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Does your partner

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Purple_Popple | 20:10 Sat 10th Sep 2011 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
drink, as in alcohol, and do any of you have a partner that is tee-total ? What do you do at parties - do you feel guilty if you have a few alcoholic drinks in front of your partner ? What is the non-drinking partner's reaction to you if you get totally sozzled ?


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OH has a drink, I rarely do. I don't mind him having a few now and again, I enjoy myself just as much if I don't drink.
my ex was virtually TT - no issue and I rarely got sozzled/ guilt to drinking
PS agree with DT, there's no guilt involved on either side - why should there be?
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No there shouldnt be any guilt involved but there is .....
Reputedly the Indian Brahmos II, they admit to Mach 3 but it is said to have been Lab tested to just over Mach 5
sorry wrong thread
paddywak has been drinking, his wife/partner/gf/flooozy (delete as appropriate) is waiting outside.
im TT and I wouldnt have a problem if anyone around me wants to get sozzled
Well mr mac has just started on Warfarin and has been told he shouldn't really drink on it - I'm having a glass of wine and feeling guilty right now :(
I don't drink that much at all ad even when I do don't drink much , there's a history of alcoholism in my family so I try and stay away from it as much as possible. The OH doesn't drink much either but I wouldn't mind if he did get pished :) xx
I found it's very amusing watching people get sozzled while I remain sober. I'm not pontificating as I used to be one of them.
I don't know why people find it entertaining to get pished - it can be very tedious watching them.
N/A for me, but my auntie is TT and she makes her husband feel awful if he even has one drink.
She's not always been TT, so I think it's highly unfair. She had a really bad reaction to red wine a few years back (ended up in A&E!) and hasn't touched a drop since. Now, she has a go at my uncle whenever he even mentions going to the pub for a pint!
Both Mr Tiggs and myself are TT, although I have got a couple of bottles of wine which were bought for me as presents after birth of Little Tiggs. They're still un-opened but I'm going to have them at Xmas. Hope they have aged well.
I'm not answering
Other half is has a very low tolerence to alcohol so doesn't drink very much. I like wine but tend not to drink during the week and get a bottle of wine on Friday for the weekend. I don't like being 'sozzled' so rarely get that way. I'm a bit of a lightweight these days myself which I'm happy with. .
i don't drink and i always drive home!
My oh has one or two brandies each night. I have occassionally 2 or 3 glasses of wine on a friday night and he glowers at me and makes me feel bad.
I had a drink problem for years, got it under control by initially not drinking at all, and my ex was great but still drank the odd glass responsibly in front of me. I now drink socially and in moderation, so no I didn't care that she drank when I didn't, and got drink into the perspective it should be in.
I have been tee-total all my life, and various girlfriends have drunk to varying levels.

Not drinking is ny choice - as drinking was theirs, so as long as they didn;t get lairy, everything was fine, and i had no bad experiences with any of them.

As an absolute rule, i would never indulge in any activity with any woman if i was not sure she would do the same if she was sober - that's just taking advantage - but no, i never had any problem with any of my partners haviung a drink, and it was never a problem for them, the oppoiste in fact as they would always be looked after and get home safely.

The present Mrs Hughes may have a half of shandy if we are out, but by no means every time, and people rarely drink at our place, although it is always offered - offspring have usually driven over with children, so will not drink at all.

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