For any of you interested - got an ultra sound done as there was thickening tissue and doctors were worried but thank God - everything is great. Some ladies there were very nervous about their recall and were getting different things done - ie needle, and biopsy. I could understand their fear very much.
thought you alll hatedme or hedggies -but keeep in touch - misi bobbisox = have cried toniht as I thouht no body no bodies love me over the hedgies. Am sorrryif IAVE HURT ANYOF YOURS ALL - BUT i A AMFRAID OF ANIMALS.
aNNAESQUAITH -------YOU SEEM TO UNDERSTOND ME -i have cried to niht of what was said to me today., Please udersrane am a godd person
that's really odd -you thought people wanted you to have cancer just because they don't understand about your dog barking? You naana! so pleased at the results!
Conne please don't be upset with what was said, everyone was really trying to help you and of course people all have their different views which sometimes is difficult to take when it doesn't fit in with your own. I hope you will feel better tomorrow and have a good night's sleep.