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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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morning all...had a bit a bovva getting in here this morning, has mrs s left a pile of Woman's Weeklies behind the door again? I wouldn't mind but the crosswords are always done & the knitting patterns ripped out, tut.

Fantastic photos jno thanks for posting...I'll save the sunrise for a desktop pic, it'll be lovely in the autumn when I'm gazing at a grey day over the gasworks...
yeah but the agony column is fun....ha ha jno. We have a double garage, it has two doors but inside is one big space. When I had my first car, it wasn't filled with junk and DH's 3 motorbikes and I used to put my car in it (mini clubman) You had to swing very slightly as you reversed out to keep away from neighbours car. Well one day I wasn't thinking, messed the swing and in my panicky attempts to correct ended up sideways across the garage inside it....wish i'd had a camera!!
Anyway i took a few deep breaths and managed to get it out again with no harm done then locked the car, went back inside the house and had a good old tizzy.
I've been known to ask complete strangers to get my car out of the awkward positions that I have got it into. Mr N is aghast!!
Spring was srung
The grass was riss
I wonder where
the sunshine is??

Got all summer clothes out and rinsed , did the old legs, and now it's not too warm again.

Hope you are all well and happy.

sunny here at the moment and the men are due back to finish the bits of flooring they missed last time. As it's not raining they can take their sawing down to the end of the garden. The house is still covered in sawdust from the work they did last time, despite 24/7 hoovering.

Our grass was riz too, neti, but it's now had about 6 inches trimmed off its head so it's sort of normal length again and the wildebeest have nowhere to hide.
send the wildebeest over here, that'll cause a stir. Raining here now, have spend all day making a chicken and mushroom pie, and downloading music.
now here's a thing. You know that picture of sunrise over my favourite beach that I posted a day or two ago.... well, I've just been watching my Prince Caspian DVD and lo and behold, when they emerge from the tube tunnel into the enchanted world at the start, it was filmed only about 10 miles down the road from the beach. This is it d/d2/Cathedral_Cove_(Coromandel).jpg

Gorgeous (though my beach is a lot bigger)
oh and just for comparison, this is my beach ops/1280/Opito-Bay-Beach.jpg

Not my own photo but it was taken in January - because the agapanthuseses are out - ie midsummer, and you can see how crowded it is. That's only about half of it you can see.

Sigh... remind me what I'm doing here...
oh my wild agapanthus, it hardly seems possible. Good morning all, another sleepy start at woofgang towers, spent yesterday sorting out the garage againI am sure that the cardboard boxes go in there and mate and produce loads of little ones, its the only logical explanantion...either that or my internet shopping habit.
Morning All Has everybody been singing in the bath. It's persisting down here at the moment and has been since I got up. What are you all doing today. I'm just dossing. I'm hoping to go to Lincoln tomorrow with my sister and her daughter who has a meeting there. Me and my sis are going to have a tour round Lincoln while she's there. Maybe the shops as well. as the sights. I have visited the Cathedral many years ago when I went up in the tower so I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Another lovely day here, actually wore my gladiator sandals yesterday and they broke! but a little stitch will fix them. Can't get them replaced like in good old blighty!!


Can someone please explain who is Norris and why does he act like the boss of the Kabin and why does he live with Emily! Also who is that old gent with Audrey (Roberts?) and why does gale call him Dad - has Audrey gone back to original husband that we didn't know about. Thank you.
watch out the Lincoln Imp doesn't get you, Jude... brrr.... I swear Britain must be colder than Ibiza today... must put my fleece in the microwave
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Hi all...been a bit too busy again, got a bad head & back...I'll be back when I feel better.
<snatches jno's fleece

Hope you feel a lot better soon Robi.

It's freezing here now just had to put the heating on.

Had some of those gladiator type sandals in the 50's Neti That takes me back a bit !!

Quick catch up for Neti:

Norris - colleague of Mavis's Derek who sold stationery and is now a partner in Rita's shop. Has lodged with Emily for years.

Old gent with Audrey is Gayle's father and he is gay, but he and Audrey appear to be enjoying each other's company again and I believe he lives with Audrey now (not sure of this).

I presume you haven't watch Corrie for quite a while!!!

My mum's illness and subsequent death and Mr LL's now serious illness are preventing me for visiting you all very often - but I haven't forgotten the biddies!! Things are all over the place at the moment.

Hope you feel better soon Robinia. I'll be in touch soon.


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Take care Lottie, thinking of you & Mr L xxx

Just creepin' in with my milk & biccies (very USA) ....aches eased a little but it's been such a cold wet day it's no wonder I'm creaky. New bed arrived at last, it's got a lovely layer of memory foam...don't s'pose I'll leave much of an impression on it tho' :o). Not sleeping in it yet 'cos I stupidly forgot to get a mattress protector (any recommendations?...and I don't mean a rubber sheet thank you) & valance & I'm not putting my nice new bedding on only to have to take it all off again in a day or's got that strong new smell anyway so hopefully that'll fade a bit. Lordy, when it's done I'll be waking up wondering where the bloomin' heck I am....and that's not happened for a looooong time. ;o)

I wouldn't mind waking up on that beach jno, it's beautiful..... <sigh>
ooooh memory foam, its just Biddy heaven! It sorted my neck ache that has plagued me since childhood in a week...honestly worth every penny. Ours came with stretch towelling covers so can't advise on a mattress protector ....oh hang on though these folk aren't cheap but they are good /0

all sorts of different ones, all sizes...I think they do (or did hah ha) rubber too if your taste extends that way
Yes the smell wears off quite quickly
Thank you lolo I didn't realise that Mr lolo was ill, hope everything works out ok for you all.

Lovely day here.
sorry Mr LL is not well, Lottie - you are certainly in the wars at the moment.
Sorry LL I skimmed the thread and missed your post. I will pray for Mr LL and for you....unless you'd rather I didn't, I don't want to offend x

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