I would never dare pose a question on here any more .God God ..if I had asked about my lumpy throat and shingles he would probably have scared me to death Bedside manner .....not !

My friend ( my namesake ) is doing OK . She has her sister here from South Africa and we had a lovely afternoon ,chatting and laughing ..she's much braver than me and a very positive person .I hope it will all be turn out to be benign .I can't bear the thought of losing anyone else at the moment .
hello all said with fingers crossed...hopefully this attempt will post but keeping it brief. Glad to hear that MR LL is feeling better and good wishes to your frind Shaney. creen is starting to freeze so I'd better post quick...maybe catch youse later

I took this on my walk this morning - after a horrendous storm last night, all is clean and warm.

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<blows raspberry at neti>
good morning from the rain forest....tut

I lost my internet connection altogether yesterday, went to stir the cauldron, came back & I'd been discomnockerated! Apparently it was Tiscali's fault.

shaney I know what you mean about losing people, I realised on my birthday just how many had gone when I noticed how my cards had dwindled.
Was there a Corrie on Wednesday last as i can't find it to download?
Question Author
yes neti it was a funny one too...

just chatting to Tarquin in Turkey on msn...I love technology - when it's 30C there ....tut
Thanks Robi unfortunately that isn't working at the moment but have bookmarked the site so hopefully i can watch it soon. Bless!
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mmm, all getting plenty of much needed beauty sleep I see...
I wish
Well, I'm getting the sleep but where's the beauty?

Another lovely sunny day here, not too hot luckily. Mr N is working on daughter's bedroom ceiling as the lot had to come down, she's arriving next thurs so hope it'll be done.

Have got all the Corries now so will watch them this afternoon. What time is the Eurovision on tonight, I'll have to watch it in Spanish as per usual and it's not the same with the Spanish commentary. Have not heard one song this year, not even Spain's so I am in a good position to judge! and judge I will, I even send off my little text message for the winner.
Ha ha (or as they say in Spain -jeje) loved that email!!
I'm going to the land of the ice and snow, to the midnight sun where the hot springs blow....

Yes, I am going on a short break to Iceland next week, cannot stand the constant sweltering heat and the chatter of the monkeys any longer

The haemmor of the rhoids will drive our ships to new lands...

no, hang on, that can't be right
Oh, what are you on jno cos I could do with some !!
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love the email jno!! :o)

Bonsoir, Guten Abend, buenas nockers....
just the usual here, rain, wind, more rain...the heavens decided to open just as we wandered into the garden centre at B&Q so I think I've ended up with a tray of flourescent geraniums & a dozen cabbage plants....

I thought Sweden were one of the favourites to win but it looks like Norway now... <gets meatballs at the ready just in case>...I can't remember which one I liked, think it might have been Malta?.....hey ho , who cares? :o)

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