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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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Ah bless you all. You certainly haven't offended me Woofie.

I now have one hell of a rotten cold!! Oh well........................

Hi good folks
Sorry to hear of all your troubles ,especially Mr LL and you Robinia . Hope your new bed gives you some relief from the aches and pains and hope that Mr LL will soon be feeling better .
Those are lovely photos Jno a hot sunny beach would set me up a treat as although the weather is fine here the east wind is still biting although you wouldn't think so in the High Street where they are practically strapless and sleeveless and must be frozen ,or am I the only person in the county who feels the cold .
I still feel lousy ,this shingles thing is a B of the highest degree.
Can I pick your brains ?
I'm having trouble swallowing my food .It's gross .Feels as if I have a lump of something stuck in my throat .The doctor has given me some tablets but they don't seem to having much effect and he has threatened me with a camera down my gullet .I think it's cattarh. It feels like mucus because it shifts about .I've suffered with cattarh since I was a child and I am the world's worse gagger and dry heaver known to man especially if I get near a sweaty armpit :)
Have any of you had that camera thing ?
I've looked up all sorts on T'internet and frightened myself silly .Any thoughts much appreciated .
yes, I had the camera thing. I got panicky halfway down and told him (sign language) to take it out. He was very grumpy. He had offered me an anaesthetic option and I should have taken it. (Actually, he then said he'd got it all the way down and it would only have taken a couple more seconds - well if he'd SAID, I would probably have been able to hang on, but he didn't, the supercilious clot.)

I am now awaiting an appointment for a camera to go, er, the other way... (er, unrelated to the previous ailment, I should add!)
Hi there. Thinking about you Lottie and hope all goes well with Mr LL .

I bought a memory foam bed Robi and wouldn't be without it. It's great.

I had a camera Shaney. I was coughing up blood and was advised to. They make you drowsy not totally out and then they spray something tasting like bananas into your throat then do the job. I was really scared and my sister came with me but honestly I didn't feel a thing and I didn't have to swallow the camera thing they just slid it down. After that they put me in a bed to recover fully. It turned out I had a serious lung infection and gave me a big dose of antibiotics which made me better. I hope that helps you. I really didn't feel a thing.

Been to Lincoln today and had a good look round the shops. we also walked all the way up the steep hill to the Cathedral. My niece works for Derby City and had a meeting there so we had a free trip. We had a good day and the rain kept away except for about 3/4 of an hour or so at lunch time. Off to Leicester all being well on Thursday.

Have a good night all xx
well anyone here got the swine flu yet, I bet I get, in fact I'm sure I'll get it, Have a slight tickley throat and were due to go out for posh dinner on Friday so was dreading getting a cold, but it has just now been cancelled and I am DELIGHTED as I didn't fancy it one little bit (Mr N's posh golfing pals!)

You poor ailing biddies, hope you all recover soon, esp shaney as that's one thing I dread getting!

Anyone ever tried golden syrup on the keyboard, ouch, don't recommend it, I've sucked and blown and licked and wiped but it's a whole new experience typing on it now. Luckily I bought this one, so Mr N can't moan at me!!
oh, that swine flu is a pig to get rid of, neti - try getting some oinkment [I lifted that one from the Jokes section]
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morning...lovely day weatherwise.....not a very good day for sightseeing yesterday Jude, my brother loved jumping on the train & going to Lincoln. Hope you're practising your Leicestah accent for Thurs. :o)

I'm glad you're all pleased with your memory foam, I'm hoping it helps my hips & back....looking forward to it, thanks for the link woofy I'll have a look at that later.

ooh, please, no swine flu <thwacks jno>....things like that worry me. I spent yesterday with a monster headache which turned to migraine & I did my fainting trick at 11pm trick, tut. It was a bit of a Thora Hird moment, as I lay in a pool of sweat on the landing trying to recover I thought 'Crikey, look at all these bits on the carpet...must get the hoover up here'...I must have been delerious.
I don't know why I'm laughing, I thought my number was up, but you have to don'tcha?

shaney my neighbour's just had exactly the same thing with the swallowing/camera...turns out she has a hiatus hernia. I think I'll keep shtum about anymore digestive problems that I get, I neither want a camera down'ards nor up'ards thanks all the same.

