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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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Welcome back shaney, just keep that Lampwick out of George's way, thank you.

Not blowing my own trumpet, but it is very hot here well; 24� at the moment and I couldn't resist it have been to the shops and bough another load of rubbish to eat, oh yum.

I have been itching incredibly in the middle of my back for a couple of weeks now, I rather think it's a mole but as I can't see it, can't tell. Mr N didn't seem to know what it was, well he's not used to seeing a naked back!! so was a bit thrown by the experience!!
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not your tramp stamp festering is it?

> > > > > > > >
Well Mr N was last heard of taking off at Madrid for a 1hr20min flight, but according to my computer he's still up in the air, flight being delayed or diverted. Well at first I was worried and now I'm not cos no one has been in touch and there's nothing on the news, so I guess he's golfing his little heart out, and as long as Gadafi hasn't got him, he'll phone tonight.

What is a tramp stamp?
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hehe, morning Neti &'s the tatt you had done of Baz, just above your thong line <<<twang!!>>>

What day is it? are the cake shops open? <dons woolly pighat> I'm fed up of these cold dreary days now...tut
Umm Robi</B > would you think I'm strange if it was a tat of George on my back?
Ooouch - that'll learn ya!! << sorry!>>
What a dull dreary day ..where's this hot summer we've been promised .
I haven't had an email from the editor asking why I haven't been on AB and I shall complain bitterly .All the advice I give on knitting and then you get ignored .Tut !
The next time they send me a CD of hits from the year dot I shall send it back by return post with a stern note .
Failing that I hope you are all toddling along .Toddling being the operative word ..24C in Ibiza Neti ?
I'm packing my case as I type :)
Keep an eye out for a woman and butler with fifty suitcases :)
The butler will have a placard saying "Where's George "
~~~~~~~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBINIA~~~~~~~~~~

have a magic day~~always thinking about you~~take care all the biddies..xxxx
...and also thanks to Vinny for reminding us (or me at least!) as I'm useless about remembering birthdays! x
ooh, happy birthday!

And hello to you, Vinny, don't think I've seen you since I returned from my travels, hope all is well out west
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oops, sorry I let the door go, I was trying to hold on to my tiara, it's bloomin windy today.

Whooohooo! A special guest (gust?) appearance from our long lost love... Vinny! Thanks so much, it's great to have you & the music back, I really hope you'll be sticking around. neti, that'll be me then will it, a delicate fairy? I'm all the fives today - 25.
And thanks for the singing hampster (as they're affectionately known in the local snoozepaper) jno. Did you find it under your floorboards?

Well it's my first birthday without my bro, very strange, he always sent a card for 'sister' with a cutesy little girl on for us both Billy

Hi Robi and wishing you a happy day from all of us at Woofgang Towers. The boys have chewed a tea towel especially in your honour
xxx from all of us
that beatles song always makes me cry especially the Bette Midler version
Happy Birthday Robinia
and many Happy returns
Hope you are having a lovely day
Love Shaney xx

Yoohoo Vinny .nice to see you again.Hope all is well in Wooly .
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Robi A bit breezy today but at least it's not raining.

And Hi to the rest of you Biddies including you Vinny
Sorry about the yoohoo, I had you on minimise and there weren't not any other answers until I opened it up properly.
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Thanks all, sorry bout the tea towel woofy...that'll teach you to fold it into a chicken

A bit breezy is an understatement Jude, were those your 'smalls' I just saw flying by? or maybe shaney's?....what a beautiful ecard, thank you mrs s, I'd like to share it, I've watched it a few times to catch all the the huge dandy, haha, and I want one of those gnomes, my two are a right pair of shirkers

my ecard

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