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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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Oh no .....that's really made me laugh .Bless her or him !
♫ Roll up for the medical mystery tour it's waiting to take you away ♫.....
I swore no tubs,baskets and odds and sods this year but I get carried away in Wilkinsons ....
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I can't wait until Doctor B visits her and she's sitting there frantically clicking & rewinding telling them in no uncertain terms that it's not what Doctor A or nurses A, B, & C told her last week....
hahaha...I'm glad I'm not with her lot, I sense a war about to break out....either that or I'll look out one day to see a dictaphone flying past my window...

ah, it's almost sunny today so I've almost done some gardening too.

Let's list today's achievements

Went to Sainsbury's...tick
You're nearly as bad as me Jno
My achievements for today were
Went to Morrisons
Put away some clean laundry
Still sat here wondering what to have for dinner ....
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I can't say I've been exactly dynamic either....I'm on springwatch watching a pair of great tits feeding their family of podgy, demanding kids who are bigger than they are ..... :o)

....and I took this pic
I was so mesmerised by the sun on the dewdrop I didn't notice the spider.
Lovely Robinia
Here's a couple from
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oh I love foxgloves, it doesn't matter where they pop up, they never seem to look out of place. I grew some of the posh apricot ones from seed once....they turned out to be shades of mucky white and faded interlock pants so now I just stick to the freebies. :o)
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morning curlies...c'mon, wakey wakey, we're on the home stretch in here & it's time to Vim the sinks & squirt the Flit about. I've been awake since 20 to 6 thanks to some crazy dream, I know there was a message in it, it wasn't keep ya cakehole shut.
Have the Biddy Raving Bonkers party got in? When I told someone I'd decided to go postal this year they told me it might not be quite the right phrase to use....tut, I can't keep up with all this new lingo...
bleugh puts on sou'wester and pops slippers into microwave - what happened to summer? I'm sure it was lurking around somewhere yesterday. Was that it?
Hello all - can I just ask if any of you have suffered depression, I have never in my life but today I feel so down so awful and can't tell anyone. There is absolutely no reason for this, I am due to go on a girls night out with dinner, my daughter is behaving, house is painted but I just want to cry, so I am now. I'm wondering if it's these back pills I've been taking for 2 weeks, but can't find the info paper on it. Just ignore me, I just had to tell someone, will feel better in a mo I hope. I just can't understand what is happening to me, I have never ever felt this low. am taking to my bed for a while and hope this passes as I'm sure it will.

Thank you all, don't worry I'll be back later, denying this was ever me! x
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Here I is....Oh neti, don't despair...(yes I do get the old black cloud sometimes) Maybe the tablets are affecting you, what are they called? Most drugs are listed on line now & you'll be able to see the side effects. netdoctor is a pretty good site. Hope it passes soon but if not go & see your doc, don't let it fester.....or you could do what I, better not....I feel pretty grim myself today oddly enough, but it's more physical than emotional. I think it's 'cos, as jno says, we're about to say ttfn to the summer.

in neti's case that would just mean the temperature's dipped back into double figures... as Robinia says, neti, you should be able to Google the pills (it might help if you know the English name, though). They can have all sorts of side-effects - apparently aspirins can cause headaches. At any rate, if it happens again, I'd go back to the doctor.
Oh dear neti have you got the old black dog lass?
I know how you feel .Don't panic .Have they sorted out that thyroid problem of yours yet ? I used to feel really down before they got me level .I get days when I feel really fed up .It's our age dear and modern life :)
Every time I read the news I feel like throwing a brick through the screen .Some of these medicaments do have awful side effects and I would see the doctor about it if you continue to feel like this .Hope you soon feel better ,chin up old girl KBO .xxxx
Hi < Neti I know what depression is. It's like a big black cloud over you and you don't want to get up in the morning. That's the time you feel worse and you just want to cry. But it does pass eventually. I do know that antibiotics can make you feel low. You're not on them are you?

I hope all of you with aches and pains and ailments feel better soon. I put most things I get now down to age and hope they will go away eventually.

Had quite a good day today watching the tennis. Federer got through to the final of the French open and that pleased me. Been for a walk for an hour with my sister when it was fine but it is now raining just after I watered my plants.

Watching a bit of telly then I might just have an early night.

See yer later 'gater(s) !!
Thanks everyone, I myself have no time for manic depressives, so will pull myself together. At the moment I'm still lugging the black dog around (love that expression), didn't go out on girls night, luckily Mr N has been to a golf do so i didn't have to explain anything to him. Am taking (or was until yesterday) tetrazepam for back pain but took myself off of it, so maybe it's a withdrawal sympton, and I'll feel better tomoorow, am seeing the doc on Tuesday , defo would if the temperature dropped. Thanks again for sympathy but don't overdo it, or I could get used to this and I don't like it one bit.

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it's going to struggle to get UP into double figures here tomorrow :o(

evening all...I think we'll have t-shirts shaney with KBOn on the front & KBOff on the back :o)
I'm saving myself for Wimbledon Jude...and some English strawbs.

<dons slightly off white coat...neti were you on them for long? They're sedatives similar to diazepam it seems & it's not a good idea to stop them suddenly, it can make you feel horribly a nutshell I was addicted to them (diaz/valium) & stopped cold turkey. The withdrawals - sweating, shaking - were pretty grim but short lived, it was the crashing depression that was the biggest problem.....sorry I haven't got the energy to give you a good shaking, but I might have tomorrow!
Is that what you'd rather have? :o)

Morning all - has taken me hours to sign-in!! Thanks for all your support yesterday, I have no time for this nonsense, how am I today, I think the black dog has gone, or at least he's shrunk to a puppy. Just had a coffee with my fat, gay male friend and he's cheered me up no end, I mean nothing can be as bad as he is!!

Local laws have forbidden bar-b-q's on the island during the summer !! where's the sense. except st a fire precaution so I suppose I can understand it. Not that Mr N and I are into bar-b-q's so won't miss it much!
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Bing bong've got mail!

....woa, hang aboot...NO BBQ'S?!!....forget the mail, I'm on my way in person....

Been chatting to my sister, she's been giving 'em what for this week, haha...if we come back as cats this will be us

no I haven't got any mail, I'm telling you!! Please (said in wheadling tones) do not evict me from las Biddys as I will cheer up, I promise.
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it must be on a it there yet?

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