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Eye Laser Treatment

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queenofmean | 20:20 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
This morning I noticed what looked like a small black dot in front of my eye and for most of the day what looks like lines. It hasn't been constant just on and off for most of the day. I was told that this was normal but I'm not sure. It isn't sore or painful just annoying - should I be worried or get in contact with my dr/optician/ eye hospital
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if it's normal - no. Who told you it was normal?
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the chap who did the laser treatment as before it was just flashing lights
I know little of eye surgery but it doesn't sound the sort of thing I'd expect. Surely it wouldn't hurt to get it checked out, if just for peace of mind. I think, in your shoes, I'd pop into the eye hospital as self reference. You only get the one pair of eyes, may as well look out for them.
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Well in the last few hours whatever it has been has stayed so I will be phoning them first thing as I will be in town tomorrow so can take myself along if need be, but I am trying to remain calm but its soo frustrating to be honest but you are totally right OG you do only get ne set and I do want to keep what I have and have a bright future with my peepers
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I am not an eye expert, but providing that you are free from pain, that foreign body like symptom is no big deal.

I would give it 48 hours before seeking Ophthalmic attention.
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Thanks Sqad, this morning when I woke up I was in a bit of discomfort, but the eye hospital have decided it best to see me as I'm beginning to get really frustrated as whatever it is,is driving me round the b*ggering twist. Its like an eyelash that won't go away and there is more dots today.

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