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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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Sorry Robbie, but it's lovely again here today, after a cold start. I have just spent a fortune in the garden centre. Sometimes I wish it wasn't just down the road - I might go less often - new garden fork, hoe, garden gloves, planters, compost of various descriptions, a pink watering can for son's girlfriend, a wooden runner duck as a birthday present for me, and a wooden runner duck as an extra birthday present for son (we both love runner ducks) some new pretty trimmers with lilac handles and some bonsai fertiliser. Oh dear........................... // ducks/images/design/duck43_large.jpg&imgrefurl = Q_JAHVq2RpgMD4KSSImSA=&h=315&w=301&sz=14&hl=en &start=1&um=1&tbnid=_dRPtNJq-ViYUM:&tbnh=117&t bnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bduck%2Bcompan y%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1

I really want real runner ducks!!!

Morning to you all - ouch, I just got hit by a flying toenail!!!

See you soon. Meanwhile have a good weekend.

Hummm - has to think about that one!

Lovely Breakfast, washing up liquid on toast! I had an almost empty bottle of golden syrup so stood it on end near sink in case of leakage, and for some reason left washing up liquid in same place (normally it's in a cupboard) so after buttering (well, clovering) my toast i reached out and yes you've guessed it, and No I didn't actually eat it, saw the mistake in time, but what else will I do my Sunday, I'm dangerous all right!
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Hi Lottie, crikey, they must like it at the garden centre when you go there. I love runners too, they're so funny...I know a lady who keeps them, amongst other varieties, I really must visit her this summer.

oh neti you're a tottering disaster....I think you'd better spend the weekend with jno under the can give each other a pedicure

....and I've just spent 5 mins in the garden talking to a rock before discovering it wasn't the cat, and tried to turn on kitchen tap by lifting the spout before realising that I had to turn the appendage on the side. God, what ever next, BUT i have connected and tuned in a telly for the kitchen so not all bad!!
I see you are all in fine fettle !
Sincere condolences Loftie .So sorry to hear of your loss.
Hope everyone else is OK. I am a bit under the weather but I won't bore you :)
Nothing much going on at Shaneytowers .
Those ducks look sweet .I had a wooden duck as a doorstop once but Shaney chewed it up.I found it hidden in his basket .
Take care all and have a nice weekend .xx
hello all, get well soon shaney and take it easy. My dear pup shughy has taken a fancy to my cast iron beetle bootjack that we use as a doorstop. He lays and suckes the antenna and chews that paint off so I had to confiscate it.
we've gt the gas fire on tonight and the garden door open to hear the birds which is rather nice.

Pups have spent the day chasing the cherry blossom petals as they fall and then wondering why they aren't alive!
Morning All hope you are all ok and I hope you feel better soon Shaney.
A bit brighter day today I'm pleased to say. Sun shining at the moment.
Has anybody got a Magic Bullet. I've just bought one off the internet as my sister has one and hers is brilliant but I've had nothing but problems with mine. So now I'm composing a letter to send them and as I'm not good at letter writing it could take me all day

Went to my local last night but hardly anybody there ande I felt sorry for the girl singer. she wasw very good but playijng to an empty place can't be good for the morale can it.

Anyway have a good weekend all. I'm listening to Derby playing this afto. Bye for now xx

Jude I bought one of those for my sister a couple of years ago, and she loves it, uses it all the time. I paid �25 in TJ Hughes in Eastbourne. That's the trouble with buying off the internet, I like to be able to storm down to a shop and complain
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Morning all...well apart from feeling like someone's put several NON-magic bullets in the side of my head, I feel wonderful (?). Sorry Jude I'd never heard of it, I don't bother with kitchen gadgets anymore, they get used once & then sit in the cupboard.

Ooh, looks like neti's not too chuffed with her new brassiere

I'm a well seasoned complainer too and I need a word about this underarm deodorant
Oh that's just like me Robi I can't wear normal deos or anti's have to have special ones and they cost a fortune, and don't get me started on bras!!!
have just found a furry culture at the back of my fridge, sadly unidentifiable, but I'm sure it will cure shaney off all her ills, so will get it sent over by seagulls. (how ever did tidytins miss that one!)
Evening all
I wish I did have a magic bullet Jude I'd shoot me self with it :)
I have bldy shingles and how . I had a mild bout a while back but it's come back with a vengeance .The doc has given me some medication but am not to take it until the blisters appear .But ..he said sometimes you don't get blisters .There are variations apparently.I don't know where to put myself.It's all round my left bazoom and back and under my arm .

