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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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Morning lovelies....
It's a glorious spring morning here & they've released the white legs brigade (ugh!)'s not that warm yet.

Brilliant jno, I'll send those to my sister (& the Tweety Pie mail too, thanks neti)...
...funny you should post those 'cos I was going to ask how an 84 yr old could get out of bed at 7am, stretch, scratch & have a quick lick of his bits & then start playing with his squeaky banana? Not only that, but expect me to join in too! (hehe!!) I'm sure Vinny could tell us if he was here.

Hope you're not too sore this morning shaney.
Btw, I keep forgetting to ask neti, how's your sister doing?
Sister very upbeat and although losing a bit of hair, she seems fine, isn't getting her down. She's still waiting to hear if she needs radiotherapy. Thanks for asking. x
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Oh, that sounds good neti, hope it won't be much longer for her.

I know I've posted pics of it before but my cherry tree never fails to please
taken today

and some cheery faces

hello all, have spent the day shampooing carpets...its been a bit of a marathon actually. I had ready prepared liver and bacon for tea on friday night....Tescos finest, delicious if you like liver. Dear dogs had never had it so I gave them two small pieces more than a match box sized amount. Anyway 1 am I am awakened by the sound of unison throwing up on the living room saturday sees me shampooing the living room yet again so I thought I might as well do the hall, stairs and study while the machine was dirty...its quite fascinating in an urghy sort of way to see what comes out, in my case about six tons of garden earth and grit. All done now so hi ho for the shower and a glass of wine. The list of things that makes the dear ones throw up gets longer by the day, oddly they digest horse poo with never even a burp.
I loved Tweety Pie btw, does anyone have Sylvester?
Sending good wishes to Shaney and Neti's sister and to all the Biddies including the wandering ones.
those photos look gorgeous, Robinia. I used to have a flowering cherry tree but as soon as a flower appeared the blackfly were at it. I used to pick them off twice a day and crush them but I could never keep up. Eventually the tree had to go.

But my robinia is just getting its first leaves!
Hi folks
Lovely pics Robinia cheered me up .
I'm still griping and whingeing :) I feel how that Tweety bird looks .Nothing exciting happening at Shaneytowers ..same old .Lovely day agin but cold east wind still blasting up the lokes.
Hope you are all OK though Toodlepip for now ..xx
PS Glad to hear your sister is doing OK Neti

I lst my robinia last winter :(
I've never had a robinia (well I don't think I have)! Are they thin stick-type plants??
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Good morning ...hang on in there shaney...there's only one way to go when you're at the bottom of a dark well...mind you, I think someone slams the lid on when I'm down there sometimes.

Yes neti, Robinias are tall & bit spindly sometimes, blonde & fluffy from a distance, bit gnarled & rough up close. They've got unexpected thorns and tend to snap in windy weather. Sound familiar?
It's a shame about your's woofy, a lot of them up & down the country have suffered with some fungal disease the past couple of years. Mine's just coming into leaf too, so I hope it stays healthy.

Okey dokey,hairy marys, line up....cackle...just think how much more aerodynamic you'll be on your zimmers when you've got rid of all that fuzz....
Lottie crawls in with matchsticks holding her eyes open.....................

I am sorting out probate, banks, planning permission, a mad neighbour, builders installing a new shower room at sons house, a dog with suspected Cushings Disease.................. etc., etc. etc.

I am waking up at 5.00 each morning and getting up at about 5.30 because my mind is in total chaos.

I am meant to be retired and leading a more relaxed life............what is going wrong.

See you soon when I next come up for air igns/All%20stressed%20out.jpg


Hello my little chickadees
Oh dear Loftie you sound how I feel ..Frazzled !
And I'll be even more frazzled if Robinia gets near me with her waxing equipment :)
Im know how you feel .There is an awful lot to sort out when someone passes away .I hope you soon get it all sorted .Try not to worry .Easier said than done as I know myself !
I think this shingles is a thing I have got from being run down and generally depressed after my ma in law died and all the worry we had .So look after yourself .Bit of selfish TLC like wot I am doing .It's called Guiness and Babycham and it's very tasty :)))
Nite nite all xxxxx
Lottie, I am getting to sleep at 5am every morning; between us we could probably do a day's work. Odd, because in 30something years of shift work I never slept this erratically. It must be freedom playing on my mind.
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Morning sleep-walkers...or should it be sleep-staggerers? I nearly choked yesterday, they were reading out local events on the radio & said there was a 'Linear walk today....'. Now in all my 36 years, & not being part of the red sock brigade (a term Tarquin uses when ranting about ramblers) I've never heard of that. Jeez, I can't remember the last time I walked anywhere in a linear fashion, the sides of my sleeves always have marks where I've staggered into a wall, hedge or passing dusty builder (I seem strangely drawn to those)....tut, I think it's high time they did did Tottering Tours. Oh for anyone else who doesn't know, a Linear walk is from A to B & then you get the bus home....mmm, well why not just walk half way & then back again? Or better still, get the bus both ways...sorted.

Marvellous weather, shame we don't all feel marvellous, but chins up, onward ever onward....

Who's gonna drive the Biddybus this summer?.....better put an ad in motoring....
Morning all - lovely bright warm day here, so I actually got up at 7am! but as Mr N was sleeping there wasn't much I could do, I wanted to change the sheets but he would not have appreciated it. Anyway all done and dusted now and shopping done, (the secret bit he doesn't want to know about!) Now have to search for lighter tops to wear as these sweatshirts are way too hot for today. Hope you are all feeling better.
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Morning all......erm, one....
Couldn't you have done the tablcloth trick & whipped the sheets away & left him in bed neti?....I'm assuming you do have satin sheets in your abode, probably leopardprint....?


I have now joined the ill and infirm as my left knee keeps giving away as I walk, it's getting quite painful. Went to visit an old lady as she's 87 today, and I nearly had to purloin her wheelchair, but bravely managed to climb up the hill to my little villa.
goodmorning all another fine day here in Woofgang towers.
We went and looked at new cars yesterday as the dogs have grown out of mine we think and i refuse to drive Mr W's monster. I quite like the new Mini Clubman (My first car was an original Mini Clubman) but too much wonga and not enough space:(
Oh well it was a fun day out....making up for it with housework today
not enough space for a Mini, woofgang? How about if you parked it on its end?

And now by royal appointment I bring you some holiday photos...

This one's sunrise at my favourite beach

And this one is a toilet designed by the Austrian painter Hundertwasser. He's buried somewhere nearby (or do I mean 'interred', snigger snigger)

And here we have a Spanish mission church in Santa Barbara - the purple is for Lent

and finally another beach. I thought it was Malibu but it turned out we hadn't got there yet, so it's Zuma

Hope those work, I don't want to have to go back and take them again.
Lovely photos jno!!
Hello All Great photos Jno. Where are you off to next time!!!

Hope you are all ok and Neti hope your knee gets better soon.

Done a bit of gardening today. It's not as sunny as it was yesterday but still pleasant.

Wednesday night out seems to have taken off at another local and last night wasn't bad. There was a singer on and he played loads of the 50's 60's stuff and some more up to date so everybody enjoyed it as there were youngsters in as well who were dancing with us oldies. so it looks like it's going to be a regular haunt

I'm into the snooker on the telly at the moment, I bet not many of you like it though. I seem to be the only sports fanatic on here. Ha Ha !!

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