Hope you/we all feel better toot sweet, gawd, it's a trial sometimes...
Good morning all, just getting over the excitement here. Mr Woofgang has gone out. We always shut the dogs in the living room as he leaves but this time the front door didn't catch properly. I didn't notice, just opened the living room door and the next thing I know we are a dog short!
I grabbed dog two, shut him away and was just getting keys and a lead to go out and hunt when Mr W turns up with the runaway. He'd got about four houses away from us in the car when he noticed a loose dog that looked quite a bit like ours trotting alongside the car..did a double take, jammed on the brakes and grabbed said dog who is now safely back home and really peeved that the adventure is over. Honestly I'd kill him if I thought it would do any good.
Thanks all for listening ...I'm beginning to wonder if it is a digestive problem .
I can't eat anything highly spiced or seasoned and for my trouble we had garlicy oniony things for dinner last night and I had dreadful heartburn afterwards.I think I'll try a bland diet for a while .
I don't fancy that thing being shoved down my throat . But if a push comes to a shove I suppose I shall have to go and be brave .
Hope you are feeling better today Robinia .

Lost dogs ..haha. I remember Shaney doing a runner once.We hadn't had him long and he escaped when we were in the field with him into the cemetery though the bushes .It was getting late ,wintertime, and he would not come back .
I stood by the cemetry gate in the dark like a fool calling him .The gate was locked of course and some man passing by said that he would be very surprised if anyone answered !
He came creeping out of a gap in the fence eventually looking very sheepish.
Oh well I had better go and do something constructive
Have a lovely day tomorrow Jude .
Take care all xx
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mmm, I see from my googling that the smell of new memory foam is a common complaint , oh well after a few nights in it slapped all over with algipan I probably won't notice...

I giggled at the escapee dogs...Mac, my std poodle, liked an adventure now & then. One day he legged it around the corner & went straight into someone's open front door (the husband had gone outside to the car)...all of a sudden I heard women shreik & then, luckily, howls of laughter. They were sitting watching tele when he'd bounded in to say hello....he looked a tad different to the man of the house, so I guess it was a bit of a shock, haha.

don't worry, Robinia, the pigs have all been cured...

helloooo? Typical, summer comes and everyone rushes away to sunbathe.
Not me jno although lovely and warm here (and I actually quite like it) am wearing layered hippy skirt but still the boots. Right when I win this huge Eurolottery 2nite, I shall pay for all the biddies to meet up (after I have had a face-lift, liposuction, new teeth, breast lift and spray tan and anything else that is going!) We'll stay in best hotel in London and no worries, oh I wish!!
Robi are you feeling Ok now, it's a bit worrying for you to faint on your own at night, I shall supply you with a nurse and wheelchair when I win said lottery!!
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oh good day...woken up have we? erm, very reassuring jno thanks...

I always know that when 2 mail notifications arrive with very close times on them it's gonna be you neti haha...I'll start calling you Columbo, he always has an afterthought.
Yes 'tis scary being ill on your own, but luckily I don't just drop I tend to feel woozy for a while & manage to lie on the floor or bed so I don't bash myself on anything. Feeling a bit better today thanks, I've washed my barnet without the aid of a safety (hair)net. I hate it when I feel off it & my hair needs washing, just feel worse. Looking forward to my own personal nurse I want that one please but won't it be tomorrow not today? Or are you going faster over there? I'll do my best to remain vertical until you send him...then I'll do my best to remain horizontal ;o)

....and well spotted Robi ,of course the Eurolottery is tomorrow night, but was just checking that you were Ok after your faint! <<ahem>
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tut...thanks a bunch neti
It could be worse I s'pose, at least Hattie makes me laugh. Well she did, she died about 30yrs ago didn't she?
I'll just have to win myself then...I'll build a big bubble to live in so I don't get the piggy flu...
anything to avoid aporkalypse now...
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hold me back someone...
hey, this is serious, it could be Parmageddon

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