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Face packs

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shaneystar2 | 16:28 Thu 22nd Apr 2010 | Beauty
989 Answers
Right ladies
The sun is out the sky is blue and it may very well hot up a bit a bit soon which means less slap. .This winter has taken it's toll on my skin and in spite of exfoliating ,cleansing and whatnot it looks dingy to me .
I don't expect miracles at my age but just need something to brighten my skin a bit and make it look a bit fresher .Do any of you use face packs on a regular basis and if so what can you recommend .


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hello all. Sorry to hear you have been feeling rough Robi but its good news about the boobs and the custard. Been doing more sorting today but less painful. My Sis is a real rock. I hate loath and detest cleaning ovens.
ooh snap woofy, I keep the top of my cooker spotless...but the oven....Mind you I don't use it that often any more, I can't remember the last time I did a roast.
I can see Robi's Poppy.

Robi, sorry you have a bad couple of days. Funnily enough I have had a really good couple of days, despite lack of sleep. Perhaps I just ought to stay awake all the time. Nice to have you back - missed you.

I keep the top of my oven spotless too, but the inside is a different matter!!

It feels as if winter has begun!!
Alas and alack, my jellybean's back.

I can't see Robi's poppy just her bridge. I've tried on 3 computers and all the same.

Curry was very nice, and I am scrubbed and house is spotless (apart from half the kitchen and defo the oven, that is never cleaned!) and am catching up on the soaps.

If anyone can see me as a different aviator let me know.
it has dropped about 5 degrees since yesterday, hasn't it? Still tolerable but an extra layer when I venture outside. Not that I do - I have been in all day waiting for a credit card to arrive, ID in hand. Turned out to be the same German guy on a bike who delivers all my credit cards, so he didn't need the ID anyway, and didn't know why I had to book a delivery for today when he usually just turns up anytime. So anyway, I haven't exactly braved the great outdoors today.

neti, yes, I could see your fairy with wand for a couple of hours, then it suddenly vanished again. (You can tell the exact time from my post on that other thread.) Are you sipping the sangria again or what?
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Well we've had bolts ..Picky bolted in bolted round the table and bolted out again .Can't stop . And I'd lovingly stirred that goulash all day .......Tut

Still no avatar Neti ? Very strange ..mine worked straight away.
Are you sure you've clicked on the link that Gravatar send you in an email to activate it so that they can add the new email to your Gravatar account so that you can change the email in your AB profile ?
Yes shaney I have clicked on links and F5 and have cleared my cache, my kitchen, and the dining room, I have cleared myself and am now defragging the computer, nothing nothing nothing works on any of the 3 computers here, it must be my server or summat. Can't see Robi's poppy.

Am going to turn off the whole kit and caboodle until tomorrow, and am gonna rest and relax, it is stressing me out, I hate being left out!!!!

nite nite all x
Ibbety bibbety boo! You are back Neti!
ooh, saligadoola, menchikaboola
one of my favourite silly songs
Bailey's alert... Tescos are selling a litre for about £9.80. I'm running out of places to store my collection.
So's Sainsburys Jno. I'm going for some more tomorrow. I think there's a price war on and if Sainsburys is a few bob dearer then they give you a voucherfor the difference between wherever you can get it cheaper Yaaayy!
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Have a word with Neti Jno she's good at bunging things in cupboards :)

I can't see Neti's avatar and it now looks as if back buttons are buggered ..mine is . It gets more like a magical mystery tour by the day on AB .
I may go to bed Goodnight chums .Sleep well
I can see Neti's jolly mumsy fairy now!!!!
Off to bed to see if I can actually sleep tonight - I seem to be on a high and can't relax.

Night night all x
I got some at Sainsbury's last week, Jude, but when I was there yesterday the offer had ended. Though they may offer to match Tesco's price, as you say.

Yes, several threads complaining about back buttons. Can you right click on the arrow and move down the history list to the page you want? If not, Firefox works fine, it's only Internet Explorer that's buggerising about.
Marks have got gingerbread flavoured cream liqueur which I quite fancy, bought a bottle but havent tried it yet.
Good morning on phone i am still jelly.
I cannot see my avatar am still a jellybean, but will leave it if you can see me.

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