Lovely wedding here at the church today .Beautiful bride in a gorgeous off the shoulder dress .Though I hope she got a few stiff drinks down her afterwards as it is freezing here .Beautiful day here but a really biting east wind enough to cut you in two.
I have been journeying through France courtesy of Wiki.
Just read a really good history mystery called Death of Pilgrim where they get bumped off one by one on the way to Santiago de Compostela.So I thought I would look up the places mentioned .
Ooops a seagull has just landed ..whatever is that unmentionable thing in his beak
well, I have waited till the midnight hour and did my love come tumbling down? No. Sorry to hear about the shingles, shaney - the only time I had them, all I got was a slightly sore eye and I was surprised at the diagnosis. Apparently they stop at an invisible line down the middle of your face so you don't get them both sides at once.
sorry to hear about the shingles MIL had it earler this year, its a total female dog of a thing. She was advised to look at her total health to speed healing (relax, get enough rest, proper nutrition all the boring stuff) and DH was given the same advice when he had it quite a few years ago. Apparently the virus sits there in the nerve until you get a bit run down then it leaps out and causes merry hell DH had it on his face and neck and walked around looking like the phantom of the opera with one side of his head swathed in a white silk scarf which was the only thing he could bear to have touch it.
looking forward to a nice day here. we took the dogs out early as its the weekend and gets pretty busy and unpleasant later. It was really cold and windy but the sense of virtue is overwhelming.
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Morning any splinters you need removing jno?

Ooh, sorry to hear about the shingles shaney, hope they're short lived & you feel better soon. My bro-in-law had along terrible do with them up his arms, he was so ill for weeks. I can't help ondering if I had a mild attack a few weeks ago, I'd had pain around my middle (I'm used to random pains so I just tend to live with 'em) and then a few blistery spots appeared but they were very small & were gone after a couple of days.

An off the shoulder frock in this wind? I hope you nipped over with a libby bodice for her, tut. Actually it's not so bad here today & the sun's come out. I've put some of Charlie's fur out for the birds, it's so funny watching them touse it & carry it off home.
(it's ok, it was already clipped off, I haven't been scalping him)

Oh Shaney, poor you. I have had shingles on several occasions, but none have been too bad fortunately. However, whenever I am run down I get pains in the same shingles place on the left hand side of my back.

Take care and try and relax if you can.

Lovely day here again today but the wind was cold.

Yesterday was beautiful too but it turned bitterly during the late afternoon and evening when my son decided to invite us to a barbecue. He cooked outside and we ate inside!!!

See you soon.
It's the real pits .I feel as if someone is poking me with a red hot poker and my skin is so sore .I have no bra on and am wandering around in an old work shirt of MrS's as I can't bear anything touching the skin it's so sore .I've swallowed Ibrobrufen until I rattle to no avail.I can put up with any amount of arthritic pain but this is bldy awful .
But you have to slog through it I suppose .Ho hum .

Still chilly here .Fair weather as my Mum used to call it because we have the fair here this weekend on the marketplace .Perhaps I'll go up there and have a go on the waltzers until I'm dizzy enough to pass out :)
Hi all!

Poor shaney it sounds absolutely dreadful, is there nothing ie calamine lotion to be put on? Hope it doesn't last too long!
stop me if I've posted this before but here are some rerecordings for the elderly...

Herman's Hermits--"Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Walker"

The Rolling Stones--"You Can't Always Pee When You Want"

Paul Simon--"Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver"

Carly Simon--"You're So Varicose Vein"

The Bee Gees--"How Can You Mend a Broken Hip?"

Roberta Flack--"The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face"

Johnny Nash--"I Can't See Clearly Now"

The Temptations--"Papa's Got a Kidney Stone"

Nancy Sinatra--"These Boots Give Me Arthritis"

ABBA--"Denture Queen"

Leo Sayer--"You Make Me Feel Like Napping"

Commodores--"Once, Twice, Three Trips to the Bathroom"

Procol Harum--"A Whiter Shade of Hair"

Credence Clearwater Revival--"Bad Prune a-Rising"

Marvin Gaye--"I Heard It Through the Grape Nuts"

The Who--"Talkin' 'Bout My Medication"
Ha ha jno Brilliant.

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