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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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gah, source of swamp apparently located - the swimming pool next door appears to be leaking. Didn't think of that - because it's been empty for 20 years. Somehow it's got filled, then somehow it's emptying out again (because theres a 2-inch watermark around it). But the neighbour is in Saudi Arabia most of the time so I can't get in touch..... rats, now what do I do.

Not actually a cesspit, neti, but it's pretty scummy. How on earth did it get filled up? It's all enclosed, precisely so it wouldn't fill up with rain and dead animals the way it used to when it was open to the sky.
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haha, yes jno I'm a lot happier now thanks...
I'm glad you got to the bottom of your swamp.....It certainly needs to be reported to someone, you can't have that for long, it'll be a smelly stagnant bog.

Vincent! It looks like China Doll's trying to tell you sommink in my wrinkle cream thread.
I wish I hadn't mentioned swimming pools now .
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hahaha, you said pool & I said the neighbours - I think between the two of us shaney we diagnosed it. Shall we get a motorbike & sidecar & whizz around the country looking at mystery problems....we can't do a damned thing about it but we can tell 'em who to blame :o)
Hi folks,

Life a lot better. Mr LL is doing well and I am feeling more relaxed.

Robbie, Norman Lamb is our LibDem MP and he is absolutely brilliant. He works really hard and his heart is with the people. He won the seat from the Tories many years ago which was an achievement in itself and I have nothing but praise for the guy. Have met him on several occasions on various issues. If only there were more like him.

See you soon folks.

Morning all a bit dull and windy here. Not like on Monday in Whitby. Beautiful Sunny day even though it was windy. Walked up 199 steps to the ruined abbey and the church then came down and walked to the end of the pier and had a chat to some anglers. All in all a good day. going to Litchfield tomorrow for a look round and then calling in somewhere for an evening meal on the way back. Only a half day trip as Litchfield isn't far from here.

Talking about protect and perfect I have been using it since it came out. A little tube lasts for ages and I bought 3 for 2 when the offer was on the first time. I can;t say tha,t yes, it makes the wrinkles disappear but I kid myself that they aren't getting any worse!!!

Did you like your new dentist Robi ? I wonder if it was the same one as I saw.

Fed up with having to sign in every time I want to post something. Is it the same for everyone or am I being picked upon??

Started clearing out daughter's room yesterday in preparation for big cleaning and painting and now Mr N has decided to knock down the ceiling cos it's old and the iron rods (don't ask) have rusted and are making the ceiling bulge! My back is twingeing and quite painful in certain positions like half up from sitting! Then beggar me, a very healthy and clean cockroach started bouncing about the hallway, well i sprayed it and sprayed it, but it kept running hither and thither (I do hate that - could deal with it if it stood still!) so I was shoeless and locked in this room, so evenutally I got my wellies out of the shed and clutching my broom felt happier. Hasn't been seen today but Mr N has just gone off to golf again, so am sure the little beggar will now appear. Pouring down with muddy rain from Africa here, everywhere is filthy and full of mud.

End of rant!
....and alll you lot care about is wrinkle cream - <<tut> I ask you!!
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a'noon...I won't say good, 'cos it isn't, it's piddling down & there's a howling gale up the back passage...

hi Lottie, I'm glad to hear about Mr LL's good progress, best wishes to him for a full recovery x. Yes, Norman Lamb wasn't the chief speaker (who was very good) but I did warm to him straight away, hope they've finally started the ball rolling on the subject.

Well Jude they were running late at the dentist so not much time for interviewing him, tut, a bit young (aren't they always?) but he was very pleasant & handsome too which is always a bonus.

neti can't you catch the offending critter & take on a long trip...or <whispers>...drop a brick on it? And crinkle cream isn't my only worry I'll have you know...there's a sale on at Debenhams & I'm currently drawing up a shortlist of hndbgs....which isn't very short.

poop this weather's depressing...Tarquin's gone to Turkey, Izmir, for a week... anyone been?

Happy Birthday Stevie

Hi Lottie wasn't ignoring you. Your post must have come on about the same time as mine. I'm pleased you are feeling more relaxed now and that Mr LL is doing well. See you again soon xx
Hi all
Not much better here . .We had a walk along the river earlier to look at those cranes which are hogging the skyline and it was bldy freezing .The wind has been blasting through here for days .
Glad to see Mr LL is feeling better Lofty .I hope he continues to progress .
Dentists ..rude word at Shaneytowers at the moment .Mr S has been back and forth since Feb to the dentist .Poor old chap has no teeth at the front top at the moment and they don't fit the bridge until next week .He's not a happy man .

I am valiantly trying to run down the contents of my freezer and cupboards .I have all sorts of stuff in the freezer and not a clue as to what some of the packages contain . Every time I thaw something out it comes as a complete surprise and I stand there wondering what on earth to do with it . Tidy tins is on an economy drive :)

I'll have to pass on handbags today Robinia I'm too busy calculating suet pastry amounts .
Dentists are obviously in demand at present. I lost half a tooth last night!! I actually have no fear of dentists at all - it's doctors who I am absolutely terrified of - I am always fearing the worse whenever I visit one.

Nice to be back in touch with you lot!!

Will try to keep in touch more often. I am sorry if I have not kept up to date in recent weeks and must admit to having missed a lot of your posts. Promise I will try and do better.


(Am making a cauldron full of veggie soup at the moment - hopefully it will last all week! Am into healthy foods at the moment for the sake of Mr LL, but it is making me reconsider my eating habits!! I am pining for a large chunk of cheddar cheese. I am even dreaming of cheese!!)
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bl00dy weather

guten Tag Frau Robinia... went to a nice little soiree at the Austrian embassy in Belgravia last night... left with a bag containing some anti-wrinkle night cream, a rather elegant wine glass, a map of a hiking trail in the Tyrol, and a ball-point pen. I'm not quite sure why any of these (except they're all Austrian), but they'll come in useful. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make an appointment to have the oak tree pruned, and another one for a flexible sigmoidoscopy, which for an inflexible person like myself sounds a bit of a trial but I'll have to get to the bottom of it.
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what? no cake or a balloon?! ...hahaha, that's one random party bag jno

<hobbles out with buttocks tightly clenched> > > >
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oh btw, I seem to be having a psychic episode if you need your tea leaves read...amongst other things I had a horrible dream a couple of night ago about amusement rides & I found out that poor little toddler had died...and last night I was listening on youtube to something I hadn't heard for ages...and now it's on the radio...

just cross my palm...I accept cake vouchers...
Morning Folks..!
its been a bit sunny ere and feels quite muggy.An old japanese couple stopped me this morning and showed me a local map all printed out in japanese.They didnt speak a word of devonshire and I dont speak there lingo.So I told them(pointed) to go down an allyway(leads to the quay)they seemed so sweet,hope they dont get lost.Do you read ground coffee robinia,if so, could you tell everybody when the new AB starts.(:O)
loved that j.cOcker jno,ive sent it to the 4 corners of the world.
yes, I loved the way it turned out he knew about Ellen and Ann years before everyone else, Vinny
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coffee grounds? tut...I'll try....
mmmm, I can see you in your garden hammock's dark, you're having trouble who's this on your memory foam?....ah, an old Chinese, my, the sea air's made them very frisky....

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