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Getting Old

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hopalong | 22:07 Fri 22nd Apr 2005 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
What in your opinion are the first signs you are getting old?  Mines is that you start watching the news and  read the obituary page.


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Im not sure if this goes along with ur question..but when i was younger and first started to drive i was always mad at my mother..because she wud always freak out on me and say that i was going to hit something, or i was doing something wrong..but now that im older, and im thinking about probably going to do the same thing when i have children...and things my parents would do to me..well i swore i wud never do them to my children..but thinking back it all made sense and i probably will do to my children what my parents did to me!
ALSO, when im crouching down i have trouble getting up...and i get pains in my back..and well you know...wrinkles..etc! lol
grey / white hair was not a sign for me as I started to grey in my teens.
Facial hair that I don't want - HELP I'm growing a beard - is the worst sign for me.
When your Granchildren ask "Nanny you know in the war, did you...........? I then have to reply that I was born in 1947, so I wouldn't have known!
Telling my niece that Mcfly are named after the character in the film Back to the Future, that was out when I was her age. Then joking that it was made in black and white with no talking - and being believed!
When you stop watching Top of The Pops and MTV.
so am i fina (57 in june).
...and also the need to wear Tena !!

When I was younger I used to look in the paper for people I knew who getting engaged, then it was people I knew were having babies, now it's to see what ages the people who are that are dying & thinking, oh my god, they're not that much older than me!

Funny thing is it's all going round in circles & I now again know some of the people that are getting engaged/having babies as I know their parents!!!

When I,m out shopping and a young mother say,s to her child ( let the lady pass or mind the lady!!! )  When my mum was the age I am now ( 49 ) and thought that was old. Buying small healed shoes for comfort, and think back to the day,s when I used to wear platform shoes, and wonder how on earth did I manage to walk in them without doing myself a serious injury. Not watching Top of the Pops anymore because its just a load of unreckonisable noise. Not plucking my eyebrows anymore, because I,m blind as a bat without my glasses This is the clincher, I was asked by one of the young girls at work ( a 16yr old ) did I have a mobile phone when I was at school!!!!!!!!...........            
Apart from the obvious such as,fading eyesight,hearing & memory. You may listen to radio 2 occassionally,even radio 4. You don`t like 99% of the music charts. Music is played too loud these days.

...blast! I forgot what I came in here to say now...grr...

oh yes, when I was telling some of the girls at work about when videos players,  and microwaves first came out, and they just look at you really strangley ... also when you see a young girl wearing a "belt" as a skirt and a crop top , and you think to yourself " jeez she's gonna catch her death wearing that"...god! I' even depressing myself here and I'm only 36...

Its when you hear that your contemporaries children have been elected Head Prefects of their Primary schools!!

Around the time of turning thirty, I started to enjoy walking around garden centres, listening to Radio 4 and enjoying a nice, peaceful cup of tea in the garden, whilst tending my plants!! I feel as though I'm at an inbetweenie age (37) and as much as I still enjoy all of the above, I still like to have the odd 'blow-out', going out and getting a bit ratted at pubs with loud music, although, I can't seem to handle the booze like I used to!!

Oh, and I felt painfully old recently, on hearing that an old school friend became a grandmother a few years ago. Aaaaargh!!

Checking the obituaries for folk younger than you.

Looking at Page 3 then realising your own kids are older.

Beginning to sound like your parents.

This afternoon I settled down to watch the box for an hour or so before my teatime cooking duties. I didn't fancy the snooker so found myself trying to change channels with the cordless phone that just happened to be on the coffee table and cursing cos it wouldn't work. (well,it's black same as the remote!)

These are some of the first signs I'm getting old. I'll be 50 soon.....time to go for that Saga holiday? No maybe not yet. Just hanging on in there somewhere.

Haha...Some funny posts on this thread (scarey too as I found myself agreeing with most of them, and I'm only 36!)

But these are my tip offs:
Taking an hour to program the video
Buying clothes at M&S
and...breaking wind when you run for the bus!!

When you watch the news and not the simpsons!!1

When asked to go and see a gig, and the first thing you reply is:

"Is there parking there!"


"sorry cant go it's on a school night"

Great thread this and really enjoying the replies, boy do i feel old


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