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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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morning all, a quiet morning here. Mr W's stress symptoms have finally subsided so he has gone back to bed (after walking dear dogs at 6am this morning). He really does need some sleep so I am glad he is getting some. Dogs are enjoying themselves in what's left of my garden. My sis gave me a box of strawberry chocolate truffle eggs for easter from sainsbury's in a little blue egg shaped box. They were yummy, I say were because we finished off the whole box for dessert last night (DH and I, dogs aren't allowed chocolate, they had chews instead)
Sis gave DH coffee truffles (posh ones) I am eying the box up and down but don't think I should while he is asleep....well maybe just one....
Hello all . sorry wasn't here earlier, I actually cooked Mr N scrambled egg on toast for brekkie as he wouldn't get out of bed and he hates eating in bed so he had to get up! It's all this late night golf, the Masters that keeps him up so late. Has been persisting down here all night and most of the day. I gave Mr N a Creme Egg Chocolate Easter egg and I have now eaten most of it! We braved the downpour and went to a little village (Sant Rafael) for lunch (little village, posh restaurant!) and for the first time I had baked shoulder of lamb in its juices with veg absolutely delicious (apologies to all veggies out there), then back home to sleep off the wine. Now I'm full of beans and Mr N is wtching the golf so I have to go back to bed, cos it's only a small house! Have booked my flight to England for August, so watch out Primark here I come, actually I now prefer Matalan!

Hope you have all had an enjoyable day x
well, it may be Easter Monday but some of us need our faces sorting out! Where is everyone, ah well, I shall saunter out into the brilliant sunshine and hopefully not get too suntanned! (as if!)
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Morning Neti (Oh it's afternoon!), and anybody else who turns up.

We have had gloomy, grey, dark and damp weather since last Wednesday. My Mum's funeral was on Wednesday and the sun shined for her.

Have just heard from my cousin in the West Country and the sun has been shining all over the holiday period!!

Mr LL is still on son's garage roof and I have been alone and bored all over the holiday period. My back is playing me up bigtime and I am feeling pretty fed up! If I go over to son's house I will get roped in to helping - so am stearing clear!!!

Never mind, meeting my friend who is over from Spain tomorrow for a good old chinwag over coffee.

Bones are a trial as one gets older aren't they, instead of crouching at a low cupboard I have to actually sit on the floor these days and then i can't get up, feels really strange after years of being able to do just about anything. Oh and don't get me started on eyesight!!!!
hello all thank God for alcohol and chocolate is what i say (and NEVER store it in a low cuboard lol)
Its nice and sunny here but somehow chilly too oh well it is only April I guess.
I think I'll phone my sister..
YES, the sun came out .................. for about five minutes.

:O( Don't mind chilly Woofy, just can't bear this gloom.

Daren't even have a bath these days, Neti. Have to do acrobatics to get out of the damn thing. Thank goodness for showers.

Mr TT2 arranges by cupboards when I am not about and puts all the things in a neat order in the low cupboards and usually at the back. He obviously likes to see me contemplating how to get them out. Like you I have to sit on the floor!!!

It'll be a bungalow next - god forbid (and probably warden assisted at that!!!)
I'll be in the local home for loonies next!!
I don't usually find baths a problem, but there have been mishaps... /areas_expertise/media/images/cranes/crane.jpg

No rain here all day, it could almost be California apart from the lack of $20 20oz steak meals and Gordon Brown instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh, and the lack of sun.
Hello all, anther lovely sunny day here. I too haver just about abandonned bathing in favour of the shower. I damaged my knee about this time last year. The physio sorted out the hamstring but thinks I may have a tear in the cartilege "no problem" she said "the surgeon can put a camera in your knee, then do some keyhole surgery and give it a good clear out." I soooo don't think so. I can get down into the bath now but there is always that exciting moment when will I won't I get up again.
I went to the dentist today (checkup) I have a tooth which has just about had it...on every visit, dentist offers to take it out, I agree vaguely to think about it. Anyway he has a new nurse who came through from the surgery while I was paying and making my 6 month checkup appointment with the very nice receptionist. Without looking at me she said to the receptionist "SHE'S got to make an appointment for an extraction." Honestly I hate rudeness.
Strikes me that this is a really biddyish post lol. I only have to mention continence products and the fact rthat you can't get Maconochie's pickle any more to sound exactly like my Mum....I can almost hear her laughing about that now!
Have had my yearly visit to the hairdresser, and i'm quite pleased this time, she's toned the blonde down a bit, and it's short over one ear and long over the other (on purpose, she wasn't drunk) it's a style I had in the 60's and must say it looks ok and not young or anything. I still love having a bith, only hav e showers when it get too hot here. Mr N is always on hand if I can't get out of the bath, which hasn't happened yet!!!
Limping today as I had cramp 2 nights ago and now the leg is killing me! Of to accountants to sort out yearly taxes ugh!!
that's cos you were rubbing it in about still being able to use the bath lol. I used to be a martyr to cramp till i started taking something called calmagzinc. Its a calcium magnesium zinc tablet (d'oh) the size of a small hampster but it certainly stopped the cramp
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oops, sorry...Morning all, it's a bit wild here. Woke up to a monsoon & thunderbolt and lightning, ♫..very very frightening me- Galileo, galileo...♫.....sorry again, got a bit caried away, I think I'm delerious with tiredness, I've been (foolishly) overdoing it a bit, I must take a break....Hopefully the weather report will be right & we'll see some ☼ this afternoon, it was lovely yesterday. The garden's really bootiful at the moment, never had so many spring flowers, I think the bad winter gave them a boot up the roots & they've put on a lovely show, the cherry blossom's coming out thick & fast.

Have a bath?....oooh, lemme think, don't think I've had a bath since the Golden Jubilee. Mind you, having showers is just as hard for me, all that running around trying to get wet....btw, please forward all surplus choccy to me toot sweet as I'm a bit too stikky again.

Been trying to fathom the house number thingy you sent jno, haha, I've no idea how it works either, I can barely think of my own house number at the moment. I bet Tarquin spots how it works straight away, he always takes away the magic with an explanation. Had him putting some self assembly furniture together at the weekend, he's brilliant...I knew all that Lego I bought him would be good training for the future.

oooerrr, who's got the dizzy pills....?
I know how it works, we do the same with cards but I couldn't explain in 1,000yrs (well, I think it's the same).

I hope that hamster sized pill is a supository (spelling looks all wrong but for the life of me can't work out what's wrong) woofy.

Actually lovely sunny day here now.
no neti, you swallow goes down like a housebrick!
no neti, you swallow goes down like a housebrick!
Ha ha you sure??

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