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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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tch, I rang the swine flu helpline but all I could hear was crackling
jno have you been on the (apple) sauce!!

Have been trying to think of a pig joke but am so pig sick that I can't, I must be pig ignorant!!!
neti, we are facing the risk of a major snoutbreak
shut up!!!!
Sorry to the Biddies, There will not be a reunion, there will not be a matron for Robi and I will not be able to shut jno up, I did not win the Euro millions, I did not even get one number, I am a poor peasant again!!!
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Morning tout...just a quick visit, it looks like being a good weekend so I need to take advantage of it while I'm vertical & relatively mobile...
...nothing for me on the euro either neti, I got both lucky stars :o( Have you seen next week's prize?!! �110,000,000!! That's obscene...but it's ok, I do obscene now & again. It's �7.5 million on our lotto tonight, actually that'll do nicely.

Sorry I don't have time for coiffuring this weekend so, especially for you, I've customised the crocheted 70s hats I found in my slow moving stock drawer....
<snorts of laughter>

You can shaddup an all!

I shouldn't even bother with only �7million, hardly worth walking to the shop for! OOhh gooody next week I can be obscene too - love obsene as long as I win it all!!!
right, looks as if pig flu is more or less over, and the recession, and they're predicting a hot summer. I can live with this.
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Good morning weakenders....bit chilly here & it's snowing (my) cherry blossom all over the neighbourhood, I'd better keep a low profile or they'll all be waving their garden vacs at me.

Oh look, speaking of vacs, it's a Bank Holiday Special

Brokevac Mountain

Curiosity finally got the better of him and George decided to venture into the unknown....
heehee, love the brokevac saga. So much more exciting than just showing , er, sucking all day.
ha ha love it, and yes George will be coming out of the closet this very week as I need to wash the carpets! I knew he'd be normal.
g'day all, typing this with one eye as i have conjunctivitis again, its getting boring now, but I am a dead shot with an eye dropper....hope everyone is better than when they last posted..that looks a bit strange but I mean it as a sort of general good wish that all our problems ailments, little unmentionables are on the the hat btw
Despite the pup depradations, i have some beautiful bluebells in the garden this year and the grass is coming back which is something of a miracle considering.
I definitely do obscene...won 6.40 last week for a 6.00 outlay so heading the right way but not far enough...going to change the sheets now, catch youse all later
40p profit, woofgang, well that won't quite pay the rental of the O2 dome for the biddies' summer fete. We may have to hold it outdoors and hope it doesn't rain. 3/38/Rave_xxxperience_bh.jpg
Oh lawdy jno thanks for reminding me that next month Space opens and the whole island is blocked with partygoers! Space get so busy that they even sell tickets for the carpark and people rave in that now.

Mr N is now as I speak winging his way to Madrid onroute to Tu�ez, I have been left oodles of dosh and am going spending tomorrow yaaay!!!!! Not sharing it with anyone this time, daughter can go wanting!! she's had enough!!

Poor woofy have to say that her one eyed typing is way better than my 2-eyed typing!!!
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a'noon all....oooh, what a grey day,bloomin chilly & damp...
Hope your eye clears quickly woofy, there seems to have been a lot of it about since the winter, I always thought it was a bacterial thing but it's apparently viral too. I've got quite a carpet of lily of the valley + bluebells romping away...not spotted any swifts/swallows/house martins yet, should be any day now.

Oh no, look out Ibiza, mrs bottomless purse is on a secret shopping mission...neti you might need to bring something back to cheer George up....

for jno...
Brokevac Mountain Holiday Special Pt 2

It was no good, George had had a bagfull.
Unlike him, his new love wasn't a morning person....

Oh that is brilliant, Robi George (Gay -org in austrian) has just sucked up the dirt like the champ he is, haven't (or daren't) tried to washing bit yet. He says he was never gay although when Lampwick descended on him, he had an awful job fending him orf, and Lampwick was wearing a very pretty Tirara, now was that his or had he purloined it from mrs s?? and no wonder he was shocked by that tart of a hoover, we never have anything "camp" in this abode!!!
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Well don't go writing your own script just yet...ah, his old pal Lampwick, yes...I don't think anyone realised he was actually a vacuum cleaner cover...
<don't know why I bother sometimes....tut...>
Now pack it in .Lampwick is all of a dither and I have had to lock him in the pantry .It's put him off polishing the gin bottles and I had bought him a new microfibre specially ....god knows what he's doing with it .......
What a dreary day .Typical Bank Holiday weather .It's so chilly I am dithering about putting the heating on .
Hope youe eye soon clears up Woofy There seem to be a lot of lurgies around .
My shingles is gradually going ,just the odd stabbing pain now instead of 24/7 agony and the lump in my throat seems to have mysteriously disappeared as quickly as it came .
I'd better go and see if I can calm him down with a couple of Bath Olivers
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oh, what are you doing creeping up on me like that...I'm glad you're improving shaney, I'm so cold I put the heating on. Of course I'd be a lot warmer if I actually got up & moved about never mind

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