I had a laproscopic one, in and out in a day. Woke up in a lot of pain but was back out with morphine pretty quick :) I was glad I had mum to stay with me for a bit afterwards as it wasn't really painful, more sore and getting rid of the air can be very uncomfortable but not as bad as the attacks and getting acute cholescystitis which was horrible. I was a bit too optimistic about recovery though, was longer than I thought it would be.
I had four small wounds, no staples at all. The biggest one broke open and got infected (but I seem to be prone to skin infections) so just needed some antibiotics and they had me in to a wound clinic to have it checked and dressed for a bit.
I couldn't wait to have the operation done, had an awful time with it before, especially after the acute bit, mine was going septic and had split open when they took it out, I went yellow too and even ended up in hospital again a few days before the op. So if it's a problem, I'd advise getting it sorted before any worse problems set in. I had to restrict how much I ate and fat content drastically beforehand.
One of the ladies on my ward said she would rather go through childbirth again than the pain of her attacks.