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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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marm please, please bring a couple of tubes over!!
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...I think you'd better make it large tubes Marm!
good to have you in here...Yes, it feels lovely on my skin, it's dry/combination so I've found the cheaper creams either just sit on the skin or disappear completely.

Oooh too cold 'n draughty here to bother with the garden shaney, I wanted to be out there, been a bit low today, but it was too irritating...have I mentioned I hate windy weather?

anyhoo there's nowt like a bit of music to lift your spirits...

...going to a go oo eee ee...
just what I always wondered about!

The lyrics of Joe Cocker's Woodstock version of With a Little Help from my Friends...

(You don't have to have sound but it enhances the translation experience)
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Morning all...listen to this....(((birds singing, Charlie pattering in & out)))
Yes! halellujah! the wind's stopped howling

hahaha, that's brilliant jno, someone's worked hard on that....Did you enjoy the b...b...bbq? <grimaces>... Hang on, what's that smell? do you know there's a burnt sausage stuck to the bottom of your slippers?....tut

hello all , quick post if this works, it has taken me 20 mins to get in here today, the other topics work fine, just body and soul playing up I keep getting blank screens so hi and I am still around just muted by technology (holds breath, crosses finger and hits submit button)
I've developed another wrinkle now from fruitless attempts to tunnel into AB .It's a conspiracy to make me buy more face cream.
Lovely day here and I can't be bothered for the white pages to load so am logging off .Deep breath along with Woofy and.. submit .
I'm pleased to hear others have trouble getting on here ,thought it was just me being down-under ! That Joe Crocker was brilliant jno.
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oh booger it...

bonjour...yes, I abandoned all hope yesterday too. The only site I've ever found that comes close to the slowness of this one is Friends Reunited.
I seem to have a bad bout of hay fever this year, must be this wind blowing alien pollen in, it's like sand in my eyes & throat....anyone else suffering?

Wel, I've managed to get in at last!

Did any of you see BGT with that fabulous welsh waiter, what a voice, male soprano, I'd love to be able to sing like that.

Mt N is back home again, well actually he's back up the golf course but at least in in this country! I've olut on so much weight while he was away so went for a long walk this am and actually bared my chicken skin legs (from knees down, we must be have decorum!)

Am off to trill Nessum Dorma in the bathroom!
Question Author
yes I'm back now too...tut...what a palaver!
yes I did see him on BGT, saw him interviewed today too, he seems very nice. Shuttup about weight on....I want some :o(

Oh btw, I had a first yesterday (!) I went into Westminster Hall for a debate....ok, ok, I watched it on line, it was from last week. Quite fascinating, don't sit still for long do they? Have they got weak bladders? Actually the attendance was disgustingly low, due apparently to it being the Tues morning after a Bank!! It was about fibromyalgia, the first time it's ever been discussed....I'm not holding my breath for any changes. One of the speakers was Norman Lamb, do you know him shaney, he's from Norfolk? :o) He mentioned on his Twitter page that one Hon member wasn't wearing socks & it was off putting....No socks?! yuk! Must have been too scared to put in a claim. haha

posts seem to be going up but when I tried to start a new thread it wouldn't go, so I'll ask it here until the system is up and running again...

My lawn has suddenly become waterlogged. Big (60ft x 30ft or so), faces south, lots of sun and no rain for days but all of a sudden it's a swamp - squelching everywhere I walk, water bubbling up when I stand on a paving stone. No water pipes underneath that I know of. It usally drains ok, though it probably has London clay somewhere down there. Has anyone got any idea where it might have come from? Or how I could find out? Water diviners considered as a last resort, but do councils have bog inspectors or anything who could advise?

Yours faithfully, Swampy.
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Dear Swampy,
looks like the rice cooker will come in handy
High 'n Dry.

It's not a problem I've ever had jno except for once when there was a burst pipe underground. It sounds a bit suspicious if it happened so suddenly & has never been boggy before although it could be a build up from last year's lousy are your neighbours gardens?
Has anyone been building?
Why do I have to sign-in evry time I want to post?

jno sounds like there's a leaking cesspit under all that, see it happen many times over here!

woofy can't get in.
All systems go again ? At least I managed to do a pile of ironing that's been winking at me for weeks .
Norman Lamb is the Lib Dem chap for North Norfolk Robinia ..we don't have a Lib Dem person here in the slums. The one we did have lived in Southend and people were most disgruntled at not being represented locally so nobody voted for him !

I don't know anything about swamps unfortunately Jno I was going to say maybe it's because you are on clay .Our lawn in London was always a bit boggy .But it did used to dry out in the summer .It sounds pretty awful .It could be an underground pipe broken .I 'd get onto the water people .Perhaps they can advise or at least head in the right direction for advice . Failing that you can convert to a swimming pool and we'll all come along for Pimms round the pool instead of on the lawn :))
Robinia can be in charge of handing out swimhats and making sure people behave themselves on the sun loungers ...
I have to go ..the Gene Genie is on in a minute ..see you all later good :)
Robi sorry have only just got your message. I was having such a job yesterday getting onto the internet at all. I "chatted" to woofy" for a minute on FB and that was it.

Snap shaney I also ironed a large pile of Mr N's holiday clothes , so it wasn't all bad!
Sorry for shouting but I was so proud of myself !
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mornin'...I'll be proud of myself if ....
a) I don't chicken out before I get to the dentist's surgery in an hour
b) die of fright

Mornin...good luck at the dentist robinia.
if you die of fright...who gets the wrinkle cream....spose charlies first in line, then n.....(:O)
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Ooh, I like that song Vin

oi!...who's put their anorak on my chaise? I'm still alive....<stuffs custard>...well, I'd better eat 'em while I've still got something to chew with. He took one look at all my teeth, drew a breath & said it was no good, they'd both have to come out. :o)
I'm stunned...I only need one small filling & a clean...I was convinced I'd need some fillings redone & a crown on the one he's filling & be going back for weeks....oh deep joy. (I say that now, I'll still be scared again next week).

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