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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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Err - weren't not! sorry
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neti are you shelibrating my day by any chanshe? lolling by the pool I daresay, tut.
Hello I must be going, I'm just dropping by for the cake. <Where is it? Did the yokel get to it first?> I had planned to get you a new PVC suit for your birthday Robi and I did get you one but then I tried it on and you know how it is, I liked it so much, and anyway the seams burst and� �back away, lady, i'm keeping it! Giving you my faux possum fur coat instead, it's in the machine as we speak. Oh and have I got a song for you: Wishing you a really Happy Birthday Robinia! Good innit? (Oh good - she likes it, she'll soon forget about the PVC then�)

♩ ♫ hello i must be going
i cannot stay, i came to say
i must be going
i'm glad i came but just the same
i must be going ♪ ♪

Stay wicked always, dear possumistas, and Robi enjoy your� *looks at watch*�erm� afternoon and evening/

Kit, you'll never guess what I just got from Ikea: Delicatoboll. I don't know if that's a Swedish word or just a trade name, but they're little cakelets made of biscuit and choc and coconut - and they're exactly what my mother used to make and totally adorable, but I've never seen them anywhere else in the whole world.

I never even knew Mum was Swedish, or that she arrived in a flatpack.
Question Author
cakelets? I'll take those thank you...

hi sweedie!! how great, almost a full house, my wish is for you all to stick around, there's room for all.
haha, love the video, good thing we don't go through that ritual everytime we light the candles, the tablecloth would be on fire before he'd finished .....& there's nowt worse than the smell of burning plastic. Has Tarquin tipped you off about the pvc suit? I was only saying to him yesterday that I wear mine on Fridays...he stuck his fingers in his ears....hahaha
looks like Vinny's back....oooh, fabulous, where's the ring pull....?

eat up then oboll_1197035364_36057051.jpg

I took the candle out so you wouldn't choke
hey jno that's a snowball isn't it, yum!

Yes our Robi I am going out for dinner tonight to shelebrate your birthday, well if not wisely!!

Yes, please will all the prodigals stay?

Mr N has been found golfing where he was meant to be, bl**dy Skyscanner said the flight was "Status unknown" 2 days after it should have landed, anyway he phoned this morning, so all's well (until he comes home and there's no money left, I wonder if this is a test for me!)

So happy day all round (apart from woofy's tea towel)
Question Author
well skip the starter & have two puddings neti...that's doing it my way...
When does the knees up start ?
I've been stood here clutching my bottle of gin for ages and these false eyelashes are killing me .
Hope you had a great day..
yo (:O)
shaney they go on your eyes not your underarms :-0
PS the tea towel was an old one
Question Author
aye up mi ducks....I've got Saturday Night & Sunday Morning on dvd....better get the phrase book, I'm a bit out of touch .....oooh, oo worree wi?

haha, very good Vinny, your very own pop up stickwoman...whadyamean, I'm better when I'm in the box?

A party? I turn into a pumpkin at 10 o'clock you know...well here's your first game...whooz neez are theez??

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btw Vinny have you by any chance got a link for the funny animated video to The Time of The Season on youtube please? I seem to have deleted it from my favourites.
Back early, twas dangerous out on the streets with the Chelsea - Barca footy going on. I had deep fried Camembert with gooseberry jam, then a lovely pancake with pine nuts, cheese and spinach in a cheese sauce, then hot raspberries and ice cream, a bottle of wine shared between 2 and then a coffee on the promenade, bloated, loved it , was a lovely dinner for Robi's birthday. Off to watch telly. nite nite all xxx
ah, just a Weight watchers meal was it then, neti?

Right, Robinia, turn up the music... 077/Happy%20New%20Year/th_granny.gif
I like that one jno am saving it for an avatar for somewhere.

I hope we are full quota today!
Question Author
....fifty f........fffff five...........sorry, just practising....ffff ffff....nah, 25 it is....

morning windies....ewww neti, low and fat aren't part of Spanish vocabulary then? Even I couldn't eat that.
better pop this on the should guarantee another visit from Vinny

cant find that one any more robinia.They took the original of to...but I found it yo (:O)
kips found a new home yo
A little boy goes to is father and asks him:"Daddy,how was I born?"
The Father answers:"well son,I guess one day you will need to find out anyway."Your mum and I fisrt got together in a chatroom."Then I set up a date via e.mail with her and we met in a cyber cafe."We sneaked into a secluded room,where your mother agreed to accept a download from my hardrive."As soon as I was ready to upload,we discovered that neither of us had used the firewall."Since it was to late to hit the delete button,nine months later a little pop-up appeared that said "YOU HAVE MALE!!!! (:o)

ha ha Vinny

Well here I am dressed in white shorts, white t-shirt and blue suede half-way up my legs boots - and why do I hear you ask?

Have got all my little toys out, ie Polti steamer and George, decided not to wash carpets as can never get all George's `paraphenalia in the right place at the right time so he just trundles after me once i had steamed and he hoovers up the debris, i know i should hoover first but it works better this way. So much cat hairs it's revolting and the carpet has shades of green, I though it was a grey furry one!! Done all tjhje beds and windows and mossie netting oh weeds in garden cos it kills them aswell. am shattered and now have put cleaning brushes in dishwasher as they are so coated in hair twould be impossible to clean any other way. If any biddies have any suggs for cleaning brushes i would appreciate it.

Oh the boots - cos there may be lizards or cockroaches and i am terified of them running over my toes. There's a chewed up top half of a bloody lizard (bloody being descriptive) under the bedroom window but at least it's dead (don't laugh I have seen top halves crawling away! - awful). so will not broom it away:

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