I have arthritis and use the headboard to turn over in bed. Earlier this year I thought I had pulled a muscle in my left arm by doing this but now I'm not so sure as the pain has got worse and is now in my shoulder and down my arm to my wrist. I can't raise my arm or put it behind my back as it's too painful and I can't lie on my left side. I'm not sue if it's to do with my arthritis, whether it's a trapped nerve or if it is a pulled muscle. I have a Doctor's appointment booked for next Monday, but does anyone have any suggestions as to what it could be?
It could be any of those conditions that you mention, but if it is of many months standing, main pain is in your shoulder and that you have difficulty in raising your arm above your head, then it sounds like an advanced stage of "Frozen Shoulder." Typically the pain is worse at night but it is unusual that the pain of FS to go down to the wrist.
I still put my money on Frozen Shoulder but your DR will give you his on the spot analysis on Monday.
Wife had same symptoms it was a frozen shoulder couldn't move her arm hardly.
Got hospital appointment had her arm manipulated whilst under anaesthetic never looked back no pain whatsoever. .good luck
Depends Kathryn........your GP may decide to give you a steroid injection into the shoulder joint capsule......that would be a starter, but there are other treatments as suggested by Bernie in his post above.
may I warn you that it is a resistant condition to treat and may require many months of "management" before it eventually goes.